Yes, that does seem to be the case - the closer you get to the wedding the more I hear they actually respond. I have to say though having my wedding be less than 3 months out and going 3+ weeks with no response is a bit nerve racking. I'd like to at least know that the new management company hasn't completely changed my package options, or they aren't going to tell me "oh, it's 2 weeks notice, all the DJ's are booked" or something like that. My future mother in law has also been trying for weeks and can't get her room confirmed which is another source of frustration. I'm trying to be patient - but it's getting harder and harder. It would be helpful if they'd just send me an email saying "it's still a bit earlier than normal for us to be working out the details or your wedding. If you want to send a list that we can look over to make sure nothing will be a problem go ahead and do that and, unless something will be an issue, we'll start working hard on your details XX days out." Fingers crossed everything works out. I really really loved this resort so I'd hate for something about the wedding to leave a bad taste in my mouth.