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Everything posted by worstbride

  1. I had never even thought of this... Do we really need to tip the people we are alreay being gauged for? There are certain servces that we HAVE to use and its alot more money then I would pay if I could get my own Vendor.
  2. Ill be honest this i . The only time i would even consider buying these shoes. I am going to have a sandal option as well so no worries on getting ruined.
  3. Here is my take on this situation... I was in my best friends wedding and had to drive three hours away... I also paid for her entire bacheorette party weekend for around $1000, bridesmaid dress for a few hundred and then the cost of staying in her home town in a hotel for a weekend. All in all after gift etc... I think I probably spent about 2500 dollars. ** I work retail so lets not be thinking I am all full of money lol***She has now told me she won't be able to come to my wedding due to financial reasons. I told her more than a year ago that we would be going way and if that would be okay with her because I needed to make sure she would be there. She said absolutely and she would start saving. Push comes to shove she emails me a week ago telling me she won't be able to make it. In the last five years they have traveled to spain, mexico, italy, cuba and dominican. So it's not like they don't appreciate their vacations. That being said... as disappointing it is to know she won't be there, i am GLAD I spent the money that I did and was there for her. Even if I knew in advance that she wouldn't be coming to mine I wouldn't have dropped out of her wedding or changed anything I did. Try and see it from their perspective as well, hell yes be upset that theywon't be there, but I am sure they won't be excited to have to tell you that they won't be there for you. I hope your girl doesn't drop out of your wedding because you can't go to hers. If she is a good friend she should be understanding. If not. Screw em. Everyone needs to be a little more understanding of things that pop up, or personal feelings.
  4. That definitly is pretty annoying. However I don't know if it is just having a DW one of my really close friends got married at home and her sister the MOH planned her bachelorette party a day before the party. Invited all her boyfriends friends and her boyfriend... and then forgot to pick up the bride and I which was the original plan. She aso cancelled on every single dress fitting. It was a total mess I felt so bad for her. I did everything I could but so many things kept getting messed up. I think some people are just inconsiderate about other peoples life experiences sometimes. My brother is three years older than me, and he has been engaged twice before but never actually gotten married. He decided to propose to his girlfriend of a year and a half (they broke up and got back together once in the last six months). He is 30 and she is 22. I feel like he has done it for attention and has now taken away some of the specialness of it for me. I wasn't even engaged for two months before he decided now would be the time to upstageme. I have been being a pretty big baby about it to be honest.
  5. Yeah he would... Not that everyone needs to ow this but he likes to be the one taking the pics of me, lol I still don't love posing though I'm more of a behind e scenes kind of person
  6. I like it. I am thinking about doing a boudoir session, but I'm a sissy
  7. I'm rining in around 13 grand not including honey moon but including our trip to mexico
  8. I am looking for these or something very similar for my wedding. Yes I know they are Louboutins and will more than likely cost me more than my house lol
  9. You can do anything you can put your mind too. Heres some more motovation for you
  10. Ugh thats so disappointing. I feel like all they have given me is false info and i havent been able to get anything they said to get me to book here.
  11. Another piece of advice? Track youtself using myfitnesspa . It helps you hold yourself accoumtable and also creates a community to help as well. Losing the weight for you and your health is most important, the wedding and dress is just a motivator.
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