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Everything posted by leenawhite

  1. Happy to hear Euphoria Events worked out so well for you! We were looking into them. Did you use them for wedding coordination or for flowers and rentals? Many of the reviews I have seen have been great but were only for flowers.
  2. I think if you just talked to them one on one and explained how you feel they wouldn't be offended. Especially since your not replacing them , your just a very having one MOH , BM and family members. You could always still have them be included in getting ready with you the day of and any wedding activities if they want to come visit you? Currently, I am in the bridal party for my best friend who lives in a different state.But I haven't been to much help ( planning wise) which I feel really bad for. I will be flying to california where she lives (2-3 times) and then I had to purchase all the attire so its been a huge financial commitment. I am definitely honored, excited and never have complained once about the money or that I will be taking multiple trips. But I honestly wouldn't have been hurt if she decided to not have a bridal party or have me be apart of it since I live a different state. I think that may be the same for your god sisters and best friend?
  3. Awesome that you guys go to visit so many places even though I'm sure it was exhausting! We also plan to do a jam packed site visit in the next couple of months as we both are adamant on seeing the venue in person before booking anything. Did the fee include the menu tastings or was that a separate charge from the fee? Thanks!
  4. Hi Amita , I have never been to Playa during those months. But I have looked up websites to find out weather during those months as we are thinking of having our wedding either in April or May in Playa. Here are some websites I found : http://www.tripadvisor.com/Travel-g150812-s208/Playa-Del-Carmen:Mexico:Weather.And.When.To.Go.html http://www.luckiephotography.com/best-season-month-weather-in-riviera-maya-playa-del-carmen-cancun-tulum-isla-mujeresfor-weddings/ http://www.playamayanews.com/area_info/beaches_and_weather.html While we all hate to hear it , weather is always unpredictable. I have read that each year has been a little different. One May had no rain while another year there were a few heavy showers. It seems though as you go into June , you are heading into the start of hurricane season. We have found out that May is considered low season ( well at the villas we were looking at) and prices were much lower than other months! So, that's at good thing about that time of the year!
  5. Hi Amita , I have never been to Playa during those months. But I have looked up websites to find out weather during those months as we are thinking of having our wedding either in April or May in Playa. Here are some websites I found : http://www.tripadvisor.com/Travel-g150812-s208/Playa-Del-Carmen:Mexico:Weather.And.When.To.Go.html http://www.luckiephotography.com/best-season-month-weather-in-riviera-maya-playa-del-carmen-cancun-tulum-isla-mujeresfor-weddings/ http://www.playamayanews.com/area_info/beaches_and_weather.html While we all hate to hear it , weather is always unpredictable. I have read that each year has been a little different. One May had no rain while another year there were a few heavy showers. It seems though as you go into June , you are heading into the start of hurricane season. We have found out that May is considered low season ( well at the villas we were looking at) and prices were much lower than other months! So, that's at good thing about that time of the year!
  6. Hi Amita , I have never been to Playa during those months. But I have looked up websites to find out weather during those months as we are thinking of having our wedding either in April or May in Playa. Here are some websites I found : http://www.tripadvisor.com/Travel-g150812-s208/Playa-Del-Carmen:Mexico:Weather.And.When.To.Go.html http://www.luckiephotography.com/best-season-month-weather-in-riviera-maya-playa-del-carmen-cancun-tulum-isla-mujeresfor-weddings/ http://www.playamayanews.com/area_info/beaches_and_weather.html While we all hate to hear it , weather is always unpredictable. I have read that each year has been a little different. One May had no rain while another year there were a few heavy showers. It seems though as you go into June , you are heading into the start of hurricane season. We have found out that May is considered low season ( well at the villas we were looking at) and prices were much lower than other months! So, that's at good thing about that time of the year!
  7. Hi Ladies, I guess this question will be more for the ladies that are married. Congats by the way! If you are pretty close to your wedding date such as a few weeks you could chime in and just use booked guests instead of attended. My fiancee and I started on our guest list. We are breaking it down between between the more definite people who will attend and the maybe's. Scrolling through the forum , it's quite apparent one of the biggest frustrations of a destination wedding is the guest list! Honestly, our maybe list appears to be longer than our definite list. I've seen some of the threads where a large amount were invited but only a small number actually came or suddenly your guest list shot up due to guest's inviting others. Also, many of the posts about low RSVP's were during the planning process and not after the wedding and which a few updated that some of the guest's did get their butt in gear about booking at the last minute. I was curious to see how much of a difference it was when it came to the number of invites ( invites that you were expecting to come not just a courtesy invite) versus the number that actually attended. How many guests did you invite and how many attended? How many last minute guests did you have attend? Let's say, guest's that booked a month before the wedding. How many guest added a plus one? We already know we are going to have a few of these. But we've decided were okay with a few plus ones.
  8. Thanks Cherina! I did forget the theme would influence our choices in venues! I'll have to add that in! For us , we chose creating a guest list as one of top priorities as some places do have a maximum capacity or require a certain number of guests for the reception. For example , we were looking at Xcaret and they require at least 70 to 100 guests for the reception depending on the time of the year . So, we have to figure out our guest list as there is no way were going to pay for extra dinners that would no one be eating!
  9. Awesome idea! I just got engaged so while we have a while to go , we appear to be going in this order for the first steps of planning: 1) Create a guest list as this could sway what venue. 2) Figure out a budget! I started browsing around for locations , decorations , food.. which has been fun! But realized we needed a budget so I don't start counting or hoping for things way out of my budget. 3) Pick a wedding date. 4) Pick location and wedding coordinator( if getting one) .
  10. Thank you soooo much! Lucky you on having your wedding there. It looks so beautiful!
  11. Hi Jessi, Any chance you would forward me the pdf package. I have been trying to get information directly from the resort but I'm having no luck:( my email is [email protected] Thank you so much and congrats!
  12. Hi everyone, My name is aleena and I recently got engaged! While we haven't concreted a date and where , my fiancee and I are loving the idea of a destination wedding! We are thinking maybe costa rica or mexico. This forum looks like it will be a great way to start on planning and getting some great ideas!
  13. Congratulations! I lived in the Philippines during my teenage years and they have the most beautiful beaches ever! So, I'm sure without a doubt you will have a gorgeous wedding.
  14. Hi everyone, My name is aleena and I recently got engaged! While we haven't concreted a date and where , my fiancee and I are loving the idea of a destination wedding! We are thinking maybe costa rica or mexico. This forum looks like it will be a great way to start on planning and getting some great ideas!
  15. Hi everyone, My name is aleena and I recently got engaged! While we haven't concreted a date and where , my fiancee and I are loving the idea of a destination wedding! We are thinking maybe costa rica or mexico. This forum looks like it will be a great way to start on planning and getting some great ideas!
  16. Hi everyone, My name is aleena and I recently got engaged! While we haven't concreted a date and where , my fiancee and I are loving the idea of a destination wedding! We are thinking maybe costa rica or mexico. This forum looks like it will be a great way to start on planning and getting some great ideas!
  17. Hi everyone, My name is aleena and I recently got engaged! While we haven't concreted a date and where , my fiancee and I are loving the idea of a destination wedding! We are thinking maybe costa rica or mexico. This forum looks like it will be a great way to start on planning and getting some great ideas!
  18. Hi everyone, My name is aleena and I recently got engaged! While we haven't concreted a date and where , my fiancee and I are loving the idea of a destination wedding! We are thinking maybe costa rica or mexico. This forum looks like it will be a great way to start on planning and getting some great ideas!
  19. Hi everyone, My name is aleena and I recently got engaged! While we haven't concreted a date and where , my fiancee and I are loving the idea of a destination wedding! We are thinking maybe costa rica or mexico. This forum looks like it will be a great way to start on planning and getting some great ideas!
  20. Hi everyone, My name is aleena and I recently got engaged! While we haven't concreted a date and where , my fiancee and I are loving the idea of a destination wedding! We are thinking maybe costa rica or mexico. This forum looks like it will be a great way to start on planning and getting some great ideas!
  21. Hi everyone, My name is aleena and I recently got engaged! While we haven't concreted a date and where , my fiancee and I are loving the idea of a destination wedding! We are thinking maybe costa rica or mexico. This forum looks like it will be a great way to start on planning and getting some great ideas!
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