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Everything posted by csho

  1. Dia you are definitely not crazy! As much as we brides love the idea of destination weddings, other people just do not love them as much! I definitely went into this thinking as long as my parents and my fiancés parents and our sisters can be there then we will be happy. Anyone else is just icing on the cake! Honestly you are going to be soo consumed with your wedding day and all the people THAT did make it to celebrate with you that you won't even notice the people who aren't there (or so this is what people have said but I can only imagine to be true). That's not to say they aren't important but I think you'll just be overwhelmed with love and support from those that are there
  2. Hey! I booked about a year in advance of our wedding. I think we booked it in May 2013 for May 2014. I originally asked my TA for quotes and she said since its so early they may be a little higher then normal but the quotes were sooo good that we decided to book right away with them! I am sooo happy we did because our rates never did go down, they went up pretty significantly. Depending who you plan to travel with (we went with Sunwing) some tour operators will offer a one time price adjustment. So that basically means if you book and then the price goes down and they are able to rebook the entire group you can get the reduced price. Our TA checked on a weekly basis and the prices just kept going up. So we were really pleased with our decision. I'd check around and see what other people paid from the same departure gate at the same time of year to get an idea of what its realistically going to cost and then request quotes from your TA. If they seem within your range and you are happy I'd book. I had wanted to keep the prices below $1200 incl tax for our guests and ours was just under so we thought for the resort we picked we wouldn't get a better deal. I also did book the wedding before actual travel because I knew the dates we wanted to travel and knew the dates and times can book up quickly at the resort. If you have an idea of your travel dates and the date you'd like definitely book it earlier so you get your top choices!
  3. @@CourtneyTX I glued safety pins to the back of the starfish and will just pin them on! YOu could also tie them on with twine or raffia as well!
  4. @@jackshayne0123 I love hearing that your bridesmaids walked down to Kiss the Girl! My sister is officiating our ceremony as we're just doing a symbolic one and she kept saying she was going to sing this song. BUt I love that you actually used it!
  5. Beautiful dress and I love that wrist corsage!
  6. @@talicea7812 This all looks beautiful! I really like the white with the table runner! I think it will look beautiful! Especially with the centerpieces!
  7. @@mckievme Thank you so much! I also cannot wait! Only a few weeks now!
  8. @@talicea7812 I don't blame you about the bachelorette party the night before... two days before is going to be rough I think lol! I am just going to not drink too much or too late into the night! An so frustrating! I will be so excited to hear about how it all turns out in the end, which I am sure will all be great! I know it can just be sooo frustrating during the planning process!
  9. I will definitely find out! I think either way, whether you wait or find out at an ultra sound its still going to be exciting and a surprise! I am way too much a planner to go 9 months without knowing!
  10. @@tyrebride2b2013 I am definitely ready for some relaxing too! I have pretty much everything ready to go, just a few things here and there... I honestly am not sure how I am going to make it through march! Once April hits I'll probably be going crazy with excitement! Not that I am not already lol!
  11. Hey Dia! I always love reading your blogs! You definitely need to not worry about anyone else but yourself and your groom! I'd clear the date with your family who must be there, but other then that you are not going to please everyone, its impossible. I'd say pick a time that works for you, your fiancé (obviously) and your parents and from there whoever else can make it, can make it. Even your bridal party I'd hold off on asking or determining until closer to the time. Things may come up and some of your bridal party members may or may not be able to make it. It seems to be a common trend with destination weddings. I chose only my sister and sister in law to be to avoid these issues as I knew they would be there no matter what. I have some close friends who I thought would be at my wedding and aren't going to make it.
  12. Wow so nice! My wedding shower is coming up on the 16th and I am getting so excited! We're doing my bachelorette party in Cuba two days before the wedding... should be interesting lol!
  13. Its a beach body workout by Shaun T! Its amazing! Just google it
  14. Ours is going to be uneven too! Our friend was originally going to officiate for us; however, they were ones who decided not to come in the end. So my sister is actually going to be my MOH and our officiant as well (we're only doing a symbolic ceremony) and at first I thought it was going to look really weird, but I have looked at some photos and its very common and its not even noticeable in the photos!!
  15. We don't really have a special reason for our date. We knew we wanted May because its the beginning of the cheaper season, but still not too hot. And I picked the 5th because it worked well with the timing of our travel dates and well its also Cinco de Mayo and who wouldn't want to get married on Cinco de Mayo lol! Also pretty easy to remember. 05.05!
  16. Oh that's so kind of you! I wish I hadn't have already purchased mine! I love your design! I am sure a bride will happily take you up on your offer
  17. Hey congratulations! We didn't send out save the dates. We only sent out invitations about a year in advance (mostly to save money) and we had already received our quotes and had to put money down within 90 days. So it made more sense to just send the invites right away. Personally I wouldn't send announcements because I feel like people would think they are getting invited to the wedding and/or they may decide they want to come and ask you about the plans etc and then you'd have to tell them they aren't invited. It could get a bit awkward. But that's just my personal opinion. We sent our invitations to pretty much everyone we wanted to invite to a regular wedding and then who ever was able to make it, was able to make it. We invited about 120 people and have 38 people coming with us. If you only have specific people you want to invite those are the only people I'd send invitations to.
  18. That's crazy! I know my parents flight to Cuba was recently delayed because of bad weather in Georgia... flights come and go from other places where there are weather issues or sometimes there are mechanical issues. I don't believe there are no flight delays and/or cancellations! Unfortunately you aren't the only person who has been in this predicament. Not that that's very helpful, but I guess it just means that you really find out who your true friends are. I avoided this by not asking any friends to be in my bridal party and only had my sister and sister in law, as I didn't want anyone to feel pressured to come I know you said you waited to make sure, but friends can be flakier then family. I had a few friends who I though above anyone else would be there and they aren't coming, I was a bit disappointed in the beginning but have come to terms with it. Its just not viable for them and I get that. But for her to say that she was coming and then cause all these problems... its like shes just trying to be difficult. Do you have anyone else in your bridal party? Both my sister and sister in law have daughters just under 2 years old, so even though one of my best friends isn't actually in my bridal party, she's helped me with a lot of my projects and decisions and shes going to get ready with me and everything because I know my bridal party will be busy with their daughters and I may not be able to count on them 100% that day since kids are unpredictable. And that's ok with me. I think you are making the best decision for your own sanity!
  19. Ohh this is a tough situation. What if she was able to find a friend to come with her to room with? Would that be possible? And if she's not staying at the resort she'd have to pay a day fee wouldn't she to be there? And she would be spending all that money on the flight anyway to get there? It just seems a bit ridiculous to me. Its hard to say what I'd do, but I think I would just let her if she can't make it, I'd understand. Seems like a lot of hassle and money to literally stay for the day. And what if there are any delays with her flights and she doesn't even make it in time for the wedding? Its not uncommon for flight delays. Is she aware of all these things? Theres a lot of stress with planning a wedding as is. I'd almost say never mind to her because you don't want to be stressing on your wedding day wondering if she'll make it or not.
  20. It all looks awesome! Those dresses are so pretty!
  21. I am so happy for you! Your hard work, research, and persistence has paid off! That's awesome! I think they really do want you to have the wedding of yours dreams and don't want to be unhappy because that will reflect badly upon them and others who might have thought to go to that hotel for their wedding!
  22. Seems like things are coming together for you!
  23. Definitely use one! Why wouldn't you? They don't charge for their services or if they do its very little and they will be able to take care of all your bookings, negotiations, and get you the best rates! I'd highly recommend it, especially if you are having so many guests. There is no way I'd want to be worrying about my guests travel arrangements and getting all their questions and concerns.
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