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Everything posted by csho

  1. Oh I would love to do this! I will definitely be submitting once I return from my wedding!!!!
  2. Wedding Shower This past weekend my amazing friends and family threw me a wedding shower. It was so much fun and I have never felt so much love in my life! There were a few important friends and family members who weren't able to make it because they live out of province/country. One of my more technologically advanced friends put together a video slideshow with video messages from my sister and a few really good friends. It was probably my favourite part of the day! Anyhow here are a few photos from the shower. Too cute! Amazing spread of desserts! My beautiful cake! My friend who hosted the shower owns a Desserterie and Bar, so all of the food and desserts and cocktails were amazing! Toilet Paper Brides Homemade wine My mom and best girl friends from grade school-high school My mom and MIL
  3. Is Tuesday a superstitious day to get married? I mean if you are getting married down south I don't think it really matters the day that you get married. My wedding is on a Monday.
  4. Great idea! Those look really nice!
  5. I actually found her on here and through a facebook group and she just happened to live in the same city as me. But I had planned on using her before I even found out because she had had such good reviews! Good luck finding someone!
  6. @@talicea7812 unfortunately I am not. I really really wanted to do one. However, we are having a catholic ceremony once we return a week later and I need my dress to be in good shape for it. I know everyone said that it won't get ruined but my fiancé was pretty adamant that he wants it to look just as good here as it did there and so if I couldn't guarantee 100% that it won't get ruined then he didn't feel comfortable doing it. As he has had very little requests throughout the whole process I guess I should give him this one. I am toying with doing one here afterwards in the summer sometime. But since I am getting married in May, I also may try to sell my dress right away (while its still in style). So we'll see what happens!
  7. @@LauraM I used a local travel agent however, I only communicated via email/phone with her, so it really wouldn't have made a difference if I used a local one or one from out of town. Do you live in Canada? If so I can recommend an amazing agent!
  8. Have you received the dress yet and tried it on?
  9. @@talicea7812 I had wanted a bit sexier of a bach party outfit, but I couldn't find what I was looking for and this dress is so cute and fun and soo comfy! So it will do! Plus it couldn't fit the theme any better! I also got a gold anchor necklace and earrings!
  10. My parents were up this weekend and we put together mock ups of our centerpieces. The photos aren't the greatest, but I am really really happy with how it all turned out. Head Table Set Up Guest book / Escort Card Table Guest Tables (The # won't be crooked! We just taped it to a stick to see how it would look!) I am also having my bachelorette party while I am in Cuba. My sister is planning a nautical themed party and we're hoping to go on a catamaran for the day. I was at Old Navy and found this nautical inspired dress and flip flops! Dress from Old Navy Flip flops from Old Navy Since we'll be on a catamaran (hopefully) I used a pair of older bikini bottoms and ironed on a Bride decal. I think she also plans on getting sailor hats to complete the look! I can't wait! This weekend is my Bridal Shower. So hopefully I have some photos to post from that after the weekend!
  11. Oh they are very nice! I like them! Sorry to hear shes being difficult. Unfortunately sometimes that's just how it goes. I hope that she ends up surprising you and helps put something towards the wedding or gets you guys a great gift.
  12. I agree completely with you!! I am seriously hoping for no rain too! Ours is a covered terrace and they said it would be good even if its lightly raining; however, if its pouring we'll probably have to do it somewhere else. But I definitely agree with you its best to think of and know all your options because unfortunately we just cannot control weather and mother nature will do what it wants!
  13. @@acw271011 Eating late isn't so horrible. I personally try not to eat after 7pm but that's mostly because I have eaten all of my calories for the day and I like to be hungry in the morning for breakfast. However, the biggest issue with eating later at night is that people have typically already eaten their calorie allotment for the day and so are over eating. If you just make sure you are keeping within your caloric ranges it shouldn't matter if you eat them at 6pm or 8pm!
  14. I love that idea!!! I think its wonderful! And I think potted flowers could look great beachside if they are in the right pot. And I think it would be lovely of you to donate them! I once had a boyfriend buy me a potted flower for my birthday instead of a bouquet because he said it would last a lot longer. Although we broke years and years ago, I am pretty sure my mom still has the plant at her house (this was WAY back in high school lol!).
  15. @@acw271011 I know it can be tough with arthritis to exercise. Like you said its damned if you do and damned if you don't! My educational background is in Exercise and Fitness and now I work in orthopaedic bracing so I see a ton of people everyday with arthritis and its awful! Really nutrition is the major way you'll lose weight so if you can watch what you eat and track it, that will really help get weight off and then once you have some weight off it will be easier on your joints to start doing some exercise. Starting out by walking a bit would be good. And if you have arthritis in the knees try to avoid walking on an incline as that just aggravates it more. Muscular strength definitely is helpful in stabilizing our joints (where the arthritis will "rub") so any strengthening you can do is a good idea. But you do have to be careful and sometimes modify exercises to what you are able to do. If you have any specific questions regarding exercise, fitness, or anything else just let me know! I'll do my best to answer your questions!
  16. Oh that's a great idea! haha I am in the same position as you! I can be a bit high strung and not quite as flexible as my fiancé... he is ridiculously laid back. Its one of the things I love most about him, but also annoys me the most at times too! I have definitely loosened up a bit because of him though as well!
  17. Hey Dia! I looked into the Melia Las Dunas and it looked amazing! I have only heard positive reviews from this resort! It looks absolutely gorgeous for weddings and they have a really good private (free) dinner option if you have 16 people or more! I have been to the Playa Pesquero in Holguin which is set up identically to this resort and honestly the size of the resort was never an issue... through the centre of the resort are all the main things and nothing was really THAT far away. We loved the set up of the PLaya Pesquero and like I said this resort is pretty much identical so I think it would be a really good option! I would have chosen this resort if it weren't so far away from Havana that's pretty much the only reason I didn't choose it. It was at the top of my list. Also from my understanding the price point for this resort is usually really good! Although I have no idea the price point compared to Melia Cayo Santa Maria.
  18. Oh I love your dress! Its absolutely beautiful!!! And your daughters dress is so cute and will look awesome when you have the changes made to it!
  19. I am getting married on May 5th as well!!!! Only in Cuba!
  20. Hey Emma! Congratulations to you and getting healthy and fit!!! I am a certified exercise physiologist in Canada. I don't practice any personal training anymore, however, I can hopefully answer some of your questions. First off, don't eat all no fat or low fat foods! Fat is important for our bodies and the stuff they put in no fat/low fat products is worse for you then eating good fats. They add products that our bodies can't process and isn't sure what to do with it and so the body just ends up storing it as fat! With that said eating good/healthy fats are important (just not eating too much of it is key). Things like salmon and avocado and olive oil and nuts are filled with good fats that will fill you up and energize you. I am not a nutritionist, nor do I want to sound like one but just make sure to eat healthy, whole, clean foods, and you should be good! Secondly, I would HIGHLY recommend a website called www.sparkpeople.com . Its an amazing website where you can input your information (height, weight, etc) and put in your goal and it will tell you how many calories, protein, fat, fiber, etc that you should be eating everyday and then you can track all of your food in the tracker. Then it will also tell you how many calroies you should be burning on a weekly basis in accordance with your food intake. Making sure you are getting the right amount of calories, fat, and protein are very important if you want to lose weight. Nutrition is 80% of the job. Exercise is 20%, Don't get me wrong I think exercise is very important in an overall healthy lifestyle but its A LOT easier to refrain from eating 250 calories (one chocolate bar) then burning 250 calories (1 hour walking, 30 min running). They have A TON of exercise videos that you can use at home if that's the most convenient for you! They always have 30 day jumpstart bootcamps which you can follow that start out with only 10 minute workouts. I would recommend investing in some hand weights, start out with low weights and as you get fitter you can purchase heavier ones. As for personal training; there are some trainer who will do in-home training or you may have to join a gym. You'd just have to check around your area where you live. Either option is going to be pricier then Sparkpeople (which is free!); however, I would recommend a trainer if you want someone to be accountable to. There are many different types of packages, some people will go once a week and do the remaining workouts on their own and just use them to check in, other will see trainers 3 x a week. Its really up to you how often you want to see them. A trainer should never shame you or make you feel embarrassed. They will probably push you to do things you've never done before but you should never feel ashamed or embarrassed. Is it going to hurt.... well if you've never exercised before and you start weight training... your muscles will probably be sore, but you will eventually become less sore. Hopefully this helps you a bit!
  21. Wow looks nice! I like the rosette table runner! Those always look nice! And especially with your peacock theme it will give the table some nice texture!
  22. @@EllDee Such a sweet story. I always asked people how they knew when they got married how did they know and everyone of them said you will just know. And I never understood, I dated lots of people, but I never had that feeling of this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with until my fiancé and I got together. And that's when I realized you really do just know when its the right person.
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