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Everything posted by csho

  1. I felt the same way. Everyone was like you have tons of time to decide but I didn't really want tons of time... I am such a planner so it was stressful to always be thinking about which resort to choose and then you'd have to wait for a date. So I am glad we finally made a decision! Now I am much less anxious and just super excited! Soooo glad to hear Jolene that you have a date!!! I knew they'd find a spot for you, and you definitely won't have to worry about tan lines... thats my worry since we're doing it in the middle of the week... but I'll just have to find a strapless bathing suit I guess! Also then you'll have time afterwards to enjoy your trip as a married couple!
  2. I don't blame you! I would totally be feeling the same way as you! I know not having things in place makes me sooo anxious and nervous! But They will definitely make something work for you! I know they will!
  3. Ohhh I love them!!! Are those the original ones you were looking at? They look so pretty and comfortable!
  4. Kay and Jolene, I can't remember - but did you guys ever decide on bridesmaid dresses yet?
  5. Yeah she is amazing! I had emailed her before we were even engaged and was asking her questions and she was so helpful, so I already knew we were going to use her once we got engaged! I am so glad I found her on here! She also lives where I live so thats even nicer to use someone local... although I still probably would have usd her even if she didn't! I've just heard so many horror stories from other brides about their agents so its nice to have so many brides recommend her! Plus I really didn't want to deal with booking our guests ourselves!
  6. Yeah I used Kelly Neonakis-Morash and when we originally spoke, she said its still early, but we should get the quotes so we have an idea of pricing and then we could just re-quote later, but when we got that price she was like if that's where you want to go you should definitely book! I love travelling down south so I tend to keep an eye on prices and that was definitely a lot lower I thought it would be. So really we couldn't pass it up! We're just waiting til the end of the month to put our deposit down so that it gives our guests a bit of extra time to get their deposits down!
  7. I had my wedding date and time confirmed today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May 5th , 2014 at 2pm! I am soooo excited! I was feeling so anxious all day and as soon as I heard that news it just disappeared!
  8. Oh no! That sucks! What were your original dates? We are scheduled to leave mAy 1st , 2014 I hope the dates don't change too much for us! I am sure they will work it out though that you will be able to have a wedding on another day! Let us know how it goes!
  9. Yes I am so relieved... everyone was like you have tons of time to decide... but they don't really understand how it works and I tend to obsess over things if I know a decision needs to made at some point. So I am just super excited to have the decision made and now we can just focus on the details of that resort! Woohoo!
  10. Hey Kay, I just was reading a post you made in another Laguna Azul thread about all of these things! So no need to repeat it! But so glad to hear it was amazing! I am SUPER excited now that I have made a decision!
  11. Soooooo my Fiance and I have officially decided we are going to book the Iberostar Laguna Azul!!! We got a super quote for May 1, 2014. It is $1168 taxes in from Halifax! I don't think we can really beat that price! I am so excited to have finally made a decision!!! I think we are going to request May 5, 2014 for our wedding day at 2 pm on the spa terrace!!! So excited! Kay you loved the resort while you were there didn;t you? How would you compare it to the other resorts you've been to? Also I think I am going to book Alex for our photos. Kay you used him for your engagement photos didn't you?
  12. Kay... at the Laguna Azul did you notice if they had coral coloured sashes and tulle?
  13. Thanks! You are right I do have lots of time! And I know my friend she put on like 5 gowns and found hers so I was kind of expecting it to be like that. But shes not such the "girly" type and not quite as picky as me so I think it was a bit easier for her. Whereas I am super picky lol and trying to take so many things into account! But at least now I have a better idea of what I want so next time will probably be better!
  14. So I went dress shopping yesterday... It was fun, but a little discouraging... I tried on some very lovely dresses but nothing that got me really excited. I didn't realize it would be soo hard to find a dress I love! There was one that made my mom teary eyed and I liked it but I didn't think oh this is it. I wonder if I'll have that moment? I did for my prom dress and for the house I bought and with my fiance so I thought I definitely would, but I haven't yet. There are some more places I am going to go and see if I can find anything.
  15. Oh one more question.... how early did you guys buy your dress? My wedding isn't til next May but I am going dress shopping this weekend. It feels like its so early to buy it, but I am just so excited I can't wait to go!
  16. Oh yeah and Happy Early Birthday!!!! I hope it does come in early for you!
  17. Jolene your dress is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!! I love it! Thats kind of the style I am going for... well hopefully hahha we'll see what that style of dress ends up looking like on me. I love the bottom of it, it reminds me of waves!
  18. Yeah hopefully if you have it in "writting" they will give it to you for that price. And wow that sounds awesome though having the reception at one of the bars afterwards! Sounds fun! I requested quotes for the three resorts I am looking at so I am just waiting to hear back! I can't wait to make a final decision! I agree that having something planned after the dinner is the best way to go otherwise I feel people will just wander and I mean 11 is a good end time because, like you said, you can go to the disco or you might even just want to go to bed!
  19. Oh and by the way my name is actually Carina, so you guys can call me that if you'd like rather then my screen name!
  20. WHAT!!!! I cannot believe that you got that dress for 300$ thats insane!!!!!!! Such a beautiful dress! I am kind of looking for a style similar to that with the dropped waist and then a little pouff at the bottom! But then I sometimes lean towards a chiffon-y flowy beachy dress... so I guess it will be good to go try some on and get an idea of what looks the best on me! I've been having nightmares that the lady didn't bring me anything I liked and was so sad after the appointment... I think it was because I had found a few online that I liked and none of the shops I am going to carry the samples of those ones... I think I need to just stop looking online and see what they have in the shop and go from there! Anyway I will update after the weekend and let you know if I have found anything!
  21. Ok the prices must have gone up, because it now costs 800 CUC for the symbolic ceremony and 1200 CUC for the legal ceremony. What type of an after dinner reception are you having? And do you know if there is like a "gala" set up where they use the white chair covers etc? I know at the Laguna Azul they charge 15 CUC pp for this. It doesn't have any of this information in the package she sent me. $1100 thats awesome... We're leaving from Halifax so it will probably be a little more then that for us.
  22. Oh good to know!!! I will definitely do that because I know a few I called didn't have them they do have the second one you are going to try on... so let me know how that looks compared to the first one because thats the one I absolutely love! If you could take photos that would be amazing!
  23. I love love love the first dress! I am going dress shopping this weekend for the first time and I am so excited! I hope they have this dress!
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