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Everything posted by csho

  1. Oh my goodness... my FI has no idea what I was doing but he knew I was doing something that I wasn't able to tell him about... it was sooo sketchy lol! But I secretly packed all my things and stored them in our guest bedroom and packed them into my car while he was out of the house... luckily he plays a lot of sports after work! I had booked the session with a friend of mine so I told him I was hanging out with her... but he still knows I was up to something but he literally has no idea! I have decided to give him the book for his birthday its coming up in August... because I just can't wait until the wedding lol! He'll love it anyway!
  2. Wow thats amazing!!! Good luck finding a dress! I can't wait to see what you pick out!
  3. Lydia - which photobook company did you use? And have you received it yet?
  4. Sooo nice Lydia! I love it! I can't wait to get my photos back! My boudoir photo shoot went really well! It was sooo much fun! I got my makeup done at Sephora beforehand and I wore fake eyelashes which made my eyes really stand out! I looked fantastic! I was soooo pleased with how it all turned out and I saw quick glances of most of my photos and there were definitely some really great ones! I cannot wait to get some of them back! She said she'd have a few teasers for us this week! So when I get them back if any are appropriate I will post one!
  5. Hahah Jolene I laughed when you said some ladies are so organized... like seriously my wedding is in a year and I pretty much have everything planned... I usually procrastinate but I am soooo excited I couldn't wait to get started and get things organized! But now I have all the big stuff done, so now we have to find rings, and decide on decorations and write our ceremony, but I am trying to wait a little before we do all that stuff. My FI and I are headed to Europe in two weeks and we are getting our engagement photos done while we are there! I am soooooooo excited to get them done and share them! Also going on Saturday for my boudoir photoshoot ! So excited for that as well! I borrowed a veil from a friend that I am going to wear for the shoot and also for the wedding! Other then that that's all that's new with me.... I'll post and let you know how my shoot goes this weekend!
  6. So pretty! I had thought about doing the sand ceremony... I really like the idea of it, but I don't rreally want to bring all the sand etc... so I think we are just going to do the hand ceremony instead~ But this looks awesome!
  7. Hahhaa yeah seriously and until you forget those little things and have to scrammble last minute lol! Just make sure to write them all down!!
  8. hahhaa thats how I feel... we're pretty much having two weddings because I want mine on the "beach" in Cuba and he wants a catholic one, so this way neither of us will regret it and can both be happy and I can wear my dress twice woohoo!
  9. Wow! $5,000 for an AHR! I would definitely try to talk him out of that! I never understood why people would go downsouth and then have a big reception at home? I just personally feel like I might as well have just had my wedding here then! But anyhow I was talking to my friend who is also engaged and getting married. She is totally laid back and would have loved to just have her very close family and friends like 10 people and go to California to get married or something, but her FI really wanted a bigger wedding at home, and how she put it to me was, he wanted that big wedding more then she would rather have a small wedding and she wouldn't regret having a bigger wedding whereas he would regret not having it, so for the sake of keeping everyone happy she is having the bigger wedding. I guess you need to look at it that way. $5000 seems a lot but in the long run of your life its not THAT much and if it will make him happy and not have to look back and regret something then maybe its worth the money? I think maybe once he really realizes how much work and money its going to cost, maybe he'll think otherwise lol! I am not legally getting married in Cuba, because we are having the Wedding Mass in the catholic church we are just going to do it here. It will be easier that way.
  10. Wow! I love your dress! Its gorgeous! Thats crazy they didn't give you a garment bag! Thats just something that should come with it... I only paid $1000 and bought the sample gown and they still gave me a bag! I'd just go buy one from somewhere else for cheaper, cause you will want one for the plane! I can't believe you are almost completely finished planning! Thats very exciting and now you can enjoy the summer and just get ready come the fall!
  11. Jolene did you take a photo of your dress? How did the fitting? Also I received my bridesmaid dresses today! So excited they look great! Can't wait for my bridesmaid to try them on and get them fitted properly!
  12. You definitely need to go with whatever you want! This is your day and you are the one who will be looking back at your photos and remembering how you felt on your wedding day, so you need to go with whatever it is that you want!!! I think short dresses look fantastic on the beach!
  13. For us, other then the fact that I always wanted to get married on the beach, one of the other reasons we wanted to go down south was to keep our costs down. MY FI is catholic so we are also doing a ceremony here. We had originally planned on doing just a BBQ at our house but then realized that probably about 80-100 people would actually come to that one, as my FI's family all lives around where we live, and many of them won't be coming to Cuba as many of them have children or are too old to travel etc. So anyhow, we realized that would be too many people to fit in our house, so we decided just to do refreshments after the mass service. This will keep the costs way down for us as well. We thought about doing the whole reception thing but really for us it defeated the whole purpose of going down south. So we are just making it clear if people want to come for the party they need to come to Cuba lol, otherwise they are going to just be happy to see the ceremony and have a few snacks afterwards.
  14. Haha I don't know why but this really made me laugh! And Jolene I am also super excited to see a photo! I hope you remembered to take one! I know it can be easy to forget when you get wrapped all up in it!
  15. Awesome I am going to have to go check ours out this weekend and see what they have! I hate spending a lot of money on something that doesn't get worn for very long hahha! So thats perfect!
  16. I haven't been married yet, but I have purchased my dress... I originally had an idea of the type of dress I wanted, but found most of that style to be heavy and hot on my legs (the ones I tried on anyway) so then I started veering towards more of the "destination" type dresses, lighter and flowy, but I just didn't love any of them. And then I tried on the one I ended up buying, and it was the same style I had originally thought I'd get, but it was lighter then most of the other types I had tried on and didn't "stick" to my legs like the other ones... I know I am going to be hot in my dress but I love it so much and its so figure flattering on me and makes me feel so beautiful! So I feel like I found a compromise (although I don't feel like I compromised at all) but found the best one for me thats lighter weight yet still exactly what I was looking for! If that makes any sense? I tried on a lot of dresses and the first few times out was really just kind of find what I thought would work. It was hard work finding "the dress" but it will happen and you will know! Have fun shopping!
  17. Ohhh very exciting! I can't wait to start getting rsvps! haha although mines a bit further away so I am not sure if I'll get them so early? How many people are you expecting?
  18. I was reading a thread on the boudoir photos and someone mentioned they gave it to their husband to be the morning of before they separated for the day... so I think thats what I'll do, cause I don't want him opening it in front of other guys and think it will be more special that way. Another one had mentioned giving it the night before they left for their trip which I thought was great, but I might have a photo with my dress, so I don't know, which I guess in that case I shouldn't give it to him til the end of the night! Unless I put that photo on the very last page and tell him he has to wait to see that one until after~
  19. Thanks! And yeah I don't know how I am not going to tell him and I'll have like 11 months before I can give them to him lol! My friend who initiated it, ended up telling her husband but luckily I know he won;t tell my FI. But if she couldn't wait like a month I don't know how I'll wait the whole year lol! Ah well I really want it to be a surprise so I think somehow I'll manage lol!
  20. Thanks Jolene! I am soo excited to get t hem sent out! I just need to put them in their envelopes! That will probably happen Friday night while I watch Bride Night on TLC hahaha! I am such a dork!
  21. Ohh and here are my invitations... what do you guys think? There are three boarding passes, the first one is basic information, second the invite to our wedding in Cuba, and the third one is the invite to the At Home Ceremony. Inside of the coral pocket fold there is information about travel to Cuba, how to book and info about the resort. The grey/sand thing is the envelope! And most people are getting an RSVP that asks to rsvp online, but for the ones we know don't use the internet a lot or don't have computers at all we made up an RSVP that looks very similar but has the options to RSVP to both events and can be sent back to us!
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