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Everything posted by csho

  1. Well I was thinking if you were going, if you don't mind picking some up for me! They are soo expensive here! I found some at Michaels but were like 21$ for 4 or something ridiculous! Anyway let me know when you're going and we can work out the logistics!
  2. Oh thats awesome! We thought about doing the puzzle guest book since my FI loves puzzles. But since we decided to do the engagement photo thing I think I am going to make a photo book/guest book them for everyone to sign I love love love the LOVE sign so I think I am going to attempt to make ones like it! Hope you don't mind me borrowing your idea! As for the frame - that sounds so nice. You could put it up at the front table during the ceremony where you will sign your papers (if you're having a legal ceremony there). That would be a nice place for it.
  3. Omg I am so jealous! I only get two weeks vacation a year! Its brutal! But I guess its less then a year away! It will definitely be nice to have that extra week! If I had so much vacation time I totally would go for 2 weeks too! But with only two weeks, I'd rather go to Vegas in the fall to give me another "break" until I get more vacation haha!
  4. Kay are you planning on going to the Christmas Tree Shoppe anytime before your wedding?
  5. Wow Alley these are amazing!! I love them! You are super crafty! Can you tell me how you made the frame and LOVE? I absolutely love those and am thinking of making something similar for my guest book table.
  6. ohhhhh I love these! What are you using the frame and LOVE letters for? I also kind of wanted to have shabby chic , rustic... I am so all over the place all the time! I just can't seem to get my ideas together! Did you just wrap the letters and frame in twine?
  7. So I just bought the bouts for my groom and groomsmen and our dads! I am super excited to receive them! https://www.etsy.com/transaction/139500218?ref=fb2_tnx_image I love these so much! And am hoping to be able to get calla lily bouquets at the resort for myself and the girls!
  8. Oh awesome! My FI isn't huge on beaches so I think asking him to stay for 2 weeks is too much. He'd get bored. So we are just going for the week.. I would have liked to do 10 days, to have a few days at the end alone, but unfortunately its not really an option from Halifax. So We're just going to do the one week and then I think go to Vegas in the fall! I have never been and have always wanted to go! Kay if you go to Europe I'd highly recommend Dubrovnik, Croatia- we just came back from there and it was amazing! We had so much fun! It was hot, there are beaches (although they are rocky), the old town has so many restaurants and there are fun day trips you can do! We spent 6 days there and I wish we could have stayed longer. And prices are pretty good there compared to many other European destinations! I have travelled quite extensively in Europe and as of right now its definitely a favourite of mine
  9. Thanks I am going to check that out! And yes I am back from Europe! Had an amazing time!!! So sad to be home... but am excited to have my wedding planning to focus on! Are you guys doing a honeymoon separate from your wedding week? Or are you guys staying two weeks?
  10. You are totally right Jolene... the venue is going to be so beautiful on its own you are right. I hvae rethought it and re-looked at photos of table set-ups and it really doesn't look like there is even mcuh space once to put anything once you have people seated on both sides of the table. Soooo I am definitely working on simplifying what I envision. I bought the really cute small candles in dark and light coral at the dollarstore they are pretty awesome! So thats my first decoration purchase lol and I am debating between coral petals or those diamond things (I think they'd work better as the petals might fly away in the wind) but I can't seem to find them in the colour I'd like... oh well I'll keep on checking!
  11. Oh this is soooo cute! I love it! And perfect for a destination wedding!
  12. It makes the dress look more complete. The dress is beautiful!
  13. Yeah thats the only problem with it... my mom was like umm not going to happen... so I am using it as inspiration and am going to try to make something similar but perhaps a little simpler. I am just so all over the place with this decorations thing! I wish I could just hire a wedding planner for this part! Oh well I am sure I'll figure something out that will work and look beautiful!
  14. This is what I am thinking I'd like to do... just not sure how I'll get it all down there lol!
  15. Wow! I wish I had of thought to do something like this! I didn't even think it would be very affordable. Looked amazing!!
  16. That sounds nice! I think I have some idea of what I'd like to do now! Probably some smaller vases with flowers inside with ribbon wraped around it in coral and then some votive candles with a starfish attached with raffia. And then of course some more shells etc scattered over the table. Hopefully it will turn out how I envision it! HOw was your trip to NYC?
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