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Everything posted by csho

  1. You could always do one as an anniversary gift for him down the road! Maybe a one year anniversary gift? And then he'd be surprised!
  2. Oh yeah and Kay good luck today as well! And can't wait to hear how it went!
  3. Ask for a discount if you are buying it off the rack. I purchased mine off the rack and worked it down from $1150 plus taxes (which would have been close to $1400) to $1000 taxes included - at first they said they'd give it to me $1150 taxes included and then I said I'd think about it - called them back and asked if I paid cash could they give me a better deal and she said the lowest she could go was $1000 taxes included and of course I took it! Mine was brand new from this year and I think I am the one who tried it on the most... but most bridal salons will lower the price on off the rack dresses. I had a friend of mine haggle hers down from like 2000$ to like $1200 (that was in a salon in Montreal) so they might have had more wiggle room, but I wouldn't be shy to ask for a discount and if you can afford it offer to pay cash because visa transactions are costly for businesses. I am super excited to finally see the dress you pick! And good luck with the rest of your dress appointments. Once I found the one I didn't want to try more on, but I did to make absolute sure, but in the end I kept comparing it to "the dress" and never felt the same in any other one. And worse comes to worst getting married in your bathing suit wouldn't be the worst thing lol!
  4. So Alley how did it go???? I can't wait to hear! I hope one of them was the one for you!
  5. Ohhhh I second getting at least your makeup done! I had mine done at Sephora before I did my photos and it made me feel awesome!! I looked sooo good! I didn't have my hair done, but I never really like how my hair looks when a hair dresser does it. But that's just me! But I would invest in getting at least your makeup done forsure!
  6. I am super excited to hear how it goes! Let us know! And I am definitely praying to the dress gods for you today lol!
  7. Oh I like that idea! Didn't even think about it!
  8. Ohhh I am soooo excited for yoU!! It was so much fun! I wish I could do it again! Relax - that's my biggest tip I have for you! Also as for picture ideas... I went on pinterest and found photos that I liked and sent them to my photographer, she printed them out and had them there so we could mimic the shots I liked. What my friend and I found was that the ones we liked best on pinterest didn't always work out for us. Like my friend had really really wanted to do photos with a leather jacket and for her they just didn't turn out as great as she had hoped, but I did some with a leather jacket and they were amazing. And I had high hopes for a similar pose that she did and mine didn't turn out as great, but hers were amazing. So what I am getting at here is, go in with an idea of what you'd like but if the photographer is good she'll be able to figure out what poses and lighting will work best for you and no matter what you'll look fantastic! So go in with an open mind, be relaxed and have an awesome time!
  9. Mine is not Maggie, its Impression Bridal, but its a similar style in that it is fitted and has the wavy bottom. I absolutely love those wavy bottoms and think it would work so perfectly for a beach wedding! It has less bling the one you have on, but only because I knew I did not any bling under my arms! Too much chance for a rash loL! I personally love love love the second one on you. I think its absolutely gorgeous! But obviously you have to love it! I think sometimes we try on so many dresses and its easy to get confused! My first time out I was very confused by then end. I'd go back and try on the ones you liked again with a clear head and see if you get that feeling with any of them! Can't wait to hear what you decide on!
  10. Also I didn't want to try other dresses on once I knew, but I had another appointment so I went and tried them on but even though I tried on some gorgeous dresses afterwards, I still compared them to the one. I slept on it and woke up dreaming of myself walking down the aisle in that dress and then I knew forsure it was the one!
  11. I also cried once I realized it was the dress also! Only the second time I tried it on though!
  12. I bought my dress about 3 months ago and at that time the dress was just a touch tight, but the zipper would do up.... I tried my dress on last weekend and lets just say there was no way the zipper was going anywhere I went on vacation to Europe and may have over indulged a bit. Sooo I am trying to get back on track and get the lbs off that I put on and a few more so I don't have to have too many alterations done. I am using Sparkpeople to track my calories and I started having a green smoothie in the mornings. So far its been great at keeping me full til almost lunch time! I have also started doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. On day 7 today
  13. I agree with Sarahyu... you look amazing in all of them. The second one is my favourite, but that could be because my dress looks similar lol! I also love the third more fitted one. I think if you chose any of them you would look gorgeous! I tried on about 60 dress before I decided on 'the one'. I was getting really discouraged because there were ones that I liked and that looked good, but I couldn't picture myself wearing any of them down the aisle. Finally I tried one on and I didn't even have it all the way on and I just knew it was the one. I felt so beautiful, sexy, and very bridal and the biggest thing was I could envision myself walking down the aisle and getting married in that dress! It was also the only dress that I didn't want to take off... I would have been happy to walk out of the store with the dress on lol! Have you felt like that in any of them? If not I'd say keep looking and you'll find one that you absolutely love and want to keep on forever!
  14. I can't believe its only 3 months away!!!! That's insane! November still feels ages away! But I know its going to fly by! Sounds like you have everything pretty much set! I am super excited for you and was getting heart palpitations thinking about how close your wedding is hahaha!
  15. Thanks! I have decided to go a bit different of a way for the table set up, but I am definitely going to be recruiting my family and friends to help carry the décor!
  16. Unfortunately Amazon won't deliver to Canada. I had thought they would but once I went to check out it wouldn't ship to Canada And I can't find it on AMazon.ca. Anyway I'll have to look into some other options I guess, but thank you!!!
  17. I was going to say I know that other people have definitely had a beach party after the dinner before!!! We were thinking about that originally but ultimately decided to go with the disco as we really want to do a salsa dance for our first dance and I think it will be nice to have the dance floor rather then beach for those. Thats why I really want to have our dinner at the palapas so we can get the best of both worlds! I am also thinking along your line Alley about people not being that close in a regular reception anyway. I have been thinking back about other receptions I have been to in hotels and you sit all around ball rooms which I am sure are much farther away then the palapas. but I guess because we tend to have smaller groups of people it seems like you could have people closer together. Anyway I am going to keep my reservation for the palapas and decide once we get there. Anyway super excited that you are getting exactly what you want!!! And I didn't post it because it wasn't a great photo. Now I am home visiting for the weekend, so I will post it next week once I get back
  18. I guess I'll have to wait and see once I get there and decide. Thanks though!
  19. Kay I know you have been the ILA before. Do you think it would be too seperate to use 3 palapas? Is it true there are two closer together and the other two are farther away? I was looking at the photos you posted but I can't really tell... The two in the middle look pretty close adn then the 3rd and 4th farther away. I really want to have our dinner at the palapas but my mom thinks that it might be too secluded for each palapas? What do you think?
  20. Hello! I am looking to purchase the Bridalicious Boot camp DVD. They don't ship to Canada and thought maybe someone has it and wants to sell it because they're done with it. PM me if you are willing to sell! Thanks!
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