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Everything posted by csho

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Kay6356 Exciting news, I get my boudoir pictures tomorrow, here is my teaser.... Wow!!! That photo is amazing!!! I'm so excited for you to get them all!
  2. Ohhh now you have me thinking... I was also wondering how I would label the palapas... I thought maybe I'd just use cardstock and cut a letter out... but now I am thinking maybe I'll do Palapas A, Palapas B, Palapas C cut out of burlap and make it into a banner and hang it with twine. It can be tied onto the round wood supports where the stairs are going up to the palapas! I think that will look great! Or I may just use A, B, C... that way its not as much work... although that might be too boring... so I don't know hahaha!
  3. I'd say do a vest. That's what we're doing. FI is wearing a white shirt, tie, and vest (I also dislike the look of shirt and tie only), and then the boys are just wearing pants and white shirt. I am going to have them wear their shirts long sleeved during the ceremony and wear brown shoes for the ceremony. After that they can roll their sleeves up and put on flipflops if they'd like.
  4. Are any of you doing seating charts? Or are you just using place cards? I have decided to do table numbers and have a seating chart with peoples names so they know which table to sit at (I am also going to name or label the palapas A,B.C etc) but am wondering of an easy to transport way to display the seating chart. I think I have decided against escort cards because its just something extra to bring along. If you guys have any ideas it would be appreciated!
  5. Omg Jolene!! Your wedding is coming up sooo soon!!!!! I am so excited for you! I can't believe how the summer flew by! In one waay I can't wait for my wedding to come but in another I am trying to enjoy and savour the the time because I know it will all come too quickly aand be over in the blink of an eye! Are you pretty much done everything now?
  6. Hey guys! Our thread has been slow! Just wondering if anyone has done anything new? Kay have you received your boudoir photos back yet? If so how'd they turn out? I don't know if I told you guys, but I gave my photobook to my FI for his birthday and he loved it... much more then I thought he would - I had once asked him what he thought of the idea and he didn't seem too interested in it, but he actually loved it. And said he liked it so much better because he knew I made it just for him.
  7. I think it would look better if they all matched. I think it might look a bit off if the groom wore black and the rest beige. But I just really like things to look cohesive, so I could be biased. I am sure there is a tan suit that would look good on him... or else just get the groomsmen to wear black pants and white shirt and blue ties. Maybe you can find black linen pants? I know a lot of others have used Studiosuits... They might have them in black.
  8. Yeah and he got it Le Chateau... FI hates shopping... so he tried the linen one on and I wasn't very excited about it and then he tried this one on and he just looked soooo good in it... so it was pretty easy! I'd just tell him he has to go now because he won't find any summer suits in Nov or Dec!
  9. That literally made me laugh out loud haha! Trying to recruite Cuba brides to our group eh? I like it! I have seen lots of photos from the resort photographer at IV and they look really great! I am sure you will be super happy with your decision! I am in the FB group for the IV as well because I had thought of going there and I think everyone says Ibrahinny does a lot of photos there and he seems to do an amazing job!
  10. Jolene are you bringing someone from home? Or did you just decide to use the resort photographer?
  11. I haven't even been drinking much this summer... but I love chocolate and sweets so that's my problem... I didn't eat any today! Yay for day 1! My fiancé bought his suit at Le Chateau. I am in love with it! He looks sooo handsome (or so I think). I originally wanted linen but I didn't like how it looked as much. It was just too baggy and loose. I wanted a more structured suit. He's just wearing a vest and pants with white shirt and tie. The groomsmen are just wearing the same pants and white dress shirts. I have added a picture on here somewhere, but here it is again just in case.
  12. I have no idea hahha! Its not heavy so worse comes to worse come tape on the sides somewhere? But I am hoping they'll be able to figure it out!
  13. Hahaha I am the same. Mines actually at my house so I try it on every now and then... Although I have decided now to stop since I don't want it to look worn from trying it on too often. I gained a few lbs actually since I bought it so its a bit snug... so I am now trying to eat healthier and get more exercise in! I don't want to have to do very many alterations to it lol and I certainly DO NOT want to have to have it taken out GASP! loL!
  14. Kay for the Guest Book banner... I finished it up with my moms help this weekend. We ended up threading twine through the burlap at the top to attach it. It was super easy... kind of made a little hole on one end using a thick needle to thread the twine through and then another on the other end of the square (we taped the end of the twine so it was easier to thread through). We went from front to back, so the majority of the twine was on the back (we did it the opposite way too, but this looked better). And then we just sprayed the squares with hair spray to harden them up a bit and to stop them from fraying... seems to have worked quite well. Let me know how yours turns out!
  15. Thanks! I love it! I am thinking of adding small straps to make sure it doesn't accidentally fall down! I am so excited that we're all getting somewhere with our plans! Its so fun!
  16. Thanks! I bought it on ModCloth.com. It was a bit pricier then I wanted to pay for a second dress... but I saw it and was like this is pretty much exactly what I want and I tried hard to find something similar around here, but I couldn't and so I ended up ordering it. But think its nice and I could wear it again or at least get it dyed another colour after the wedding.
  17. Hey ladies, I purchased a "reception dress" from Mod Cloth. I love it so much. I plan to wear my wedding dress during the ceremony, dinner, and first dance. Then we will be performing a choreographed salsa dance (since we've been taking salsa lessons for the past two years) and thats when I'll change into this dress! I can't salsa in my wedding dress its too big and heavy. Are you any of you changing into a shorter, lighter dress? I don't feel as bad since I'll get to wear my wedding dress again for our catholic ceremony here the following weekend.
  18. I don't know if you've gotten an answer on this yet, but I think it depends on what you are looking for. There isn't a huge selection like if you were in Mexico or Jamaica. Some people know exactly what they want and opt to bring their own flowers and others just go with the flow and take what they get. From my understanding you get a choice of different flowers but it just really all depends on what they have in that day.
  19. I showed it to my FI and he loved it and now he wants our cake to look like this.
  20. Omg! You are getting soooooo close! I can't believe it! And that's awesome about your shower! Glad it was fun! Also your bridesmaid dresses are awesome! Where did you get them?
  21. Hi - so sorry for the delay!! It's been a little bit crazy! I purchased the big coral dahlias from Walmart! And the giant cabbage roses are also from Walmart. The coral hydrangeas are sold out (I actually went to 8 different Michael's to find as many stems of these as I can as they were being discontinued... that's the thing with waiting for stuff to go on sale!) I don't have the full amount of the flower balls any more as some people took some home. How many did you need? I can see how many I have left over I actually found a bunch of coral flowers over the weekend at Homesense... They are really hard to find! But thanks for getting back to me. I think I have enough now though! But they are super beautiful! And congratulations on your wedding!!!
  22. I made my own! There is a DIY tutorial on here somewhere... just search it and you can make them yourself for so much less then you can buy them! Plus they'll be extra special since you made them!
  23. I think it will look fine with the different lengths if the rest of the dress is the same. I personally like when they look coordinated but not the exact same because everyone is a bit different. I purchased my girls dresses and my sister hated hers, but we have figured out a way to make it work so that it will look amazing on her, the dresses won't be the exact same anymore but the colour and length will be the same... we're just changing the top of hers. So I feel like if elements are the same it won't look weird at all!
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