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Everything posted by csho

  1. Sooo exciting! I can't wait to hear about your stag! How is your ankle doing? Maybe you should get a bookwalker or brace? Sorry I work in orthopaedic bracing lol! I just fell down the stairs today at work and my leg is killing me... I am better start watching myself as well! Ps Happy Thanksgiving weekend ladies! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  2. Wish I would have known this! I am from Nova Scotia and have paid for so much shipping!
  3. Alley I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering where you have been! Its been so long since we've heard from you! Glad to hear all is coming along nicely for you! Definitely would love to see some photos of your plans and your jack and jill!
  4. Oh awesome! I am getting married next door at the laguna Azul in may! So excited! If you're interested we have a thread for brides getting married in Varadero. Just search iberostar laung Azul brides 2013/2014 if you are interested. Its not just for ILA brides, since there only so many Cuba brides we have other brides from varadero as well!
  5. I can understand why you wouldn't want it to happen, but at the same time, it is their vacation as well and if they want to get engaged then that's their prerogative. If I were in your situation I would be a bit ticked off too, but at the same time I honestly think it won't really change your vacation or your wedding. Everyone is still there to celebrate your day with you and that's what they came for. So if they do get engaged people will congratulate them, but the wedding is still about you and they'll be more focused on you anyhow.
  6. Very cute!!! But I have no idea.... I'd probably just do some paper so its easy to transport and then you can always get it framed or backed on something when you return?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Kay6356 Hey Csh, do you remember what font you used by chance? I really like it and just purchased everything to make the banner yay I have pretty much used the same font for all of my wedding related items... I used Microsoft word and used Lucida Handwriting or calligraphy I can't remember which one it was.
  8. Heather and Jess where in Cuba are you getting married?
  9. Oh good I am glad its all sorted out!! Yeah I think because we don't have much control over what really happens the day of we try to take control and control everything else around us and our wedding... But I think we just need to relax at the end of the day are you really going to remember the shoes your ring bearer wore or what the programs looked like? No we're going to remember the awesome memories we made at our wedding! but I know I can kind of be a freak over little details so I completely get where you are coming from!
  10. Its a tough one...I don't think you're being bridezilla, but I think our weddings are important to us and even if someone is in your wedding its not as important to them unfortunately. But maybe you can buy them for him if she is unwilling to budge on her decision? That way you get the look you want and she has no reason to say no. If she still says no then maybe there is something she doesn't feel safe about him wearing them or something?
  11. I am going to see if my fiancé can get it for me. If so we are going to do it togethers in the morning... only means getting up 30 minutes earlier then normal! I am currently doing ripped in 30 by Jillian Michaels which I find quite good! I think I am going to finish that up and then move on to the Focus T25!
  12. I love your program! Its so fun! I have been debating whether or not I should do one... I had decided against it until I saw yours though. its super cute... did you make it yourself or did you have someone create it for you? And your cake topper is beautiful! She really did a wonderful job!
  13. Hey Jennifer, I don't know if you're still planning on getting married at this resort, but there is an ILA brides 2013-2014 that's very active. I don't think it costs anything to the hotel to bring your own photographer, its just a matter of what your photographer will charge you. And they have some décor and lots of colours for chair sashes, but if you have a specific vision of what you'd like then definitely you need to bring it. Also there is a fb group that has a ton of info and photos that is really helpful!
  14. Those of you doing FocusT25... are you liking it? Have you seen results? I just looked it up... I love Shaun T and I liked Insanity but found it to be too hard of a work out for tooo long. I think I'd like this because its intense but only for 25 minutes instead of the 35-50 of insanity. I'd love to hear some feedback. Also I have been eating really healthy for the past two weeks and adding in more exercise every week and I am down about 7-8lbs and am fitting back into my dress. Its still a bit tight... but I'd also still like to lose about 25 lbs more so I can look good in a bathing suit.
  15. I think white will look really good, but what about purchasing your own chair sashes? I purchased coral ones from ebay. I think I paid about 35$ for 50 of them and they are super lightweight and don't take up much room at all... If you're really set on navy I'd suggest bringing your own.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Lydia1120 I also received a sneak peek of my professional photos from our Jack N Jill....here are a couple for your enjoyment, lol My sister and niece, getting down, lol dancing the surprise Flashmob from the Pink Ladies to Grease Lightening...my Wow these are awesome!!! Looks like sooo much fun!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Kay6356 Lynda, I like both but really love the first one!!! I agree with Kay. They are both nice, but I much prefer the first one... it just looks so good!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by jackshayne0123 Hello Canadian Brides! I'm happy I found this forum! I'm getting married at the Blau Varadero in Cuba in January, can't wait! Looking forward to hearing about everyones experiences. Just wondering - is anyone bringing favors/decor/centre pieces for the tables at the dinner reception? Or not worrying about it? Jackie Hey Jackie! I am getting married in Cuba in May 2014 and I am bringing my decor and centrepieces with me. I didn't really love what the resort had to offer for decor, so I thought it would be worth it to bring my own. With that said I am trying to limit what I bring. I am going with simple centrepieces, but have purchased coral faux flowers and glass vases for the tables. I am also bringing tealight holders and shells ans starfish. As for favours I plan on buying a small bottle of rum for every couple/single, so I'll purchase those once we arrive in Varadero! The blau looks like a gorgeous place to get married... what are your plans are you bringing your own decor?
  19. Hi Jenna, Definitely joining this website was the best thing you could have done! Also finding a good travel agent is key as well! I have heard lots of good things about Wright Travel so I am sure you are in good hands. Picking a location is great! Makes it easier to narrow down your resorts. First thing I did was decide on a country (we chose Cuba) and then decided what factors were important for us in a resort (ie. kid friendly or adults only, proximity to the airport, major cities, ceremony venues, etc), from there we narrowed our choices down to the resorts that offered everything we were looking for. Price was our biggest factor as we had friends and family we really wanted to be able to attend. So once we found a few places that we liked, we picked a week that worked for us and received quotes on the resorts. We ended up going with the cheapest resort, but I think it was by fluke that we got such a good deal on the resort, because now the price of the resort is over $500 more for the same week then when we booked in April! Also there are TONS of diy ideas on this forum... I never thought I'd be able to diy anything let alone invitations and centrepieces, but with the great templates and ideas I found on here I was able to save quite a few $$. And don't let things stress you out, the nice thing about having a destination wedding is that people who can and want to will come, you will have beautiful venues and scenery, so you won't need much decor, just enjoy the process and allow lots of time to plan, because we all know they work on island time in the caribbean!
  20. I'd say my biggest stress was 1) waiting for people to book - all the people I really wanted there, did book by our end date; 2) surprisingly my centre pieces. Since we're getting married in Cuba they don't have much variety/options so you pretty much need to bring anything if you have a specific vision; 3) picking the resort; and 4) I know I will be stressing out hoping people are having a good time and that they like the resort I chose. I mean they spent a fair amount to come to our wedding so I hope it will be good and they'll like it, but at the end of the day I try to remember that they also chose to come - no one was forced so I am guessing most are coming because they genuinely want to. I was lucky to not have anyone get mad, or resent us for having a destination wedding. We completely understand if people can't come and there are no hard feelings. What I found weird was when I've talked to people who are more acquaintances or people in passing who I've told about and comment on our decision to have a destination wedding... um excuse me its not like you were even invited or have to make a decision about coming so really what do you care?
  21. My wedding dress fits again!!!! I've been eating pretty healthy for the past two weeks and I tried my dress on yesterday because I was feeling good and it slid right on!! I am so happy! Now just to keep it that way!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by ChelseaCat802 DIY Table Runners: I saw these AMAZING table runners on Etsy but they were $20 a piece - yeah false! I decided I was going to finally learn how to sew and take a wack at making my own. So that's what I did - I purchased all of the material at Joann's with coupons and made my own runners! I love how they turned out. I am going to alternate the turquoise and coral chevron on each table. This is what I'm thinking for table settings. What do you all think? DIY Post Card Guest Book: I put these together last night. I put one post card in each glassine envelope I bought on Amazon and put an avery label I printed on it. I really like how they turned out, I'm going to have one per place setting so hopefully they will take the time to fill them out, or have the option of sending them back to us after the wedding ( I would prefer before we leave Jamaica though so they actually do it!). I love this! I think it looks so awesome! So creative!
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