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Everything posted by csho

  1. My sister had mentioned that I should go as Bridezilla lol!!! But I don't think I'd be able to come up with a costume like that on such short notice, but I thought it was a pretty funny idea!
  2. This looks awesome!!!!! But made me feel so mad at myself lol! We go to our friends yearly Halloween party and I still haven't thought of a costume and its on Saturday!!!! And I have NO IDEA what to be!
  3. Awesome! Great job! 25lbs is definitely something to be proud of! That takes a lot of work and dedication! Congratulations and I am sure you'll achieve your next goals!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Kay6356 Yes that is plenty! I would of loved to pay for the attire, but we just couldn't afford it. Yeah thats why I chose to only have my sister and FSIL. I also bought mine second hand for $75 each so it wasn't too bad... but I totally wouldn't have been buying them if I had more girls in my party thats forsure!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by sharmer trying not to jump the gun on everything! haha I'm so excited and anxious and love this sort of planning/craftiness that I want to do it all now even though it's 7+ months away!! HURRY UP JUNE!! haha I was engaged 13 months prior to our wedding date... and our wedding is still 6 months away and I have most stuff done and all my crafts and ideas worked out! Its soo much better to have the time, especially if you want to diy because that way you can think of ideas and wait for sales etc to save money!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by sharmer I got the robes at La Vie En Rose for $11!!! They're back to $20.00 but I'm sure if you wait they'll go on sale again. Where'd you get your bridesmaids tanks? Ohhh thats a good deal! I would totally get robes for 11$! What do they look like? And what material are they? I actually "made" my tanks lol. I bought coral tanks for the girls and a white one for me and purchased on ebay iron-on sparkly decals and ironed them on myself. The tanks were like 5$ at Giant Tiger and the decals differed in price based on their length but were anywhere from like 2-5$. So the tanks cost less then 10$ each which is pretty good considering to buy them at Michaels or online they are about 20$ and up!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by moodyc82 I lost 9 inches the first phase of the program. No lbs though but I'm only 117.2lbs to begin with. Just trying to lose body fat at this point Wow thats pretty impressive though! 9" is quite a bit! COngrats!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by moodyc82 I got the vanilla and the taste was ok...made my hair thicker and my nails grow nice LOL Did it help with weight loss? But thats nice about the hair and nails lol!
  9. Hi ladies! So I got my girls beach bags, Havaiana flip flops, and some lipsyl with SPF in it. Do you think thats enough of a gift? I also made them MOH/BM tanks and hangers but I feel like those are more for me then them since I want them to be used for wedding day getting ready photos. I also paid for their dresses and will be paying for their hair - again I don't think this stuff really counts towards a gift but am wondering if you guys think thats enough or if I should get something else?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by sharmer I got my girl's gifts early (good sales, can't say no!) Got them nice silk robes - might embroider their names on them (maybe!) and nice pashminas for the evening. Knowing me I'll get more between now and then - thinking jewellery and pretty flip flops I bought my girls: -beach bags (got them on sale from Old Navy in the spring) -MOH/ Bridesmaid hangers (although thats more a present for me so we can have nice pictures!) - Coral Havaiana Flipflops - lipsyl with SPF -MOH/Bridesmaid Tanks (again I feel like is more for me for photos)' I don't know what else to get or if I should... I have been thinking about robes or maybe some jewelery, but I am not 100% sure yet.
  11. I started Focus T25 this morning with my FI! It was such a good workout! I love it so much more then Insanity... I still find it a great workout but not as brutal on my joints and its a perfect length! So excited to weigh in again next MOnday! How have you found the Shakeology?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Kay6356 Good evening Ladies, I thought I would share some of my picture ideas for the wedding day Oh all of those are so cute!!!! Love them! I especially love the 3rd picture down! Looks like such chaos, but so fun! I haven't even really thought about specific photo shots... I just planned on doing whatever the photographer suggested, but I guess I should have some idea!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Lydia1120 Hi Ladies, I actually have different templates for the Timeline, if you are interested: here are a couple 1. for the guests 2. for the girls and guys All three of these are posted in the powerpoint file above, I also have a different style in Word: I went with the smaller ones, made them into Rack size cards and that way I could add them to my Welcome Kit. Amazing! Thanks Lydia! You must be getting sooooo excited! Ahhh you're leaving so soon! Wedding day timeline.ppt Girls Timeline - OURS.doc Guys Timeline - OURS.doc
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by MyTye2B Everything is so beautiful! Lol - now I want to go spend even more $$! I have purchased a few things so far: Our Save the Dates from Simone at DesignKandy. They were really reasonably priced. She was awesome about communication and helping decide on colour and design. They came with envelopes as well. I also purchased a return address stamp. Our invitations will be similar to these and I purchased them from beyonddesign - Ginger at Serendipity. They weren't cheap but it was fun and easy and I am so not creative or crafty enough to have put these together myself like some of the talented ladies on this forum. Of course the wording will be changed but we did stick with these colours. I have not received them yet but I am so excited to! These are the earrings I purchased for $31 from earringsnation. I purchased these tiny tags from Kindred Spirit Crafts - 8 for $5 and I tied them to the bracelets that I got my girls as a gift. They shipped really quickly! This is the memorial charm that I will put a picture of my daughter in for my bouquet. It was $10 at Monarch Designs4U and also shipped very quickly. I worried about the quality of it but it's perfect. Last but not least I bought myself these flip flops to wear at our reception under my dress. They were $18 from Seaside Impressions and they also shipped really fast! From Etsy I know I still want to get a ring bearer pillow, signs for our reception chairs, oh and so much more! I've been a crazy online shopper though! I have purchased many other things for decor and also a pair of barefoot sandals, or foot jewelry to wear at our wedding on the beach. Now that I see everything on this thread I'll probably go out and buy too much more! Have fun shopping! I am pretty sure I bought the exact same earrings from you although I think it was from a different seller. But I love them so much! I cannot wait to wear them!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by jolene028 Kay, So Troy wanted to have an AHR but here is my argument... we went to a DW about 4 years ago, and we spent a lot of money to go, it was about $4200 for both of us the wedding was in February, then in June they had the AHR and honestly being there it felt like a wedding reception, and when talking to the people that went to Cuba for the wedding, they all kind of felt the way I did which was hey I am glad I spent so much money to go to Cuba for the wedding when they had the reception here... seriously I was insulted, so for me I said to Troy I don't want to insult the people that paid the money to celebrate the day with us, it is a slap in the face... believe it or not when I put it like that he totally agreed with me, I just want it to be something special that we did with the people that chose to be there for us! If we were to do something I would do something totally casual, like have a party BBQ or something BYOB and just have pictures of the wedding up on a screen or something but I wouldn't wear my dress or have Troy wear his suit! But that is just my opinion, I totally understand why people have them and to be honest Troy's mom cancelled on us 4 days before final payment, and we still aren't having one! But hey that's just me! I hope you guys can work something out that is for both of you! Other than that, Troy and I argue about the small things all the time... not blow up in your face sort of stuff but a little bickering here and there, I think right now because we are both so desperate for a vacation there is nothing to argue about! LOL mostly I have made all the decisions and he has gone along with them, I thought that this would make me mad, but honestly it has been good our only wedding fight was at the beginning when the TA was screwing us around with our prices Troy thought that there should be more that I could do I told him to plan the F***ing wedding and we have been good since LOL WOW we are only being charged $10 per person for our private party on the beach... Glad to hear I am not the only one who feels this way!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Kay6356 Thats exactly what I would love to do.. the house thing, big backyard etc. - but we don't have that option! Something will work, I just needed a little vent I think!!! Well that's what we're here for! Vent away!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by JustNoelle Hello Ladies, I am so excited to show you my dress! I am going to be honest, when I chose my dress, I wasn't too thrilled (it was 3 months before my wedding and time was running out) but I later fell in love with it. Especially after seeing my photos. Here's a few photos from my wedding: Your dress is gorgeous! I can't believe you weren't thrilled with it! I love it soooo much! ANd WOW your photos are amazing! Congrats!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by jolene028 Oh do you have a template that you used for the Timeline?? Is this something that you are giving to all your guests?? I would love to see it use it, I have been going back and forth trying to make up my mind on this! Let me know. thanks I haven't actually made a timeline to hand out... I just wrote one up for myself with every little detail in it lol so I'd have an idea of how the day would look. BUT I do plan on doing up a wedding day and Wedding Week timeline to include in the "Welcome Package" I plan to make once we arrive in Cuba... or more likely I'll hand them out at the airport so I don't have to carry them around. I was actually just looking at some other peoples timelines and am planning on just making one in Word with clip art!
  19. But I am sure whatever you guys decide will be the best decision for you guys as a couple! So either way I am sure everyone will have a good time! I just think rewarding the people who made the effort, took out the time, and spent the money to travel to another country is more important. Ok now I am done lol!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Kay6356 We are planning on doing the party on the beach for two hours, what we aren't for sure on is the gala set up. We are having our dinner in at the Cuban restaurant, and with it ending at 8:30 I don't want that to be too much of a break until the disco opens. The entertainment at the resort is fantastic, but I kind of wanted a different wedding-ish feel that evening. Because we are doing an AHR (Andrew wants one, I don't) I really don't want to spend the money on the gala set up or the private party. Being that the gala will be $675 and the private party $900 for 45 people. That's a lot of money when were going to be doing an AHR too.. Im a little torn at the moment as to what we will for sure be doing! As for finalizing things; we are booked for the Cuban on our wedding day. And other than that I know Giselle will handle everything once we are down there. My FI Andrew & I are arguing a bit (which we rarely do). Mainly about the AHR and his and his groomsmen attire!!!! ... Is anyone else having little arguments? Fortunately Mark and I rarely argue, he is pretty laid back and usually lets me make the decisions which is great, except when he doesn't give me input because he says he doesn't care... which ok he really probably doesn't care what colour the napkins are lol! But it drives me nuts when he doesn't give me an opinion, but then he'll have very strong opinions on other things... such as trashing the dress... I really really wanted to do a trash the dress, but this was something he was very much against since we are having a catholic wedding ceremony when we return and he feels that I will ruin the dress and won't be able to wear it for the catholic ceremony. Ok I get that, but its frustrating because he just doesn't understand that a little sand and water won't ruin it... but I also feel like oh god what if something did happen and then I would feel really bad because I know he really wants me to wear the same dress. So we are not doing the trash dress... that's my compromise on the wedding lol and then he pretty much lets me make most of the other decisions lol! I would say forgo the gala set up since it really doesn't make that much difference. Even with the chairs they have there you can still tie the sashes around the back of them and I think it would look good. Just get someone in your party to do it, if they won't . Personally I would spend the money on the private party though. It is your wedding and at the end of the day an extra $900 in the span of your lifetime isn't much and I think you'd regret not doing it. And then after the party head over to the disco. With that said if you really can't afford it, I saw on the fb group someone who brought their own speakers and set them up under the rock by the pool and just tip a bar tender to bring you trays of drinks over. I think though people spent a lot to come to the wedding and celebrate with you, so if you can afford it without going into debt I'd do the private beach party. I just feel like having an AHR is like ok heres a party for all you people who didn't even come to my wedding whereas you're kind of ripping off the people who actually spent the money to be at it... I don't know if that makes me sound mean or anything cause I really am not lol! But those are my thoughts.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by alley08 Sounds like things are coming along. You are making menus? I hadn't even thought about this. Are you having a dinner where your guests have options? I have been given two options and I have to pick one for all of my guests. Is this the case with you as well? I'm starting to stress so good on you for getting everything done early. I'm impressed!!! Where are you having your dinner and are you renting something after dinner? Sorry so many questions. That's exciting about school. Good for you! Yes the time before the wedding you won't want to be doing both. Yipee. So excited for you! I am making menus... we're having our dinner at the palapas. There are two menus I think that you can choose from there and I am doing what you're doing and just choosing one of them for all of our guests. So I just like the look of having a menu on the plate when you arrive at the table and that way people will know what they are getting I am just going to print it off on white paper and back it with coral card stock and add the die cut starfish I bought to the top. They will be simple but cute and I think it will be nice to add some colour to the table since I am not having table runners. We are doing our ceremony on the terrace at 3pm, then going to have an informal cocktail hour at the lobby bar (basically just going to tell everyone to meet there from 5:15pm til 6:15pm and then have everyone head over to the palapas all together for 6:30pm. (I will probably just get my mom to tip the bartenders and hope that the lobby bar won't be too busy and that everyone will be able to get served) That way we don't have to incur an extra expense for that part. Then we'll do dinner at the palapas and we're renting the disco from 9-11pm for a private party! I've already done up the timeline for the day and it is going to be jam packed! Trying to fit everything in like speeches and dances and cake cutting etc. I feel like we're rushing through everything but I am guessing it won't feel like that once we're there. It just makes me sad to think that the day will go by so quickly!
  22. I haven't been married yet either... still about 6 months to go, but this is the ruffled dress I bought! I love it sooo much! I suggest just going and trying on lots of dresses... I knew this was the style I wanted but I had to try on quite a few until I found the one I knew would work for the beach... some of them are so large and heavy and I knew would just be too uncomfortable to wear on the beach all day... but this one was just perfect!!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by alley08 Awww thanks Carina. You are too sweet! I have been MIA. I feel like I've been slacking on the wedding planning because I've been busy with the jack and jill planning. It's lots of fun though. Having a blast. Now time to get down to business. Time is getting on. lol What's new with you? How is your planning coming along? Not much is new with me... have been working on making my guest book and a Pre-Travel brochure. I also bought some escort cards and thank you favour tags and some die cut starfish cutouts so I can start making my menus. I am going to be done everything so early lol! I'll have nothing to do in the months before the wedding... which I guess is fine so I won't be stressing out lol! But I have also made the decision to try to get into Physiotherapy school in September soo I have to complete that application and there will be an interview a few weeks before the wedding... so it will probably be good if I get everything done so I won't have to worry about both things!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Kay6356 Yes, our colours are the dark purple and royal blue. Here is blazer I found and ordered on Ebay. Wow looks pretty much exactly like the other one!!!
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by Kay6356 Hi ladies, So we found a new look for FI attire... feedback please!!! Groomsmen will wear the same minus the blazer Well you already know my thoughts! I love it!
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