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Everything posted by csho

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by csho I did this arm workout that I found on pinterest and it is amazing its 10 min so its super quick and it works your biceps and triceps like crazy! I was doing it about 4 days a week and noticed a huge difference! Here's the link: http://www.fitsugar.com/10-Minute-Arm-Workout-Cameron-Diaz-Trainer-Teddy-Bass-23478466 I slacked off from it, but I also want to have nice arms so I am going to do this 3 x week (mon, wed, fri) along with theFocus T25... which reminds me when I get home I need to put up my measurements from this weekend! Opps sorry this is the link to the arm workout I really like. The other one isn't bad but I prefer this one! http://www.fitsugar.com/10-Minute-Workout-Sexy-Sculpted-Arms-21620326
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by DANIELLE03 AWW well thank you! I can notice the back part for sure.. Now if i could only get some boobs my problems would be fixed lol Just want to tone a little of my arms tho. lol i feel like they are flabby but probably because the lack of a tan lol I always feel better when i got some color I did this arm workout that I found on pinterest and it is amazing its 10 min so its super quick and it works your biceps and triceps like crazy! I was doing it about 4 days a week and noticed a huge difference! Here's the link: http://www.fitsugar.com/10-Minute-Arm-Workout-Cameron-Diaz-Trainer-Teddy-Bass-23478466 I slacked off from it, but I also want to have nice arms so I am going to do this 3 x week (mon, wed, fri) along with theFocus T25... which reminds me when I get home I need to put up my measurements from this weekend!
  3. Yeah that's what I will probably end up doing! I normally do tan before I go because I am pretty fair skinned but am trying not to tan now because its so bad for the skin, but I think this is the one time I am going to have to just do it otherwise my photos will be horrendous with not just tan lines but burn lines haha!
  4. Also there is a pretty big difference in the back at the top... in the first picture you can tell its tight and now it fits perfectly!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by DANIELLE03 Ok so there isnt THAT much of a difference now that i put the pics like this, But i DEF need to work on my arms.. lol Sorry for the difference in colors. I cut my face out cause the lack of a tan and no make up makes me look like a zombie from walking dead lol You have a great body! You look amazing! I don't think you need to tone anymore! I mean if you do that's great! But you look fantastic the way you are now!!
  6. Yeah we aren't getting married til the 5th and we arrive on the 1st soooo I think it might wear off too quickly I wish we could get it done while we're there!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by DANIELLE03 I ship everything to the boarder there and pick it up when i go down to the states for the weekend SAVES SOOOOOOOO MUCH yay! On another note. I did my dress fitting this weekend. and I cant lose any more weight or my dress is going to be too big! its already a little loose and its a corset and pulled as tight as it can go!!! So apparently my weight isnt movin on the scale but i lost some inches!!! so my goal right now is 3 more blbs so I get to 160 and then just to maintain and tone for the wedding. Otherwise i will not have a dress to get married in !!! :X Ill post pics later Well that's awesome!!! I can't wait to see a photo!!
  8. Hey ladies! Have any of you had a spray tan done before you've gone down south? I had one done over the weekend... I wanted to try it out and see if it was something I'd want for the wedding... and it worked well for my Greek Godess costume I wore to a Halloween party this weekend lol! I actually really liked how it looked. But I am wondering if it will wear off too quickly in the sun, sand, and ocean. So I was looking to see if any of you had tried this before?
  9. Hello! I am a pretty pale person, who tends to burn quite easily in the sun. I typically go to a tanning bed before I head down south to get a base tan so I don't bur. However, I am now maturing and realizing that it really does make you age faster and damage the skin much more quickly. So I am toying with the idea of getting a spray tan before I leave. I just did a trial one over the weekend and I was really impressed with how natural it looked and how great I felt! My only concern is will it last long enough? We get married 4 days into our trip, but I love the ocean and the beach and I am worried it might streak or wear off more quickly if I go in the ocean. Anyone have any experience with this? Did you get a spray tan and how long/well did it last?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by ironman Arrrg, it's so much cheaper to ship stuff to the USA than Canada. I just shipped my poor brother in California 24 pairs of maracas to bring down in his suitcase. I then followed that up with an "if you have room in your suitcase for a giant donkey piñata, can you please let me know"?! Poor guy! For those of you who live in the USA and can buy your own cheap stuff, count your blessings!! Its sooo true! We get killed on shipping, duty and taxes!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Lopi Ladies! Hi! congrats to all of you on your engagements and up coming nuptials! I'm totally new and I'm only on page 8 of reading this thread lol... I'm getting married at ILA in May... I am also going to the Riu next door this monday so I'm going to hunt this lisette person down and have a sit down with her so I can always tell her to hustle and get back to you lol... I'm half cuban which is part of the reason we;re getting married there... and I'm sure that, as every time, being able to talk to them i n spanish is a huge asset to try to wheel and deal some stuff that they may not mention to others. so if there is any way I can help you guys let me know. Awesome! Welcome to the thread!! What day are you getting married in may? I am may 5th! I'd definitely love to hear any advice/information you can get when you visit with the wedding panner!
  12. I actually started this week so should I just started posting on November 4th?
  13. I just finished my first week of T25 this morning! I have to say my weight hasn't budged all week, but I also wasn't watching was I was eating... my goal for next week is to make sure I eat better and continue to follow the program. I even got up at 530am this morning so I could do both workouts in a row since I know I won't be able to do one tonight! I am so proud of myself... just wish I'd seen a little movement on the scale. But I won't let that deter me since I have felt so great all week!
  14. I totally agree with you! I love the ruffles for a beach wedding... they remind me of waves and think you couldn't have anything more perfect. however, I know some are much hotter and heavier then others, so I can understand why you might not want to wear it. I bought a big ruffle one and then bought a 2nd dress to put on for the dancing part of our reception!
  15. Which is exactly the way it should be! A wedding is for you and your groom... not other people!
  16. Oh forsure! Its soo funny because I have been lucky and haven't had any flack from any of the guests invited- or no one has said anything about it- but its people who we are just acquaintances who have not been invited to the wedding who had said like "isn't is selfish to get married down south"? or Oh I've heard they're fun and easy for the bride and groom but its not as great for the guest... Um thanks... if you aren't even invited why would you care or say something like that. Anyhow I didn't let it bother me cause everyone who is coming is super excited and those are the people I want there anyway! But you know whether you have a destination wedding or a local one there are always going to be negative people! I can't believe how many people think their opinions matter in someone elses wedding! Its just crazy!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by ironman So I went out and purchased some cups to have sewn in to my dress and just realized I probably can't use them because they're the gel push up kind, and we were planning on carrying my dress on (i.e. no gel rules for carry on baggage unless a certain sized marked container). Do you think that counts for something like bra cups?! I feel like I need to go find a pair of foam ones now just in case I have them sewn in and we get to the airport and have to rip them out. What a waste of $20, they can't be returned. Hmmmf. I can't imagine that they wouldn't allow it, but at the same time... sometimes the rules are just ridiculous and if you get someone who is annoyed that day who knows~ But yea I agree try call the airport or your airline and ask them~ They should know!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Kay6356 A couple of questions Where did everyone buy there garter, what does it look like? (These are the 3 I like, but they are all online). What is your opinions!?!?! Also, I am on the search for sand for our sand ceremony, did any of you purchase this? Michaels only has very limited colours. Thank you xo I like all of them! Probably the top one is my favourite though! I am not wearing one. We aren't doing a garter toss or bouquet toss... I wouldn't want my FI to go under my dress in front of a crowd of people lol I embarrass easily lol so we've just decided not to do it. I also can't imagine wearing a garter around my leg all day lol!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennkn87 NJBride--- Thanks for the positive thoughts! I'm really glad to have people, (even ones I don't know!!) keep me thinking positive while others are trying to bring me down! I was originally worried about getting off on the wrong foot with his family..but now I'm not going to worry about it. They will most likely go and have an absolute blast. Considering they have never done anything like this, they are very pessimistic about it....If they don't...Oh well! We will have a blast, if they don't, I guess thats their fault! LoL! Going to try my best to not let anyone elses comments bring me down and just enjoy the planning!! I feel so blessed that his family and mine were both on board with the destination wedding because I know I would be really upset if they didn't want to attend. Luckily my FI told his mom within the first few weeks of us dating that if we ever got married it would be down south, so they already knew thats what we would be doing when it came down to it. When we got engaged and told them there was no surprise and they were on board. Luckily both of our parents travel quite a bit and aren't opposed to it. BUt I am sure your FI parents will love it once they are there... I know so many people who are like oh AI that wouldn't be fun but once they have been thought it was the best thing in the world. Many people are just uncomfortable with new things and especially where its such a new thing for such an important life event I can see their hesitation, BUT at the end of the day its your day and you guys have be the happiest because no one else is going to remember your day as much as you will or care as much about what happened that day then you! I really think you need to stick to your guys plans and as long as your FI supports the decision as well then thats all the matters!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by NJBride2014 Thanks!! Its a Demetrios short wedding dress not sure what the style is it doesn't say on the tag. I did find it online though on some site but the name wasn't on their either it was going for around $150 I think. In person the dress is so nice so many details some lace, beading and the cute flower perfect for a beach wedding after party. The orginal price was $1,000.00. Wow that was a steal!!! Its super gorgeous! I paid more for my secondary dress and I bought it on Modcloth! I wish I had of seen a dress like that!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by jolene028 Kay that is a great idea... although I love the bridezilla idea as well, I am actually wondering if that will happen to me in real life LOL it hasn't yet and I am not sure that it will but I guess you never know I just feel relaxed and laid back about it for the most part... there are some things that I am a little stressed over but hey if it happens it happens and if it doesn't it doesn't and I figure the booze will be free so that is plan B! lol my sister actually told me I was being bridezilla once earlier in the planning stages. I think it was because she didn't like the BM dresses I picked and because I said I wanted to have my wedding as I visioned it and so I wanted to bring decorations with me. I couldn't believe it, but we quickly got over it lol.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Kay6356 Csh what about the paper bag princess? make a dress from a bed sheet, wear ugg like boots and a crown That is an awesome idea! I am actually going as a greek goddess now since my friend has the whole costume! But I am keeping that in mind for next year! It would be super easy! I love it! Thanks! You're so creative Kay!
  23. Wow that is gorgeous! I love it! Who makes it? and whats the style?
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