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Everything posted by csho

  1. I have three days left in the first phase! I am so excited to be moving on... as I always say lol! but I really am and I am just so thrilled with my fitness improvements! I have been eating really well this week so far and have actually seen the scale move yay! I can't wait to measure on Saturday! I am definitely more motivated now to start really watching what I am eating! And I am trying to incorporate more veggies into my meals! It also helped that I made slow cooker chili on Sunday and have been eating that for lunch all week... its delicious and so filling! I think this sunday I am going to make lentil soup... I usually find soup not as filling, but since lentils have so much protein I find it actually keeps me quite full. Last night I did the Ab workout and I cannot believe how much I have improved my core strength in the past 4 weeks! Its so awesome... I also did about a 15 minute run on my treadmill afterwards just to get a little extra workout. Tonight I am doing the Total Body Circuit and then playing volleyball. Also going to make quesadillas for dinner tonight yum! SO excited! I tried my wedding dress on over the weekend and it still doesn't zip at the chest... so I think that really put me into gear finally after all this time. I am really looking forward to the next 5 weeks to see where I'll be at... I also took "before" photos in a swimsuit this past week... decided it might be more motivating to take the photos and it would be nice to see the improvement!
  2. I know! I am planning on trying to get most of diy stuff finished by January... I know there will be a lot more stuff to do come the New Year. We'll actually have to plan our ceremony here then and since we are getting legally married in the catholic church we have to marriage lessons... that should be fun lol! So I think Jan-May are going to fly right by and I hate being stressed out, so might as well finish it up and not have to worry about it! We also decided yesterday that we are just going to do a dessert table for our wedding here, but now I have a bunch of diy ideas for that as well and not to mention I have to figure what to buy/make for the dessert table... luckily I have a friend who owns a dessert restaurant so she's going to help me out with picking our some desserts and décor ideas... shes so good at that stuff so that will be really helpful!
  3. Sooo crazy! Seems like yesterday we were all waiting forever for our weddings to come around and now already 2 people are getting married! Kay and Alley you guys are coming up next!! Ugh mine still feels so far away and I have been slacking a bit on the planning... or more so the diy stuff I need to get done... Maybe this weekend I can get some stuff done
  4. Happy day before your wedding Lydia!!!!! I hope everything is going well and that all your plans are set for tomorrow!!!! Can't wait to hear about your experience!!
  5. Its ok! Honestly I find once you just start and do it, its so easy to continue and I never usually stick to anything... but like 25 minutes and it goes by so fast! I am starting week 5 today... I haven't actually lost any weight, but I have not been eating very well... but this week I am really tracking my food intake and am hoping that I will see some good results at the end of this week Made slow cooker chili for my lunches this week and stocked up on fruits and veggies!
  6. Just finished week 4! Can't wait to finish this phase and move on to the Beta phase!
  7. I am lucky if I don't eat chocolate in a day haha I am pretty sure I have an addiction to it lol! yesterday was my first day without in a while... sounds crazy but its so hard to overcome lol! Good thing its just chocolate and not anything worse lol!
  8. And how long do you do it for? I don't know if I could do this lol!
  9. I think they have speakers that they can hook an ipod up to or a cd... but don't quote me on it. I know other people who have used a Bose speaker system and said that it worked pretty well. I am sure they will have something but I'd bring something as back up just in case if you are super set on certain songs.
  10. I don't think I am going to worry to much about music. I am planning on using the Cuban Trio for the ceremony. I honestly cannot be bothered to pick songs and although my FI likes music I pretty much like the Top 40 and we don't really have any special songs that mean anything to us... our first dance song is called "Yo No Se Manana" which means "I don't know about tomorrow" haha basically the song is about a one night stand... it makes me laugh everytime I think about it! Pretty sure thats probably the worst wedding dance song ever! But its an awesome salsa song and we've choreographed a salsa dance to it (or our dance teacher did lol). And no one but my mom and sister who speak Spanish and the Cubans will know anyway lol! We've also decided to cut the father/daughter and mother/son dance... none of us really wanted to do it - so we nixed that! I also am not sure yet if we'll do a "grand" entrance or not... but if we do I'll choose a song for that and then I do think I'll make up a cd list for the disco party because I know there will be some songs I'll want to have played forsure. As for the dinner I think I'll just let them play whatever they want.
  11. Thanks! I had done something else originally, but didn't love it and then decided I wanted to use a frame and now I love it soo much! I am sooo happy with how everything is coming to together! I think its going to look so good! I feel like when I started I was so lost and all over the place and now my vision is finally all coming together!
  12. haha you've got this! What are you doing for a cleanse?
  13. Hey ladies, I made this for our guest book table! I am soo pleased with how it turned out! http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/content/type/61/id/226674/width/350/height/700[/img]
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Lydia1120 OMG that brought tears to my eyes!!! Awesome Kay....Yes Jolene, Congratulations!!!!!! xo Thank you Alley08 and CSHO for thinking of me! I leave on Friday...I can't believe that a year went by so quickly!!! OMG soooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited...I am getting bombarded with txt msgs and FB msgs from my friends and family just full of excitement!!! We have had a couple of last minute cancellations but still have 79 people going! It's going to be a blast!!! I am literally so overwhelmed with emotions that I get teary eyed and we haven't even left yet, lol. Wow 79 people? That's crazy! Have an amazing time!!! I cannot wait to hear all about it when you return!!!!!!
  15. Do it! Your wedding is sooo soon! And honestly once you get into a routine of doing it you'll really want to do it and will find the time to do it! Or maybe you won't haha but I definitely want to now!
  16. Ohhh Happy Wedding Day Jolene!!!! Hope you are having the most amazing day! Can't wait to hear all about it when you return!!!!
  17. Thanks Danielle, I found mine wore off pretty quickly so I don't think I will do it for the wedding since I can't get it done the day before. I'll just have to go regular tanning... ack it hurts me to say that but I am going to be vain this once for my wedding haha
  18. Measurements Week 3 Chest: -1" (Yay!) This is where my dress is the tightest! Waist: -1/2" Arm: -1/4" Thigh: -1/4" My measurements are always compared to the original measurements taken. I haven't seen a weightloss... but that's my fault because I haven't been eating as well as I should be... but I am happy to see that my body is changing and feeling stronger. I also know its getting stronger because during the Total Body Circuit I had been doing the modified exercises but last night I decided to try the non-modified versions and was able to do most of it! I modified a few moves but they were still much harder then the modified versions they did so I am very happy with that and it really has me excited to continue on! I am half way through week 4 so one more week and then I get to move on to the second phase! I haven't seen the videos for those yet, but I feel like they are going to be a lot tougher then the ones in the Alpha phase...
  19. Sounds very nice! Make sure to have someone take lots of photos of the palapas set up at your wedding so you can share with me so I can see how it would be set up (if its possible!). I really I think I will bring the flowers (well they are coming with me anyway since they will be my centerpieces) and I will order the fresh flowers... really I just want white flowers anyway so I think the fresh flowers will look nicer then the faux ones. But at least I'll have a back up if it happens that I don't like them. I think at the end of the it won't really make a difference to me... flowers were one thing that I didn't care that much about.
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