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Everything posted by csho

  1. Things are good with me... I am almost done most of my DIY projects... unless I keep going on pinterest and deciding I need to do more things lol! But My biggest project - wrapping square votive holders with twine are almost done! I only have about 6 of them left to do... they took a lot longer then I thought they would to do! And then I have one more sign to make, I am making a matching sign to go with my "Please Sign" guest book sign, this one will be placed by the tray with my escort cards and will say "Please Find Your Seat". I have already painted and distressed the frame, but I need to cut out my stencil I'll be using to paint those words on the burlap... I am not looking forward to cutting the stencil... so tedious lol! But I am super excited to see the end result! I also am going to glue pins onto the backs of all my starfish because I plan on putting a starfish on the back of my chairs in the middle of the chair sash. Like this: http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/content/type/61/id/228243/width/350/height/700[/img] Other then that I am working out a lot to make sure my dress fits and I look good on the beach. Also trying to book my welcome dinner and then just have to finish up a few things for our ceremony here... like going to a marriage prep course in the new year and selecting the music and readings for the ceremony here as well. Pretty much everything for Cuba is done though, just a matter of printing things out!
  2. Lydia, I looked at all the photos from your wedding on the My Wedding DJ website... sorry for being such a creeper lol! But it looked like so much fun! Did you hire the dancers? Did people love the performance? I have been thinking about hiring dancers to come! Do they party with you afterwards and get people dancing? Or did they just perform for your group?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Lydia1120 My friend/DJ just posted the video on FB of our mash up first dance...it was awesome!!!! Here is the link if any of you would like to watch it ;-) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=591022167635261 Wow that was awesome!!! Seriously your venue looked awesome!!! It looked like sooo much fun!
  4. I totally agree with the RSVP's , but we also sent out paper rsvp cards for people who didn't have computers or who we didn't think would use them and still haven't received any of those back... I think people think oh I am not going so I don't need to RSVP. Which is totally frustrating! I don't care for our wedding in Cuba because I know if they have booked with my travel agent (and since we're having ours in Cuba- most people just go with the packaged deals and go for a week rather then a weekend type thing- so we don't have the problem you do with #3 on your list). But we are also having a ceremony here and people still haven't rsvp'd either and its like we do need to know how many people are coming... So closer to the date I will just have to find out... and yes I have RSVP'd for people online because I know they are coming or they aren't and they haven't bothered too... like we can remember everyone who says yes or no!
  5. Lol! Love it! Did you have a friend conduct your ceremony?
  6. Wow you have had so much going on!!! It all sounds sooo good! I can't believe you guys are only two months away! Its going to fly by especially now that its Christmas coming up and then it'll be January before you even know it!
  7. Great job! I know it feels so good when you get into a groove!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Kay6356 Beautiful pictures Lydia, I am so glad you had an amazing wedding/vacay! xo 2 months for you Kay!!!! Ahhhh so exciting!!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Lydia1120 I don't even know where to start and literally get emotional just thinking about it! My wedding week/day was more than what I ever expected! We had so much fun that it should be illegal....lol The wedding day went so smooth and I wasn't nervous at all! The only down fall is that after the fact, I am sooooooo exhausted and will need another week to start thinking clearly again. It was exhausting to host 79 people for an entire week but I would totally do it again! Here are a couple of pics taken by friends: My son giving me away Etienne a bit emotional You may kiss the bride with our ring boy and flower girl Bridal party Most of the group Reception Hall decorations by Aire De Fiesta Our Candy bar hahaha apparently I was writing that while you were posting! Omg you where such a beautiful bride and it looked sooo beautiful! They did an awesome job decorating!!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Lydia1120 thank you Carina! OMG it was truly the best week of my life! I cannot wait to hear about it!!! I can't believe you already left a week ago!!! Insane how fast it goes by! I can't wait to see photos either!
  11. Oh that's good to know! My sister and future sister in law both have toddlers so I don't know if they will want them or not... my guess is probably not but its nice to know that its available!
  12. Someone mentioned that the a la cartes book up fast and that you should try to pre-book before you leave? I know you go in January so its probably not as busy as May, but I am wondering if this is possible... it seems weird that they'd just let people pre-book before they've even left! Other then for things like a Welcome dinner or wedding dinner. I wonder if they can accommodate like 40 people for the Japanese restaurant... that's what I'd like to do but I am not sure if that's possible. I've heard the romantic is really good.. I am wondering though if we should leave that for people who want to have a romantic night on their own though. Hmmm the decisions lol!
  13. Awesome! Good luck with it!!! I made carrot-lentil soup over the weekend so that's what I will be eating this week for lunches with some veggies! And I've pretty much been eating cheerios and a banana in the morning... I love carbs, so I like eating them in the morning and then for dinner doing more of a protein and veggies and a salad. We've been pretty good with having some type of meat, a salad and veggies last week, so I am going to continue that! Also my goal is to cut out chocolate everyday this week... Friday I'll be going to my friends dessert restaurant so I'll have something there, but today til Thursday I am going chocolate free!
  14. I plan on having a welcome dinner as well, just not sure where to hold it either... Is it too early to already book this? I figured since the wedding isn't until May I should wait until at least the new year... I am debating about whether we could do it at the buffet and that way we wouldn't have to waste the guests meals... but I do think a sit down dinner would be much nicer. Hmmm The Tex Mex might be a fun one to go to... but Kay I'd also love a suggestion on the best one! We are having our wedding dinner at the palapas. This is the seller where I got my flower from https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/154740003/white-bridal-flower-wedding-silk-flower?ref=favs_view_13 Sounds like you are bringing a ton of décor with you! how are you going to fit it all in your suitcases?
  15. I am finished alpha phase!!! And I did my measurements this week. Down about 5 lbs - I really focused on eating well this week and it made a huge difference, so now I am really going to focus and make the effort to eat as healthy as possible up until the wedding!(well and hopefully in the future as well!). To get to my ideal weight for the wedding I'll need to drop about 2 lbs per week until April... I am not sure if that will be possible, I will do my best, but I think with Christmas and my birthday in the mix it may not be quite that much. Oh well as long as my dress fits that's what will matter the most!
  16. I'd still love to see a photo of your other flower though!
  17. Awwww Kay you are sweet! Actually I emailed the lady and told her about the situation and showed her the photo, she asked if it was dark outside... apparently because it is actually pure white material it picks up colours around it, so she said to check it out in the day time... so I brought it to work with me with a piece of white material and when its outside in the daylight it is actually white. It sometimes still has some purpleish tints to it from the shadows of the material behind it but I think since the wedding is outside during day light I think its actually going to be fine!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Kay6356 Hi Alley, Im glad your stag and doe was a success!! That is amazing that your photographer came and you got to meet her What are her packages/prices like? Stuff is coming along for you Flowers.... dresses !! We did purchase our bands a long time ago, just to get it out of the way.... Hubby wanted a bling classic band, I don't like it at all but he has to wear it Here they are: (The pictures don't do much justice at all) Mine FI's Omg Kay our rings are pretty similar! Also I ordered a hair flower on etsy and received it today... I was so disappointed... I mean the flower itself is nice... its just that its purple and its supposed to be pure white... I am hoping that there was a mistake and that the seller will fix it! Her reviews were really good and people said if there were problems then she always fixed them so I am just hoping the wrong colour was sent out by accident... but here it is up to my dress...
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