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Everything posted by csho

  1. I definitely would join to! We should start it! 1derwoman whats your fb name?
  2. I know its so confusing! I am sure it will be fine once we figure it out... but I hate learning new things! I took a week off of my exercise program... mostly I got lazy but yesterday I started back into my routine! Glad I was able to after a week... it was a pretty tough workout, but am glad to be getting back into it... I am redoing week 8. Only three weeks left until the final phase! And then I think I will restart the whole program again! And I can't believe its only one month til you're married! So exciting!
  3. Ohhhh I figured out how to find where I've posted and see which posts have been responded too! Yay! under My Content! This makes me so happy! Now just to figure out how to post photos!
  4. So cute!!! Love it! Alley how do we post pictures?
  5. Great photos Alley! Can't believe your wedding is coming up soooo quickly! Its crazy! I haven't been coming on here as much since its been updated... I find it annoying that I can't see right when I sign in that someone has posted in the thread. I used to have a spot on the side where it would say but now it seems I have to go in and check every thread. Anyone else have this?
  6. Love it! Last week wasn't a very good week for me eating and exercise wise... so I am going to shape up this week! Hope everyones week went well!
  7. Oh Alley I hope your flowers turn out as well as you hope! I love peonies!!! I bought a bunch of coral ones from Winners during the summer and that's what I am making my centrepieces with...Sounds like you pretty much have everything under control! I don't know to see who has commented on posts we've made... before it used to say somewhere and now I feel like I have to go back in to find out if someone posted on the thread... oh well I usually check once or twice a day haha
  8. Hey Jennifer! I am not getting married in this part of CUba, but I am getting married in Varadero. There is a photographer based of Matanzas (just outside Varadero) who does travel in CUba for weddings. I am not sure if you have heard of him but his name is Alex Quesada. I have hired him for my wedding in May. You can search him on facebook Cuban Wedding Photographer Videographer. I know he can book up pretty quickly so not sure if he would be available but you may want to look into him as an option!
  9. Nice to hear from you Kay!!! Man I hate change to sites lol... so hard to figure everything out! Oh well I am sure it will be easier once we figure it out. So what did you decided to do about your flowers Kay? Are you just going to use ones from the resort? I haven't really done a whole lot lately... just have a few things left to do really and have plenty of time in the New Year to get it done (or so I think lol!)
  10. Oh awesome to hear about the calories burned! I like knowing my estimated calories are about right! And I am sorry to hear that about your bridesmaid! That's unfortunate! Oh well at least you seem to have other people who are helping out! At the end of the day I am sure it will all work out fine!
  11. I am assuming you are talking about your MOH or a BM? That's unfortunate Its kind of sad how that happens. Brides are super happy and excited about their own weddings (rightfully so) but its not fair if they don't return the favour or enthusiasm that you have put forth for theirs once yours comes along. I am sure she'll get everything done and it will all turn out fine! Just you'd think if she was a bride recently that she would remember the stress! Did you wear the heart rate monitor for your workout?
  12. Lopi! Those bouquets are amazing!! You did such an amazing job! They are beautiful! And Lydia- that's crazy! Good thing you didn't need them for anything else!
  13. Oh that's so exciting! Your wedding is coming up sooooo soon now! You must be getting so excited!
  14. I told my FI that I'd like a heart rate monitor for Christmas, but I am not sure that he got one for me... I'd really love it so I could figure out exactly how many calories I am burning. I'll be interested to hear how much you burn during T25! I finished week 6 and am onto week 7! Can't believe I have been following it for this long! It feels so great and my body is definitely showing a difference! I fit into an old red dress that was too small at the beginning of November and I was able to zip my wedding dress up this weekend YAY!! I had some "back" fat that did not look good... but I am just soo happy it actually zipped! now to get rid of the back roll lol! I stepped on the scale this morning and it said I gained 4 lbs over the weekend, but theres no way! I am hoping after eating healthy and exercising today it'll be back down to my normal weight tomorrow!
  15. How was everyones weekends? Get a lot of shopping done Kay?
  16. Ahhhhh! Finally! I've been waiting not so patiently lol! I was so excited to see your post this morning!!! You looked sooo beautiful! And I love the ruffle dress on the beach! Looks awesome! Looks like you guys had a wonderful time! Glad the weather held up for your wedding!!! Congratulations!!!!
  17. Oh awesome! Maybe I'll just bring a nice gift bag or something to have there in case! I have about 40 people so far going so I'll need a few more then that, but I did check on ebay and you can get them pretty cheap! Thanks!
  18. Lydia one other question - did people bring you cards? I was debating whether I should bring something for cards but I don't want to assume people will and have something there and then no one does and then they feel bad or anything?
  19. Such a cute idea for the guestbook! I was actually just looking at making a 2014 calendar with our engagement photos! Shutterfly had free ones lol! I guess it wouldn't work quite as well though since our wedding is in the middle of the year lol! But I love it! And your bottles with sand was also an awesome idea! I wish I had of thought of that before I bought escort cards... although we still could use the escort cards and attach the bottle filled with sand which would help me with problem of the cards blowing away! Where did you find the little bottles?
  20. Yeah I think our storm is was what everyone else is getting but our luckily was just rain and no snow! Best part of living on the ocean! not as much snow lol! Have a great weekend!
  21. Have fun this weekend!!! And I am sure you'll be super focused once you get back! Do you have time off over Christmas? Its a good time to get some DIY stuff done (if you have the supplies already!).
  22. Lydia what was your guestbook? I remember seeing it in a photo, and thinking it was cool, but can't remember... I still don't have a guestbook... I was planning on using a photobook with our engagement photos... I actually have it created already just waiting to see what other ideas there might be.
  23. Great job! And yeah unless you are willing to have alterations to your dress better not lose anymore! Last night we had a huge wind/rain storm and our power went out when I got home from my volleyball game and so I had to do my exercise by flashlight... but I still did it lol! Thankgoodness my workouts are on my laptop and it still had power on it lol!
  24. Just keep in mind the time flies by!!!! I remember thinking Oh I have a year to go... I'll get to it and now I have 5 months left and am struggling to lose the weight... I mean I still have 5months so I am sure I will be fine but just it goes by so much faster then you think lol!
  25. Wow I can't wait to see all your professional photos! That TTD shot is awesome! I really really wanted to do one, but since we are having a ceremony here as well Mark does not want me to ruin my dress... I tried to tell him that it won't get ruined but he was not having any of it and he barely has any opinions on the wedding and this was the one this he was pretty adamant about, but I bought a short one for the dance part of our evening though so perhaps I could just use that one... hmm something I'll have to think about it! I'll send you a facebook request!
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