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Everything posted by Maybeachbride

  1. I have gotten a few things in the dollar bins at target. They had some things 50% off!!! Also on the end of the isles they had some clearance items like individually wrapped face wipes 5 per pack on sale for 50 cents
  2. I got those same star gazer lilies and I am going to attempt to make our center pieces for the reception!
  3. I really enjoyed hot yoga! Did not think I would but it is great!
  4. I do a combo of running, spinning, and swimming. It helps to be able to change things everyday!
  5. Find something you enjoy doing! Find a friend to help get you started! My friends and I will plan social time at the gym to help keep us motivated!
  6. I use them at the gym and they work great! Just make sure you use them correctly !
  7. Start small and build up! People who try to start out too fast burn out! I am sure you will do great!
  8. Thanks for sharing! I am terrible about cutting my diet!!! I am stepping up the cardio!
  9. This thread is so me! I really dont understand people. I had so many people tell me they could not wait and what a fun idea! Then as soon as the save the dates came out all of sudden everything changed. it cost to much... mexico really??? I would NEVER miss thier weddings for anything! I feel like i gave people plenty of notice...
  10. I think he is going to wear linen pants and a white short sleeve linen shirt.... I don't really want to do a suit....
  11. I went to target today and they have a some good stuff in the $1 bin at half off! I got some little nail clipper sets for 50 cents! Just an FYI!
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