I have found that since I started recording what I am eating, and making a log of it, I don't go as crazy with what I am eating. While I may want too... and I did binge on an entire bag of chips last week (yikes!), I am much more able to convince myelf to not eat that slice of cheese, or eat those extra chocolate pancakes, just because they are there. I don't want to have to write it down.... and I don't want to lie and not write it down either, because then it's a completely wasted effort. For those of you who just want to keep track of what your eating, I suggest creating a food journal. I just write down what I eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner (and any snacks in between). Plus I write down how much water I drink in a day, with a little tick mark for one cup. That has been the hugest thing for me- realizing how much I don't drink nearly enough water! Also, stepped on the scale today and it read 181.5. I know it was wrong, and I must have shifted backwards and taken the weight off my feet or something, because that is sooo not me losing 6 lbs in 2 days. However, instead of stepping off and stepping back on again, I simply walked away because hey, why not let me be that skinny today. It was a good feeling to see that number, so it has kept me going all day, even knowing it isn't true at all haha.