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Amy Buxton

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Everything posted by Amy Buxton

  1. My wedding at excellence is now less than 4 weeks and I am starting to panic about the severe lack of communication from Nayeli, our coordinator. I have literally recieved no additional information other than what is on the website. Have not picked flowers, not had a final cost quote, or even discussed prices. We also still aren't sure whether to have a symbolic or legal ceremony and have asked for the wording of each and have had no response. I am feeling very let down. We didn't meet with Nayeli when we visited but Daniella who has since been fired, I feel like she promised us a bunch of stuff during our tour but now have nothing in writing! Is anyone else experiencing issues with this?
  2. Thank you Kim, and congratulations! This is great feedback. I'd love to hear how you ceremony goes. It is also good to hear that as the date approaches we will have more contac with the coordinators. I am planning to email on the very day that we are three months out to start getting thing secured and planned. Have a wonderful time in Mexico
  3. We have our wedding booked at EPM for February 15th 2013. We went to the resort this year the check it out and loved it. We had issues with the coordinators, turned up for our scheduled meeting with Gustavos, to be told that he no longer worked there, then told to come back in an hour to meet with someone else, who then showed up late. Daniella showed us round but when we started trying to email her we got an email weeks later from Nayeli saying that she was taking over, three coordinators before we'd even booked did not bode well! I have had preferences for the Conference terrace and x lounge noted but won't be secure until 3 months out. I appreciate all of the feedback on this site as it reassures me that the day will be great no matter what. Has anyone had a symbolic wedding there? is it nice? I want my family there for when I get married but we are going to have to get remarried in the us anyway. Don't want my family to feel they are being duped out of a 'real' wedding but not sure it's worth all the blood tests and stuff just for the names sake. Thoughts? Anyone else going to be there in February?
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