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Posts posted by Billandstina

  1. It honestly doesn't sound like you need much more!! I'm on the flight right now heading home from my wedding and I can tell you that lugging all my decor down was a pain (although worth it financially) and at the end of the day nobody is going to remember my decor and the man in a speedo helped steal the show when he decided to stand behind us crying! Don't stress the small stuff...the scenery will be so beautiful and the simple petals will have an impact!

  2. We've had perfect weather since we arrived Wednesday until today when it's been pretty grey all day with two huge downpours! Doesn't stop anyone from partying and staying in the pool all day and I noticed they did have to move a wedding inside today. But honestly what the weather channels etc say is never correct...and the downpours didn't last long and actually bring the heat down quite a bit so that's the silver lining ;)

  3. Yay!! Congratulations MRS! So happy for you and glad to hear it went perfectly. I'm really trying not to stress.. It's not like me to stress, so I'm really trying to just relax. So happy for you :)
    Thank you so much!! You, of all people on here, having nothing to stress about!! You're so organized and planned ahead with all your projects....and have completed them!! My problem was not having the time to finish all my projects and had the glue gun going the night before! Lolol! You'll be fine!! Don't stress!!
  4. Girls you have nothing to worry about!! Yesterday was the best day of our lives!! Everyone had a blast including the old man in a speedo who decided to stand right behind us during the ceremony!! Hilarious!! All 55 guests were laughing quietly so Bill and I turned and figured out why...like I said, hysterical! We invited he and his wife from Italy for champagne during cocktail hour and photos just for the memory!! Lolol! Everything will be perfect for your day as well! It FLEW by though!! Enjoying our honeymoon breakfast on the balcony now and loving life!!

  5. Hi girls...I haven't had time to go to Mega or Walmart but from previous trips I think they have premium liquors...I don't honestly know about centerpieces ingredients since I lugged all mine down here. I'm sure just walking around town you could find things though. Today's the big day for us and my FI has gone fishing! I've been calm and relaxed but the butterflies or nerves and excitement are creeping in! Lol! The sun is out so I'm hoping it stays there!! If I have time I'll try and get to Mega or Walmart and scope out centerpiece options.

  6. Thanks y'all! Newest update...don't look at the weather channel! I did that and freaked myself out...I'm still worried about Saturday but the weather has been beautiful since we arrived when according to my phone and the weather channel it's thundering non-stop. The clouds have rolled in but it's almost nice to have a little relief from the sun. It's extremely hot (think two showers or more a day hot) and I'm hoping I get through Saturday without being a dripping mess before some good photos! Lol! We met all the vendors and our coordinator with all our multiple suitcases of decor this morning and although people looked at us like we were insane for lugging it all with us, I can't tell you how amazing our coordinator is!! She saw that I had organized it all for her and we went over every detail so there's no misunderstandings!! Four hours later I can finally breathe and relax and realize I'm on vacation! I think my FI saw the stress leave my shoulders! Now if I can catch up on sleep be good to go!! Lol

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  7. Girls we arrived yesterday with an astounding 18 bags between 4 of us!! Ahhhh! Sailed through customs which was AMAZING considering! Arrived at the hotel which is beautiful and has character and was met by our personal concierge and out Wedding Coordinator! Easy peasy! Almost all 55 of my guests are here with the rest coming today and the ones who have been here since Sunday are blown away by the service etc. it was Caribbean buffet night on the beach last night which was a huge party and my guests thought is was "great for us to have put that together for them" ;) and a fabulous platform for our two families to meet for the first time! I'm praying everything else goes just as smoothly! I meet my DJ, coordinator and officiant in a few hours to hand over all my decor and go over details and then I think I can finally "check out" and be on vacation in my brain! Lol! Ill try and let you know how it goes but so far I've been impressed and my guests have been too! In terms of OOT bags I wouldn't bother paying the ridiculous fee for them to deliver them...my FI and I hustled and assembled all 55 as soon as we were in the room and then carried the ones we needed down to the lobby area without telling anyone we'd arrived and the size of the resort is perfect because it just happened that pretty much every guest ended up in the same area at the same time so bam, bags distributed! Lol! Ohhhh I can see why brides and grooms don't give out their room numbers! Everyone wants to know it and we're sticking to our guns and not telling anyone! (Just wondering how long Sir can keep it a secret...lol).

  8. I have done reserach on Mexico and read numerous posts on this website in different places, but that's why I'm asking if others have had trouble getting the drugs through.  Yes, everyone does these Welcome Bags and Hangover Kits, but there are certain things they don't like.  For instance, they don't like if you bring in textiles, like towels, they will charge you a duty for those.  I'm just checking here to see if other brides have had any difficulty with customs seeing their pre-packaged bags with sunscreen, lip balm, ibuprofen, immodium, pepto-bismol and said anything.  I don't know if we should spread these things out between the 7 people going with us and put things in there packages there.  Just like to hear some experience with brides that have gone to Mexico.  I know you can take in $300 worth of stuff per person, and need the receipts to prove how much things cost.  It's not the same as Jamaica or other Caribbean properties.
    I flew in yesterday to Mexico with 50 "survival kits" filled with all the things mentioned already assembled so it was evident they were gifts. You don't need to declare anything! And I didn't have any problem! I actually sailed through customs (even with the 18 bags total for 4 of us!!!) and we all got green lights. Having said that I had also printed out and placed ontop of each suitcase carrying wedding decor and OOT bag contents (loads of stuff for 55 people) a note in Spanish explaining these items were not for resale but for my wedding in Playa. Never had a need for them and although my intentions when packing were to evenly distribute the Survival Kit between the 4 of us, at the end of a few exhausting days I couldn't be bothered and all of them were in one suitcase. I don't think you have anything to worry about. A smile goes a long way down here and being sweet so if all else fails or you get the red light I'd try that approach ;) But they're used to seeing brides fly in (there were 5 on my flight alone). Good luck...don't over think it.
  9. oh that's great news! Shows what I know, I didn't even know there were center pieces included, I thought everything was additional!  I haven't gotten a response back from my WC with any information yet, so hopefully I will soon!
    Centerpieces aren't included girls...thus the chaos I'm in 12 hours from flying out! The most basic (bowl of water +1 flower) is $85!! Outrageous! We're hauling all our decor down there which I know is worth it but its all over our floor and I need it to magically jump into our suitcases with our clothes perfectly so I can be FINISHED!! Ahhhhhhh
  10. Ahhhhhhhh!! We leave tomorrow and I'm feeling completely overwhelmed! A wedding threw up all over our house...every room filled with piles of things...glitter covering every inch of the kitchen...I never want to see another do-it-yourself project...clothes unpacked...stressing out!!! 12 of my guests are already down there and all I want to do is say F-it and leave everything here, take a swim suit and head down there to relax without dealing with a wedding!! Lolol!

  11. My mom went out and bought a steamer this week to bring down with us. Is it just me or does anyone else keep buying clothes for the trip but feel like they have nothing!?
    I'm right there with you! I'm a complete mess!! Can't seem to catch up with myself and we leave Wednesday!! Keep buying clothes yet cant find essenti things like wedding earrings!! Ughhh! I almost just broke into tears at FedEx when the sweet girl gave us about $500 worth of color printing for free because the welcome booklets were going to be about $700+ and I had no plan B this close to departure! And I keep looking at the weather predictions and they're looking UGLY for Saturday so that's adding to my stress!! Ughhhhh!
  12. is anyone packing tupperware bins for your OOT supplies? I have 60 ppl coming and SO many OOT supplies. I have not a single clue how I am going to pack all this crap!
    I'm currently having this exact panic attack! Lol! We leave on Wednesday and I really think we're going to have to resort to Rubbermaid Bins for all the center pieces and OOT contents! Dreading this packing experience!!
  13. Hi Ladies!!! I just got my trailer from my videographer and wanted to share it with you all in case you're thinking about a videographer.  I would totally recommend using "Cinematik Weddings".  They were AMAZING and you can not beat their prices and professionalism. Please let me know if you have ANY questions about them. I would def. recommend you using them and getting a video. It's so worth the money!!!! Pictures can't even come close.  Good luck and happy planning. =) Here's the link: http://vimeo.com/67712649
    Amazing!!! I don't know you but I'm sitting here in tears! Lol! My wedding is in a week...we'll blame it on that! Now you have me considering shelling out the money for a video!
  14. Well I've started packing! I've completely packed the wedding bag and was successful in my goal of ONE bag for wedding supplies and welcome bag items! When we began planning I really didn't want to do the welcome bag thing. I didn't want to be bothered dragging everything down but as time went on, I thought that was selfish and I could at least do something for my guest. We originally expected around 40 guest, not 62 so as more people booked, we realized we had to keep the welcome bags a bit more simple. There were a few things I really wanted to add, but I didn't because it would have been WAY to many things to bring to MX. So anyways, we kept the welcome bags simple, as well as the wedding decor. We really wanted to fit everything into one checked luggage bag that weighs below the 50lbs weight limit... and it weighs 44lbs! Whooohoo!  I've also started packing my own bag. I've been throwing things in there that I think of throughout the day and I've packed a few things that won't wrinkle. Everything else is pretty much laid out in a room ready to be placed in the bag!  My FI hasn't touched his bag yet, that's just how he (and probably most guys) is. I'm sure he'll pack the night before we leave! So is anyone coming up this weekend? There's too many pages here to go through everyone's dates! We should have made a page with everyone's dates listed in order!  If not, I think me and a few others are coming up next weekend!! Eeeeekkkkkkk!!! We fly in on Wednesday, the 12th.... Anyone else? I'll look for you at the airport!! cheer2.gif
    We're flying down Wednesday the 12th too! What time are you arriving? We head in at 1:30 if we make our connection! Lol
  15. Hi Girls...

    I've been trying to get info on their videographer and photographer but I can't for the life of me get an example of the videos they do :( I'm getting married here in 11 days and leave in 8! GULP!! I'm nowhere near finished with all my projects and don't even have a bathing suit yet! I'm more nervous about not getting everything finished on time than I am about the wedding! lol! I'm going to try again tomorrow to get some info on the videographer and see if we I can get somewhere! Fingers crossed!



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