Oh ladies. Is is possible for me to pick different future in-laws? Haha. You know, we went the DW route because we figured it would be easy and stress free. WRONG! Sometimes I think if I had known back in October what I know now, we wouldn't have gone this route. My FI and I would have eloped and had an amazing vacation/ceremony in Tahiti or something. It makes me wonder why I am bothering to spend the time, energy, and money on this for our family, when our family (aka HIS family) isn't seeming to make this a priority or be interested. I'm so tired of the lame excuses from everyone and wishy washy attitude. We decided to do it this way because our family made it seem so important they were included, but now it's like, what was the point?! I \ Sorry, it's been a rough couple of days. Hopefully my shower Saturday will run smoothly (yeah right) and get me excited again. I can only hope that when May 11th comes, none of this will matter and will all be a distant memory. Thank god my family lives closer than his! I know what you will all say, and that everyone's been there, but sometimes I just need a good vent session. And I don't like to lay it on my FI too much, since it's his family.