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Everything posted by stacers113

  1. mrschesser9112 -- Congratulations! How did the wedding go? I see that you day was about a month ago. I was wondering if you had any pointers for us SMB brides who are still planning. Thanks! Stacey
  2. Hey JenJasonNYC, Thanks for posting, this was really helpful! I have a few questions about the bonfire. Was it pretty private? I was curious if the resort made an effort to keep it a private party and keep people passing by on the beach from joining the party. Did you find the bonfire was worth the money? I thought it would be a great post-rehearsal gathering, maybe with a private bar... Also was there any seating around the bonfire included? Stacey
  3. Hey K3nelson (Karin) -- I'm getting married April 2013 at SMB as well. I had many of the same questions as you and would love to know if you found answers. We booked the Silver Package for 30 guests. 1. I did a lot of reading on forums and facebook before choosing the beach for the ceremony and the Barracuda Terrace for the reception. It all depends on what you are looking for. After booking, I realized I think it was the Barracuda lawn that people were raving about, but the naming gets kind of confusing. It seems like everyone (and the paperwork) call it something different. 2. Music -- I was thinking the same for the iPod. Have you heard anything about the DJs? Are they worth the $$$? 3. Yes, that's correct. Its $18 per head plus gratuity for groups over 10 I believe. 4. I was wondering about the bonfire too. I'm looking to do it for our post-rehearsal as well. Have you found out any information on it? I'm wondering how they private it actually is on the beach and if they make any effort to keep people who aren't in the party out. 5. Also looking into this... We weren't looking to do a traditional cake. My fiance doesn't like it either! Have you heard anything about other desserts either included or extra? Stacey
  4. OMG I need these! I've been looking everywhere for totes like these! I'll have to check my Dollar Tree. Thanks so much for posting this pic!
  5. Thanks for posting this pic! I just bought the exact ones!
  6. I got mine at David's Bridal for my April '13 wedding. I ordered it in July and got it in about a month.
  7. We just booked for our April 2013 wedding! Any advice for us? We're doing a beach wedding and reception on the barracuda terrace, silver package.
  8. OK too wierd! Im getting married at SMB in April. I have almost the same wedding dress, same bridesmaid colors and no kidding SAME bridesmaid jewelry! You have VERY good taste We're getting married on the beach with our reception on the Barracuda terrace. How did you like everything, did it go well?!
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