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Posts posted by loubellou

  1. Hi Lucy!


    From what I read in the first part of the Newsletter, it is fantastic. I am just in the planning stages of my wedding, I am completely overwhelmed and this would help immensley.


    Although I am a "Newbie", I have been able to download by paying the "fee" to upgrade , so if you could email these to me at   [email protected], I would be really appreciative, and thanks so much.





  2. I am absolutely CRAZY IN LOVE with these !!!! NOt just because they are my colors. I also just love your Bridesmaid cards. Please tell me how you created the design surrounding your names on the passport, and the flourishes in the corners of your bridesmaid invites. I can manouver around a lot of programs on the computer, but I have never done any kind of designing like this, and I am totally flustered at where, or how to start.

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