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Everything posted by Michellelepore1

  1. Hi Ladies, I can't seem to find out how long in inches the rectangular tables are. Does anyone know? I am trying to buy the linens and the runner for the tables. THANKS!
  2. Hi Ladies! I have a few questions. I am getting married Nov 1st and having the reception on the Carnival Terrace. We are expecting about 30 people and I have a few concerns. I want to make sure the dance area is large enough for 30 people to dance comfortably? Also, does anyone know in Inches how long the rectangular tables are? Another thing is, I am a little concerned about if it will be too windy or too hot to have the reception outside? I was thinking about changing to the Bamboo room but I am in between just because I want to be outside since we are in Mexico. Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks Ladies!
  3. Hi Ladies!! Does anyone have the email address for Maya Floral? Thanks!
  4. Hi! I am thinking of using an outside florist as well. Can you tell me who you are using? Are you paying the $350 outside vendor fee? Also, I am having the rectangular tables as well. I am trying to go for a rustic feel so I got mason jars and deep blue wine bottles which we will use on the tables. I want to put small arrangements of hydrangeas in the mason jars and then one flower in the wine bottle. I think a filler would be fine to cover the ribbons. Thanks!!
  5. Oh wow. That would be great if you could let me know! Do you have DJ Doremixx or the in house DJ?
  6. Really?? I am so confused. There is so much inconsitency. I also, opted out of the the dessert and she said I can only have 1 other cocktail hour dish when I know she has given other brides 2. UGH. I just wish they were more consistent.
  7. Hi Ladies! So Deisy just let me know that DJ Doremixx has increased prices. Instead of 4 hrs for $1000 it's is now $1550. She said she can give me AVI company which is an in house dJ. Has anyone else heard about this? Also, does anyone know if this is a good DJ?
  8. Also, I want the lanterns with led lights. Does anyone know if you have to but led lights separate? Or do the lanterns come with the lights already inside?
  9. Hi Ladies, I am sure this question has been answered but can't find it! I want to buy the paper lanterns for the terrace but don't know where to buy them and how many? Any suggestions? Also, should I get different sizes? THANKS
  10. I was just legally married last week and it was the same for us. We didn't want to say vows but we had to. Luckily here in NYC the courthouse feels like a DMV so we didn't feel like it was a wedding at all. I am glad so that now when we have the wedding in Mexico it will feel real when we say our vows.
  11. Thanks Khunt!! F&B OPTIONS-1.pdf oficial gluten-vegetariano-1.pdf
  12. Hi Ladies, Is anyone else confused by picking the menu? I have the Divine package. I have the menu options Deisy sent me and what I am hoping we can do is pick from either the Divine or the eternity menu. I was thinking can I choose One Salad, One Soup/starter and then choose two different dinner options for guests to choose from. Like a chicken and a beef. Then I asked her if we can swap the dessert for something else and she said no. I am just super confused and I would like to know since I need to put the options on the invitations. Any suggestions or any past brides that can tell me what they chose?? Thanks!
  13. Hi Cassidykristen! Is it possible for you to email the terrace layouts that Deisy sent you!? My email is [email protected]. I appreciate it!
  14. Hi Ladies, So I am having about 30 guests as of now and we are all party people. My concern is the dance floor is small on the terrace, but then I think if I switch to the bamboo room it will look awkward with only 30 guests and it being so big. Any thoughts????
  15. Hi Cassidy! I am unable to see the menu. Is it possible for you to email it to me? I would really appreciate it! My email is [email protected]. Thanks!! Food & Beveras 2012-2013.pdf
  16. Hi!! Does anyone have the gluten free menu?? I received the packet but don't remember seeing any gluten free options. Thanks Ladies!
  17. Hi Remykion! That's exciting we are both getting married the same day! I am getting married at 5pm, what about you???
  18. Hi Ladies! I am getting married on November 1st of this year at the Pergola, Cocktail hour at the Mix Bar and the reception on the terrace. We are having about 32 people. Does anyone know if the space is spacey enough for dancing? Also, I love the long tables instead of the round. Does anyone know how many long tables can fit on the terrace and how many can be seated at each table? THANKS!
  19. Hi Ladies! Quick Question for past brides or anyone who has visited Riviera Maya/Cancun area in Late October early November. I am getting married on November 1st of this year and wondering what the weather was like over there?? I am having the reception on the terrace and I don't want it to be too chilly at night for my guests. THANKS!
  20. I am so glad to hear all of these good things about Teresa! I blocked 10 rooms and now I'm thing I should have blocked more. Do you know if we have more than 10 rooms booked the guess will gt a discounted room rate?
  21. Thanks!!!! That makes me feel better! I guess since I have never been to Mexico and this is my wedding I keep thinking of things that can go wrong, I guess I just have to relax lol. Thanks again!
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