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Everything posted by Michellelepore1

  1. Hi Ladies, I have not posted in months. I was married on Nov 1, 2013 and just posted my review. If anyone has any questions I would be happy to try to answer them!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by remykion lol. no due to budget we are just hiring the sound system to play our own music. We have a DJ here in the UK who has kindly put over 2000 songs on our ipod for us. My reception finishes at 10pm so i might gate crash yours for the last hour LOL (dont panic I am joking) So in terms of your menu did you just ask your guests if they wanted beef or chicken for their main and then you chose 1 x Salad, 1 x cream option for everyone? xxx Hahahaha I totally welcome wedding crashers!! Yes, when I sent the invites they had a choice between beef and chicken, then I chose 1 salad and 1 cream option.
  3. Remykion, Are you using a DJ for the reception. I booked AVI for the night from 7-11pm. I was wondering if you did as well? If yes, I hope they have two DJ's lol
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by remykion Hi, Can anyone explain how the divine menu works, do we have to pick one menu and EVERYbody has to have this. Can any past brides recommend what options are best? i do have a couple of vegetarians I can only assume they take this into consideration? Any advice would be appreciated. Sarah Hi! I chose two of the main options (chicken or Beef Fillet & Shrimp) then I chose a salad and a cream option and swapped the dessert for two extra appetizers for cocktail hour. I am a vegetarian and was told I can have a pasta dish instead of the beef or chicken. Hope this helps! I will see you there!!
  5. Hi Remykion! I have the Divine but we hired an outside photographer, I think you can have them take extra pictures if you go with the resort photographer but you might be charged more money (not too sure). I believe only the white table cloth is included any other colors you have to pay extra. Since we are getting married the same day! I was wondering where you chose your reception area? We have the Terrace right now and have 30 people attending, we might change to the Bamboo room.
  6. Hi Ladies! This is for past brides, I have 28 guests including myself and my fiancé and we are having the reception at the Carnival Terrace. I chose the long rectangular tables. Anyone who had the reception on the terrace, was it to small for dancing? And about how many of the long tables will fit?? Thanks!!
  7. Hi Ladies! Does anyone have any reviews on Victor Herrera photography? I might book with him and was wondering if any past brides have used them? Thanks!!
  8. Hi Ladies! So the photographer my fiancé and I were going to fly out is no longer going. I was wondering if any brides used the resort photographers and how much was full day with the divine package? Also, how is their work? I am not a picture person but for the big day i want to make sure we get great pics! We don't like traditional wedding pictures either. Any suggestions? Any decent priced photographers in the area? thanks!!!
  9. Hi ladies, I have a question regarding the paper lanterns. I am having the reception on the terrace and was wondering how many lanterns I should purchase for that location to be hung? Also, any suggestions on either getting the ones with or without the LED lights? THANKS!
  10. Hopefully they extend that for your guests! Yes, I am getting married at the Pergola at 5PM. I arrive Wed Oct/30 u?? I will take u up on that glass! lol
  11. Thanks Remykion, I am trying to find a way to have my mom there. We are waiting to see what my sisters doctor says regarding her flying. We decided to not cancel and have the wedding because I know I will regret it if we don't. We just realized we will make the best of it with who is there. Btw it is soo exciting we will both be getting married the same day!! Where are you having the ceremony?
  12. Thank's Shannon. I understand about the pregnancies I guess I am being a bit selfish We offered her! But she is so stubborn and said no, in a way I think she is afraid to go because she has never been on a plane!! crazy I know!
  13. Not harsh at all LOL. I guess as the day is going on I am understanding that maybe I shouldn't cancel. I think I will have that glass of wine tonight after work and discuss with my fiance. I just WISH they could be there. But, I already have my dress and want to wear it lol. I don't know. we shall see
  14. Thank You Ironman and Brandi! It is not definite. I will discuss this all tonight with my fiance. My sister and I are so close and it will be weird without her, my mom and my aunt but I do understand the other guests being there which means a lot. I guess I have to get past the fact that the closest people to me won't be there. UGH I sent out my Save the Dates exactly one year in advance and everyone was totally into it. Now that it is getting closer people are getting pregnant and canceling lol. I have to just think about it.
  15. Hi Ladies, Our wedding is November 1st and in the past month my sister (who is also my maid of honor) told me she is pregnant and will be over 6 months at the time of the wedding meaning she cannot travel. My FI cousin's (who is his best man) wife is pregnant and will be due a week after the wedding so they cannot go. My mother told me she cannot go due to finances and also my aunt will not be able to go due to being on chemo. I have lost my excitement for the wedding due to all of the cancellations and I cannot imagine having my wedding with the above people not there. I booked through Teresa from Vacations for less. I blocked 10 rooms for $1000. only 3 people put deposits down so far. Does anyone know IF we were to cancel how would we do so and would the guests who booked lose their money? I would feel horrible if they did which is why I don't know what to do. I also paid in full for the photographers room since we are flying him here. My fiance did say if we canceled that we would still go to Secrets Maroma for our honeymoon and maybe we could use the $1000 that we already put down for the room block. I don't know what to do
  16. Hi! I just booked there for our honeymoon as well! I heard it is a gorgeous resort! Congrats!
  17. So I have been reading the Trip Advisor reviews and they are now consistently BAD!! I am freaking out and we are 6 months out and I am actually thinking of canceling because I want nothing but the BEST for my guests. When we booked 6 months ago the reviews were all great and they have just been going down hill since. One of the big things is the quality of food. I want to make sure everyone will enjoy the food and have a great time but now I feel like everyone will just have complaints that they paid all of this money for my fiance and I to see us get married and they are at a horrible resort!! Sorry for the venting but I am freaking out a bit lol. Hopefully management is following up and not just saying they are!
  18. So far plans are going good, I did get my dress back in December, I LOVE IT! Did you get yours? I think if you email Pilar she can send you all the restaurant options for the reception!
  19. Hi Remykion! You and I are getting married the same day!! Congrats! My ceremony is at 5pm at the Pergola, cocktail hour at the Mix Bar at 6pm and reception from 7-11pm at the Carnival Terrace. I am thinking of switching the reception to Castaway since we might have more than 30 people going, if so I will let you know and maybe you can book the Carnival Terrace?
  20. Also, How many people can comfortably sit at each the rectangular table?
  21. Also, How many people can comfortably sit at each the rectangular table?
  22. Hi Ladies, I can't seem to find out how long in inches the rectangular tables are. Does anyone know? I am trying to buy the linens and the runner for the tables. THANKS!
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