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Everything posted by JDubya

  1. Here's an update. My TA is arranging it all with the Transat rep at the Bahia Principe Akumal. No word yet on a discount but the ease of it is worth paying for!
  2. Thanks for that info! I didn't know of a limit but I bet there is one. I hadn't thought of that...and for our Montreal ppl I'll have to check on their status!
  3. If I had been thinking I would have put a "free" trip towards a photographer. But I wasn't, and the date passed long ago where we had to put down our deposits.
  4. Do some research and find a company that does this. If you are Canadian, AirTransat does!
  5. Pfffft I'm not paying for anybody! Lol. But I could. We have 4 or 5 free. For every 11th or 13th (like I said, I forget which) that person is "free" for the cost of the trip ($1179 for a one week package). It's up to the bride and and groom what we do with that 1179. We could use it towards our own 2 week trip, we could pick certain people and have they trip paid for, or split the money (so in our case 4 or 5 x 1179) between all 55-60 guests so we all get a bit of a discount. Because my FI and I are staying for 2 weeks and providing everybody with a trip to Xel-ha, we are going to allot ourselves our trip's worth so ours is free, and whatever is left over we will give to our parents so they have a discount on their total price. That's a huge benefit of a travel agency.
  6. I sent out my actual invitations one rat in advance with the address of our wedding website. All the travel info was on there already. People need to know a year in advance how much it will be, what the exact dates to request off for vacation are, and about how much to save. Go through a travel agent!!! With Jubilee Travel via AirTransat we have every 11th or 13th (can't remember which) person free. You can do what you want with that amount, so for example my FI and I are using it for ourselves so our 2 weeks are essentially free except the tax. A travel website won't be giving you that. Also, I'm getting a 6pc free luggage set and a $250 gift card for our next trip by booking through Jubilee. They have been invaluable organizing all our guests from 3 diff cities, some of which are staying longer or spending their 2nd week at a diff resort to mix it up. The travel agent was also able to take a deposit from each guest and hold the quoted price. We then had 10 months before we had to pay for the entire trip, and she reserved whole sections of the plane (people flying Vancouver to Cancun on nov 3 especially beware! Lol) so we can all be seated together.
  7. My wedding is in 3 months. I started getting prices from WC only about 1 month ago. The exception to that is Arrecife, who started giving me prices months and months ago, which have kept changing since then.
  8. Hmmm. I have 60 ppl and am paying $3100!fir full bar, lighting, decoration and DJ. So why would you be quoted so much more for fewer people? The rates must have gone waaaay up
  9. You can....I don't know how's mine is going to work. Months ago they sent me a list of package prices but none of them were just what I wanted (ie, I refuse to pay someone to photograph myself and Rich getting ready, I just think its stupid). So the other day they sent me an a la carte list and I can choose what I want them there for. I assume I will pay for them to photograph, and then again for actual photos. Anyone else so this?
  10. Yes but those 10 are all we get. If you want more you have to hire them officially, or bring your own photographer. The 10 photos will be on CD. They won't print them out I bet. I'm not certain but it doesn't say we get 10 "prints", just "photos."
  11. Yes, and they are the only ones allowed unless you have a photographer stay as your guest for a minimum of 5 days at the resort. So we can't say, hire a company from Playa for the day - which is why they feel they can charge so much.
  12. Yep, just book your trip if you want it at the Bahia. Then email them. Then wait. For a long time. But it will be fine. The poolside reception price includes alcohol, lighting, seating, and DJ with sound set-up. No light-up dance floor though. Depending on how many people you have you will be given 2 prices. On for special cocktails ($$ for pina coladas, sparkling wine, margaritas and beer only) and one for full bar ($$$$$). But that won't be for ages, probably March or later next year if you are in August. So far I haven't read about anybody being denied their request for a poolside reception or any of the things that are super important to them, so as much as the waiting sucks it all seems to work out. Gemma2014, I seem to have been lucky I guess. From the time I first contacted them until I had a firm, set in stone wedding date and time it was probably 2 weeks or less and I got to send out invitations lickety-split. And fight for what you want! They tried to tell me with 13 months in advance that the only time slot available for my wedding was noon. Ridiculous. I said, politely, that that ain't happening whatsoever and it was changed to a much more appropriate 4pm. It seemed to me the that if you don't request it specifically they just try to fill up the day with the worst times filled first. But I don't know.
  13. Yeah, I was disappointed we couldn't extend until midnight but then my FI poited that same thing out - people might be more tired than at a wedding at home because of the heat. However, the disco is open until late, so any partygoers who want to can continue on there.
  14. Sorry, more to say. Haha No they don't offer an incentive at the Bahia for more rooms. If they did I would have qualified. However, my travel provider, Jubilee Travel, does. My FI and I have out entire 2 week hotel + flight free because for every 13th person we booked we got a free trip (well, the equivalent).
  15. And yes, you can choose special cocktails only OR a national bar. Most people say they paid for the cheaper option and got access to all alcohols anyway though, so it's a gamble. I'm not a risk taker so I'm paying for the full bar just in case. Not having access to shots CANNOT happen at my wedding. Lol
  16. The poolside reception DOES include a DJ in the price. I asked that specifically. Katlew, just book your holiday first. They WILL NOT book your wedding if you have not booked your vacation. Then just email Paloma (not sure what email you are using but it's the groupsmx@ one) and wait for a response. Be clear in the email about your arrival and departure date. I'd put something like, "booked and now wedding date required" as your subject line. Request what you want specifically: location, date and time. Once you get a response for your wedding date and time, you will not hear from them again until 4-6 months before the wedding. And that's ok! It's just how it works. You will not be able to book your poolside reception until those 4-6 months ahead, but rest assured it will be fine. I got all up in arms because I hadn't heard from anybody and got an email from Paloma stating she tells the coordinators to focus on the short-term only, because otherwise the volume of weddings is just impossible to deal with at once - which makes sense. There literally aren't enough hours in the day for those ladies and they do work very hard but just sucks to wait. It will be fine!!! Haha says the girl who was freaking out about waiting and then realized within a couple of emails it all just came together
  17. I'm in November 2013. I thought I'd want 5pm but I'm really happy with 4pm. It might be hella hot but we'll be at the Akumal beach location. It's apparently windy so hopefully it won't be brutal. Also, my dress is light and short. In August I bet the Akumal beach location would be your best bet for comfort but only the people who have actually been married elsewhere could say I guess. I have my dinner at 5:30pm so it's a good flow for the day. Just enough time to have photos and champagne but not so much time that guests are incredibly bored and wander back to their rooms for a long period (hopefully). Then dinner is 5:30-7:30 and our private reception is 7:30-10:30pm. I tried to get a later reception end time but Eugenia said no.
  18. Breena, I'm getting married at 4pm, and know that people have had 5pm ceremonies. Initially they tried to get me to have a 12pm ceremony (!!!!) and that 12 was the only available time slot left (more than a year in advance!? I didn't believe it for a second). I was, uh, less than pleased. I told them in no uncertain terms (but still as politely as possible) that wouldn't be happening and it was magically and immediately changed to 4pm. That being said, depending on your photography and evening plans a 3pm ceremony might work just fine. If it's later (like 5 or 6) and you plan on having a photo session on the beach or at the Hacienda prior to dinner, you won't have time if you have a private reception planned. The private receptions, at least at poolside, aren't allowed to go later than 11pm. A ceremony at 3pm, photos and cocktails until 4:30, freshening up time, dinner from 5-7pm and a reception immediately following is still a nice flow, even though not at sunset. I'm sorry you are so frustrated
  19. and BTW the photos included in the wedding package are of the ceremony only
  20. Arrecife won't even email me back so I don't know! They sent me a package pricing list months and months ago and then I haven't even been able to get ahold of them since despite emailing and contacting them through their website. Working on "Mexico time" is endlessly frustrating...I would assume it's a CD.
  21. Hi KatLew, I have been to the Bahia in August. It is uncomfortably hot mid-afternoon. We usually retired to our room for a couple of hours then so I can't imagine wearing a heavy wedding dress then. I have also been to a wedding in August in PV and while not as hot, still HOT. That being said, it is much cheaper and the resorts are not nearly as full which is a huge bonus. If I were going for August I would request a 5pm ceremony, provide my guests with those cheap little handheld motorized fans and just wear a more flowy, light dress The rain was not an issue at the Bahia, I don't think it rained once when I was there.
  22. $99 vs 107 sounds good! I have been to this area many times and so we've been to most ruins and on most of the major tours. We've also been to Akumal Bay which we love, and will encourage our guests to visit while we are there. I want it to be totally free for our guests, and the logistics of getting 60 people there and renting their equipment freaks me out But that was for sure my first thought! We picked Xel-ha as it has something that appeals to everyone, no matter what their interests are (I will never get my mother to zip-line on an adventure tour, haha!), ages or physical abilities. We have some guests coming with mobility issues and also needed something that they could participate in as well. For example, one of the young guests with severe arthritis would find Rio Secreto difficult (and would pay for it after) but she will love beaching it and lazily snorkelling at Xel-ha. We also have three kids coming who find ruins boring. If anybody is thinking of an excursion for their guests, I can't recommend it enough! Just get them in the door and set them free... Thanks everybody for your input! I will call my travel agent (hadn't thought of this...duh) and I'll phone people directly. You might be right about getting a better deal on the phone. Thanks!!!
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