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Everything posted by catsummer

  1. Hi, Has anyone here used aVivian in Suzhou, China? Her email address is [email protected], and she is also on ebay. I am going to order a Vera Wang knock off dress from her, but I would like to know if anyone has bought a dress from her in the last few months. Good, bad? Should I go for it? Any info would be appreciated. Thank you!!
  2. Ahhh, this is the dress that I have wanted from day one!!! I have tried on multiple dresses, and ended up buying one however it can be returned. This is the dress that I currently have, but after seeing the post by alj118, I am confused!!! Should I keep the one I have, or return it and order the knock-off Vera one from China!?!?!? Me in my current dress. My current dress (I have to buy a sash like the one in the first picture) ANY ADVICE WOULD BE APPRECIATED!!!!!
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