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Everything posted by Lyman

  1. Welcome kmmathes! and Congrats on your upcoming wedding in our incomparable Mayan Riviera! I found these links with some info you may find useful........Grand Palladium Riviera Resort & Spa.. Grand Palladium Kantenah Resort & Spa ...... Grand Palladium Colonial Resort & Spa I also found it on TripAdvisor, and copied that link here .....wishing you all the best with your research + plans, and that you have the perfect wedding you've always dreamed of! ENJOY
  2. hope you find your cover-up artist, Kelly Being on the opposite side of that coin, I had to smile when I read your post, because at our photo booth, we offer "tattoos" for our party people to put on and rock with! hehe wishing you all the best with your plans, and that your wedding turns out exactly as you want it too!
  3. good instincts FutureMrsF.......about trusting yourself to know when it "feels right" ! Wishing you happy planning and that you have the most amazing wedding of your dreams......Enjoy
  4. no worries Lori - better to take your time and find the right place for you.......it will help the rest go that much more smoothly.....you're doing Great Wishing you all the best with your plans and that your wedding is everything you wish for! CHeers
  5. I concur with AllieH......with all the people traveling to your wedding, the luggage route could be convenient and reliable.....plus give your friends n family the opportunity to add their contribution + help you out - win / win
  6. excellent advice, and great suggestion......all the very best to all - both with your plans + BIg Day !
  7. absolutely! prior planning prevents a poor performance......haha plus there's the added advantage of your preferred dates having a better chance of being available......good job ladies, happy planning + all the best
  8. Lyman

    Hello ALL!

    Welcome Carrol1121 + Congrats on your wedding and all the plans you've completed already - well done:) enjoy the rest of the process, and hope you have the amazing wedding of your dreams! ........Enjoy:)
  9. Congrats Lori + welcome to the forum! another great addition that contributes so much to a wedding celebration is a photo booth we're open now for wedding bookings, and look forward to meeting destination couples from around the world getting married in our incomparable Mayan Riviera ! It's the most FUN you can have with a prop box - unleash your spotlight-loving "inner star" and share the luv! Wishing you all the best with your planning process, and that you'll have the fabulous wedding you've always dreamed of! ......Cheers
  10. I agree that Playa del Carmen is an amazing place for any destination wedding! and a big factor in why we chose this location as the perfect home base for our business........a dream come true, for sure Now here we are! offering our services to destination wedding couples - looking for a way to add hilarious FUN to their wedding celebrations by renting our Cancun Photo Booth Wishing everyone a smooth n easy planning process and that you all have the perfect wedding of your dreams......ENjoy
  11. Amazing pics of a beautiful wedding........would love to see more photo booth pics........happy planning all, and Congrats on your weddings !!!
  12. Congrats un4gitabl ! and welcome to this wonderful forum resource! all the info here is sure to make your planning process smoother, and wishing you the best wedding Ever! Enjoy
  13. Congrats Lou! and welcome to this forum community which is a great resource for all your planning needs enjoy your research, and wishing you all the best with your beautiful wedding here in our incomparable Mayan Riviera - Cheers!
  14. Congrats Nicole2013 ! + welcome to our forum community This is what another bride posted in one of the threads...... blondie25 offline 86 Posts. Joined 1/2009 Location: NYC Re: Legal Ceremony or Symbolic Ceremony?? I also wanted to add that for legal ceremony u need to saty 4-5 days in mexico prior you date so if u will be getting married on a saturday let say ... u have to be in mexico by monday (weekends dont count )... my wedding is on a thursday so i needed to arrive to mexico friday .... this was my main reason for doing symbolic ceremony ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ so you're not the only one who was wondering about that.......fyi All the best with your plans and have a terrific wedding here in our magnificent Mayan Riviera !
  15. Hey JessiTaylor - sounds like you found a great fit for you guys - way to go! and it will make your celebration go that much more smoothly.....good thinking
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