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Posts posted by Lyman

  1. Congrats Mimi + welcome to the forum! You'll find lots of great info + support from fellow brides here........all the best with your plans, and have a terrific wedding celebration in Montego Bay! Cheers :)cheers.gif

  2. Congrats Aynat + welcome aboard the forum! hope you get to connect with your wedding planner soon :) on the "good side" the wedding co-ordinators here are generally so experienced, they'll do a great job for you - as they are so familiar with the whole process. I can understand your concern, as it's your "only wedding" and you're much more invested in a perfect outcome ! 


    Wishing you all the best with your plans, and enjoying all the good times along your journey! CHeers :)cheers.gif

  3. Congrats Aynat! and welcome to the forum :) don't let customs deter you. If you want to bring your own decorations, do.


    When you arrive in the Cancun airport, you push a button to randomly select which people are searched by customs.......so it's the "luck of the draw" whether when you push that button the light goes green or red.

    Even if they do search you, as long as you're not bringing in anything on the forbidden list, you should be fine. 


    I wish you all the best with your plans, and have a beautifully decorated and perfect wedding of your dreams - Cheers! cheers.gif

  4. Congrats all you lucky DRC brides! - both on your upcoming weddings, and for choosing such a great resort to have it in - well done! 


    From past experience, I know that booking resort photographers, is taking a chance with something you can never "do over".

    In fairness to them, they just don't have the same training, expertise or equipment that the professional photographers in our area do. I know of one bride whose in-house resort photographer even lost her whole wedding shoot! and that's just not something you can ever replace.


    Anyway all the brides I know who've spent the extra money to hire one of the professional photographers in our area, have all been Very! Happy! they did so :) Now they have a gorgeous photo record of this amazing day starting off the rest of their lives together - very precious and irreplaceable! 


    Some of them have used the resort photographer for other shoots - like to take friends + family photos, or reception ones ,or TTD, but hired a professional for the most important wedding "moments that matter" - and were So Glad they Did! It's a decision they're happy they made every time they see that photo record and re-live that wonderful time :)


    Wishing you all the best - researching your plans + creating the perfect wedding celebration of your dreams! Enjoy :)

  5. Congrats to you BridetobeABCD! and hope your Thanksgiving went well too :) - it's one of my fav holidays.....even the leftovers are great - mmm

    I'm a retired Canadian in Playa del Carmen - indulging my artistic side - creating wedding sculptures for couples getting married in our beautiful Mayan Riviera.

    I know of a great Canadian photographer who also lives here, and would be an awesome professional to hire to record your wedding memories in the best possible light! I'm happy to share his contact info with you if you'd like :)


    Wishing you all the best with your research + planning process. You've given yourself ample time, so hopefully can avoid the pitfall that last-minute pressures bring. Have a wonderful journey - Enjoy! 

  6. Congrats jess878 + welcome to the forum! you can see from all the TTD session photos here, how beautiful and much fun it looks like. It's such a great and popular thing for couples here......you'll add so much dimension to your wedding celebration and great memories........all the best with your decisions and plans. Have a Great wedding! 

  7. Congrats nicoleg27 + welcome to the forum! Being a tourist town, Playa del Carmen has lots of great souvenier shops all over 5th Ave with lots of choices for small gifts.
    Even our department + grocery stores in town -  like Walmart + Chedraui - have souvenier sections stocked with a variety of choices.

    Best of luck with finding just what you're looking for.......sometimes you don't know what it is till you see it.......fun :)

  8. Congrats Tara Steve! and welcome to the forum:) I agree with dreamweddings about bringing your own decor and having your wedding party help carry it on the flight. That way you have more time to shop for what you want without the pressure of having to find it once you're here, or having to settle for what is available here.


    Wishing you all the best with your plans and have a fantastic wedding here in our beautiful Mayan Riviera !

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