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Posts posted by Adrianne

  1. Originally Posted by TFinlay View Post


    Hi Adrianne,

    Absolutely Beautiful!!!! Thanks so much for this quick review. Just wondering what the things were that your wedding planner said you could "push" on vs not. 

    Thanks, Trisha


    As far as I know (could be things my wedding planner didn't even worry us with) time with sound system for the ceremony, location and time for the reception dinner.  Not major things but still little details.  He was always around . making sure we were on time in a very casual way!  So great.  And making sure where our wedding attire should be delivered (groom not getting ready in our room).  Deisy was definitely amazing, it was just really nice to be there with someone that knew her, knew the resort and had my best interest at heart.  www.weddingbutlers.com you don't   even need to live in the same country as them!  He's got a great business, because we had a certain number of people book, we didn't pay him anything!!!!!  Have a great wedding Trisha!

  2. Originally Posted by remykion View Post


    Oh great, I did ask if it was possible to have my hair started at about 7.30 so thats good to hear.....seems like there is plenty of time to fit everything in.


    Did you do anything inbetween your ceremony and reception? I was thinking of having a buffet lunch instead of a cocktail hour as the buffet would all be included in the "all inclusive" and it would keep the group together for an hour or two before going our own ways until our reception dinner about 7.30pm.


    I would appreciate any words of advice.


    Thank you




    We didn't do anything planned for in between the ceremony and reception, most people hung out in the pool!  I was worried about my bridemaids hair and makeup but it was totally fine!!!!  To be honest I was quite stressed about what people would do.  Everyone did what they wanted to do and had fun!  While we got to have a siesta!  Turned out great!  I think thats a great idea to guide people to have lunch at a certain time at the buffet though! 

    I wish you a wonderful wedding!

  3. Originally Posted by remykion View Post


    Totally Amazing!!!! stunning pictures, you look gorgeous! you have completely put my mind at ease about everything including the early start and everything else. 


    I am going with an open mind and flexibility and have decided apart from a few exceptions most of the day will be planned during the meeting with Pilar. I have a budget in mind and I have more than enough confidence in her to pull off a beautiful day.


    You said that you went for a little sleep after your ceremony, Can I assume that you put your dress back on for the evening reception? Thats a really good idea, I can not imagine staying in my dress ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT lol.


    You all looked completely relaxed whilst you were getting ready.








    Thanks so much!!!!


    Pilar definitely will help with whatever you need!


    I did put my dress back on.  I love my dress but I also loved the break :)


    Have fun!

  4. Originally Posted by jend View Post



    You definitely might have an early start to your wedding day! :)


    I had a 11am ceremony as well!  The earliest the spa would open for me was 7:30am to do my hair.  I did not have my make up done, I did it myself.  And I had 'first look' photos taken before the ceremony.  I had lots of time although you feel like there is never enough time!  So I'm sure you'll be fine!

  5. Now Jade, April 24, 2013

    11am Fountain Ceremony

    Dinner: 4 course @Castaways +cake!



    So we had our wedding on April 24th and everything was amazing!!!!  I went to Mexico not having a reception dinner booked in, but it all worked out.  My wedding planner, who came with us, calmed my nerves and made sure the day went smoothly.  Highly recommend him: www.weddingbutlers.com  He has done many weddings at Now Jade so it was great that he knew Deisy and what we could push for and what we could get.  Wedding Butlers also upgraded our room to the Preferred Club, so nice!  There was a bottle of champagne waiting for us when we checked in.

    We had an early start on the day of the wedding, our ceremony was at 11am.  My hair appointment was at 7:30am, she did a wonderful job!  I loved it.  My 3 bridesmaids loved theirs as as well.  We were served mimosas too!  Then back to my room with all my girls plus a couple close friends to get ready.  Derek went to his brothers room to get dressed.  I had ordered grapefruit juice, orange juice, champagne, fruit, bagels, yogurt and cereal for everyone to snack on/drink.  This was a great idea because people tend to forget to eat! 

    Derek and I wanted to do 'first look' photos, suggested by my AMAZING photographer!  Such a good idea.  So off I went to do that.  I am soooo glad we chose to do this.  Derek and I had such a special, private moment, caught on camera.  I cry when I look at the photos! ha!  If anyone is looking for a photographer, I can't say enough good things about Aaron Dieppa.  He is based in California but goes all over for destination weddings.  He was by far the BEST decision I made www.aarondieppa.com

    Time to walk down the aisle!  Sound system was great.  We gave Deisy our ipod with the songs to be played in what order.  The aisle was a little narrow but that's quite minor.  My aunt used to be a minister so she preformed our symbolic ceremony.  It was wonderful, very personal.  After the ceremony we did have champagne served, don't know if that was worth the money.  We could have just made the 10 extra steps and ordered it from the bar....for free...haha.  Oh well.

    Time for pictures,  we did wedding party pictures, group shots and had a few of just us.  Then we just told everyone to meet at the lobby bar at 7pm right before dinner, and then Deisy would escort us over.  Most people got into their swimming suites and went to the pool, while Derek and I went for a nap!  We needed it.  After our little siesta, time for more pictures.  LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!!!!  I love them all!  I'm sure every bride is in love with their pictures.  But I think I'm extra in love.  Aaron captured really great moments of us just being us.  And then time for dinner!

    We were able to book in Castaways with a view of the ocean for our reception dinner.  It was amazing, all of our guests loved the dinner.  They were also flexible for a few fussy eaters.  The servers were fantastic, no one ever was close to having an empty drink and Derek loved the tuna so much he asked for more and they brought some more out! haha  Our wedding party had some speeches and toasts, we had some cake and headed to the Beach Bar to keep the party going! 

    Flowers!!!! How could I forget!?  Probably because I didn't have to worry about them!  My mom is a florist.  She went to Mexico 1 week before we arrived to find flowers! (and to vacation)  She went to Costco in Cancun and got most of them there!!!  She also was able to order some through the hotel.  Her room looked like a flower shop!  She had the A/C on high to keep the flowers as fresh as possible.  My dad was quite cold haha!  I'm not the least bit surprise the flowers turned out so beautiful!

    So much fun!  So exhausted! So worth it!  I am now married to the love of my life!  After all, that is what it comes down to!  My advice is to be as flexible as possible, there is a lot of stress and things to deal with in planning a wedding, I totally get it.  But you're in Mexico!  Enjoy it!  It is going to be soooo wonderful!


    Hair!  Love it!




    My wedding planner in the background Ryan herding us along! haha!






    My wonderful mother bringing the flowers!!!





    Some of my crafting!  I love Pinterest.  I made everything from ideas from there!












    First Look:









    Love these!!!












    Fountain Ceremony:


    Dad stepping on my train....oops!















    Serving up some cake!





    Aaron Dieppa:  www.aarondieppa.com




    An idea I saw on pinterest!  Aaron did very well with tasteful position of my arm!



  6. Well I leave early Sunday morning and I have my ceremony on Wednesday! (April 24th)  1 week!  My ceremony is at 11am and our plans for afterwards (a catamaran cruise with cocktails and appetizers) fell through.  So I'm headed to Mexico with no reception booked.  I'm very curious to see how everything unfolds!  Not sure if anyone else has gone plan-less!  But I will let you all know what ends up happening!

  7. Originally Posted by Mlite83 View Post



    Wow sorry to hear that - have you spoken with the resort travel and tourism department? They have catamaran tours too - maybe they could get something together for you?  We flew Air Transat and they also had similar excursions (and a rep on site we could book through)...we also looked at a few other companies (this is going back almost a year though so I don't know if they are still in operation/prices/availability etc


    - Emotion Cancun [email protected]

    - [email protected]

    -Marina La Bonita <[email protected]


    I have a wedding planner as well trying to figure something out.  The boat options left don't fit our group.  But I will look into those, thanks.

  8. Originally Posted by Mlite83 View Post


    We used Catamarans Cancun  - it was an awesome time!  We had 35 people for 4 hours - open bar and snorkeling were included and we paid $1300 for the boat plus $70/van (each held 11 people) for the transportation from Now Jade to the marina which was in Cancun (about 40 minutes away).  Everyone had a blast - the service was amazing on the boat and there was a photographer there who took photos on the boat and underwater as we snorkeled. He was an additional fee - about $200 for a disk with all his images but worth it for the great shots of everyone!  Our contact at Catamarans Cancun was Cecilia.


    So I came in contact with Cecilia right after I read your post!  Everything was going great, booked the boat I wanted, transportation as well as food.  Then she told me the boat I had booked was broken and would not be fixed by April 24th, as well as she increased the prices she originally gave me for that boat and the other boats I was looking at and for transportation.  Meaning the cost went from $2500 to $3700!!!!!!!!  Which is now out of our budget.  So being less then 3 weeks away, everything is booked up.  Pretty frustrating.  I have no ideas for what to do after my 11am ceremony.  Any suggestions?!  From my experience I would not recommend Catamarans Cancun.

  9. Originally Posted by CassidyKristen View Post




    I am using Catamaya for my group catamaran trip. They offer a four hour sunset cruise with snorkeling gear, fishing lines, dinner and unlimited alcohol. The cost is based an which meal package you go with. Sunset Charter with Snacks, Sunset Charter with Angus Hamburgers or Sunset Charter with Lobster or Steak.www.catamaya.com  


    Has anyone used any other catamaran companies for private tours?  I'm trying to do a cruise after my ceremony, preferably out of Puerto Morelos so we don't have to go far.  There will be 45-50 people.  Thanks!

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