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Posts posted by gillianr718

  1. Hi Ladies!!!  


    Just returned from my wedding and it was amazing!!  Will be sure to post a bunch more info shortly, but I wanted to comment on the recent traveling with your dress posts.  


    We flew United and I went in with the impression that I'd be able to hang my dress in the first class cabin. When I got to the gate I asked the person at the desk and they said it was up to the attendants on the flight dependent on space and to ask them.  When I got on the plane I asked the flight attendant and I immediately knew by the look on her face that there was a problem. She offered to hang it in the closet, but then showed me the closet...  It was only about 4 feet high and maybe 6-8" wide.  No way my dress would have fit in there without unceremoniously shoving it in, totally defeating the purpose.  Luckily, although our flight was fairly full, there was miraculously plenty of space in the overhead bins.  I was able to lay my dress out completely flat (there were 2 doors, but no divider between, so I took up 2 bins).


    Meanwhile, my silk chiffon dress wrinkled anyway.  The onsite wedding coordinators set me up to have my dress steamed, but we hadn't discussed when it would be delivered to my room.  When I hadn't gotten it by the morning of my wedding I called and had them bring it right over, but it was still wrinkled!!!  I almost freaked out.  I called the wedding coordinator again, who was very responsive and they took it to have it steamed again (I believe they said the steamer is over at Azul Sensitori).  It didn't come back perfect that time either, so I figured I'd just have to roll with it. And then I realized the best thing about the humidity in Mexico...  within about 5 minutes of being outside, all the wrinkles just relaxed and disappeared.  


    So, my advice...

    Forget the 1st class closet - unless airplane closets vary greatly, it will not be helpful at all!

    Get on the plane early - be one of those people who rush to get in line to get on first.  Stake out your space in the overhead bins and give dirty looks to anyone who comes near your bins.

    If you get your dress steamed onsite, plan to get it back with plenty of time to see the results and do it again if needed.

    If it's a little wrinkled, don't stress it!!!  it'll probably work itself out.  And if it doesn't, the location will be so beautiful and you'll be having so much fun that no one will notice!!


    Let me know if you have questions!



  2. Originally Posted by Amanda Hammett View Post


    Thanks everyone!!  I think I will just "wing it" when I get to Mexico and pray I can find something at WalMart to decorate with.  I had the same problem with WalMart's website a few weeks ago when I tried to shop on their site.  I copied Kaela's letter and attached Azul's Fact Sheet (which includes information about the dress code) and a map of Azul for each of my guests.  I have attached them below as well.











    Originally Posted by KaelaMcD View Post





    Hey girls-


    Thought I would include the letter I sent to my guests here, as a pdf, so everyone could see it whenever they want! I sent this a couple of weeks before we left for the trip. I would include maybe a note about the dress code, I forgot to add that.


    I'm a big DIY person, so I pretty much made all the stationery for the wedding. Everything from table cards, to ceremony programs, to menus, to schedules in the OOT bags. If was super easy, and so much cheaper than hiring a stationer. It's a great way to save some money!





    Hi ladies!  I also can't open attachments.  Asposeep, you get points by posting to the forums and we haven't posted enough for access.  Would you guys mind emailing to me?  gillianr718 @ gmail.com 




    Azul map.pdf

    Letter to Guests.pdf

  3. Originally Posted by Amanda Hammett View Post


    Kaela, I purchased a bolt of tulle (40 yards) and I was told the sheers for the gazebo are approximately 13 yards each so I was planning to have 3 sheers hung on the gazebo.  Do you know if this is enough?  Did you have some leftover?  Yes, they gave me the chair bow measurements so I will cut them at home.  Thank you so much for your help!!!!  I still have not decided on decor for the tables and it is stressing me out!  LOL  Did you happen to hit the WalMart in Cancun?  I was told that I could purchase candles and vases there but I'm curious as to the selection they may or may not have. 

    Amanda, I'm trying to look into placing an online order with Walmart for in-store pickup at a Walmart in Cancun, but so far I haven't had much luck. You can't do it through the US store - Walmart-Mexico is a separate entity.  Walmart-Mexico's site says that you can place an order online for in store pickup, but the site seems to be down while they "make improvements" and I can't get to the shopping. I'm convinced this is the best way to beat the problems with bringing things in with you vs worrying about them having what you want when you need it.  Unfortunately for me, I'm going to have to figure something else out - my wedding is less than 3 weeks away!  Not sure when your wedding is and if you have time to wait and see if they sort it out.  The website is www.walmart.com.mx  If you want more info about what I found out feel free to ask.  

  4. Originally Posted by KaelaMcD View Post



    We had no trouble with the dress code. I've heard mixed reviews about this, though. We were there in October, which is technically low season where I think they may be a little more "lax" on the rules because there are many fewer people at the resort. From my memory, my guests dressed "appropriately" for dinner. You don't really have to "dress up" or get fancy, I just don't think they want people walking in wearing a wet bikini covered in sand for dinner. One of my Aunts' said that at Chil Lounge they asked her to put on shoes when she came in off the beach for lunch one day. But expecting shoes is pretty low expectations if you ask me!


    About two weeks before the wedding we sent out a snail mail letter to all of our confirmed guests with more specific details about the resort, the schedule, tips, etc. I think we reminded our guests about the dress code then. I can send you a copy of what we sent if you want to it for reference.

    Hey Kaela, 


    I'd love to see your letter as well if you don't mind.  Please email me at [email protected].  Thanks!!

  5. I had no idea about this $300 limit or receipts so I'm so glad you guys asked/answered that question!!!  I haven't yet purchased the contents of my OOT bags.


    I've been trying to figure out if there's a way to order the supplies in advance, for in-store pick up at the walmart in Cancun.  I just can't figure out how to set up an account with a US address.  If anyone has done this or attempted this, please let me know!  Thanks!!

  6. Originally Posted by Dasiy4835 View Post


    I am getting married at the sky location on 3-15-12. I will let you know how it goes! I'm kind of worried it will be super windy. 

    Hey Dasiy, 


    Congrats on your wedding!  I'm about to book mine.  How was it?  I've only seen pictures of ceremony set ups.  where did you have your reception?  was there somewhere outdoors at the sky location for dinner and dancing?

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