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Everything posted by JulieMc

  1. Thank you for the replies, have had an email from Jazmin regarding the poolside party. The prices changed during October 2012!
  2. Hello We are getting married on 11 April 2013 and getting prices for the poolside party. Hotel has emailed me quoting prices but seems to contradict what people say on here! We have 20 guests so I calculate 20 x $5 for first hour then $3 thereafter. Is that correct or do you have to pay for the hire of poolside, lights etc? If anyone could provide any information would be much appreciated.
  3. Hello all Has anybody booked their wedding through Thomas Cook? We have paid for the wedding package and now are being told that it does not include the judge fee (720 usd) and from seeing the wedding packages directly through the hotel it is included in the price. Thanks
  4. Many thanks for the reply and congratulations on your forthcoming anniversary on the same day we get married!! Would you recommend the outdoor BBQ and poolside reception instead of the dinner in one of the restaurants as we want to do something different. We will probably be eating together in the restaurants on a couple of occasions together before the wedding so won't feel as special if we do it again on our wedding day! We are awaiting for prices for the different options to see if it is affordable as some people have said it can be costly to have an outdoor BBQ and poolside reception
  5. Hi, we have booked the Tulum hotel for our wedding on 11 April 2013 at the Gazebo after seeing the photographs on this thread. There will be a party of 14 so was wondering which is the best restaurant to have our wedding dinner? Also, with our small party is there an ideal location to have the poolside party and is the charge for this per person or a standard price? Any feedback would be much appreciated. Many thanks Julie
  6. Hi, we are booked into the Tulum hotel and have 11th April 2013 pencilled in to get married. We are having the ceremony at the Gazebo but not chose restaurant for wedding dinner yet so any feedback would be grateful. Also, as our party will only consist of 14 is there a ideal location to have our evening party? And is there a set charge for this or based on per person? Many thanks Julie
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