Congrats on your engagement!!!! Here is a list of things to do Yesterday :-) 1. Gather wedding resorces. I'm using destination weddings for dummies, the anti-bride wedding planner and anti bride guide and destenation weddings mag and BDW of course. 2. Chose a theme, it will help you visualize what you want. It will even help select a location and date. You wouldn't want a winter wonderland wedding in the middle of summer in mexico. 3. Make a rough guest list this may not be your final # but you will want an idea so that you know what resorts can accommodate your party. Also you will need to know for STDs 4. Chose a date or at least a general time frame, things are more efferent if you have A preferred date with some flexibility 5. Get a great TA that will help with selecting a venue. And later with organizing guests and pricing with guests, it take you out of the money and gives someone to work on your behalf with the resorts.( If you need a recommendation mine is phenomenal PM me) this can not be done too soon! 6. Pick your color scheme. This will help you make nearly all of your design decision. STDs, invitations DIY decor even your dress. 7. STDs or invitations if you forgo STDs 6. Congratulations you now have the framework for your wedding :-)NOW The fun part Details Details Details (this list will take forever ! Refer to #1) Irie ~Cherina