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Everything posted by kaylsx

  1. Hi Im just starting to plan my wedding for the moon palace Im wanting the wedding date of 19 or 20th feb 2013 but booking from the uk seems to be a little different as the travel agents don't offer the wedding group benefits? just wondering how the other uk brides have found planning theres? did you book direct with moon palace then flights with uk travel agent or just book holiday with travel agent and wedding with moon palace? please help! Kayleigh
  2. Hi did you get your wedding all sorted Im from the uk too and was wondering which is the best way to do it as I've spoke to thomas cook and have a good price for 22 people and i have emailed moon palace but still no response after 4 working days! I was wondering about the group discounts and which way was the best to do it as the group benefits seem really good as we would have 98 room nights please let me know how you have getting on as I'm just a newbie! kayleigh x
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