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Everything posted by wallabymeisje

  1. that is not a bad turn out i invited 300 and am at 80 so your precentage was a lot higher then mine
  2. i guess i am the black sheep i dont mind the word but there are plenty of other terms of endearment that i find ridickulas
  3. maybe you can find a task that she will excel in you sound lucky to have such a great friend and she sounds like she wants to help out and be part of your day
  4. hopefully she will understand she too is planning a wedding and knows how expensive they can be but the best thing to to tell the truth now.... have you thought about putting the deposit down and then using the money you recieve for your wedding to pay off the trip?
  5. i agree you cannot make everyone happy even if you were rich and paid for everyone someone would complain about something the situation you have is what you have and you are making choices based on what you and your FI want therefore try not to worry about anyone but him and you because at the ned of the day if everyone shows up or no one shows up you will get to marry your best friend and that is what a wedding is all about ps i too get hurt over every no i think it is just natural
  6. i am sorry that happened i am fearful that it might happen to me too but at least my aunts threw me a bridal shower so i feel like most of the family is taking this marriage thing seriously, i still feel that i gave people 2 years notice and they are telling me that they didnt have time or money and feel like i am not worth enough to them when i have traveled in the past to their weddings and/or kids events
  7. i invited 309 and still have over 100 people who have not rsvp i dont care if you are coming or not im assuming your not because it is 10 hours away for almost everyone on the guest list but just tell me one way or another... i agree the avoidance thing gets old real quick
  8. my best friend is bailing and it hurts like nothing else i am sorry that it is happening to you. I guess i can understand the money thing but not the avoidance it just stinks when someone you think is your friend doesnt care about you
  9. i am searching for a salon in my area to try these out i have very thin blond eyelashes and would love a more dramatic look for my wedding is anyone in the buffalo,cleveland,pittsburgh area that know a good place to get them done?
  10. i am going to try low carb but i am worried about being hungry and avoiding carbs when they are all around me i have 3 kids so it doesnt make sense to have them do low carb too has anyone had to deal with being around carbs and still sticking with it?
  11. that is too funny i love what it says about siblings
  12. would never of thought of this off to try this now and take before and after hots with my iphone i really have no life
  13. i think a lot of this did that it is easy to lurk but i am learning a lot by posting... although my FI thinks that i am doing nothing
  14. congrats! i am trying to get there too
  15. in this same forum there are couple games you should be able to find them if not post back and i will post a link
  16. Would you rather be deaf or blind? be deaf i love the silence anyway but to live life without reading totally not worth it would you rather be hot or cold
  17. im a telemarketer but i call mainly business
  18. i never read the rules and just read and lurked until there was a template i wanted now i am trying to get to 150
  19. sausage or hot dogs? sausage as long as it has peppers and onions cats or dogs
  20. everyones pets are cute i have to figure out how to post pictures so i can show off mine
  21. how long did take you to get 10000, i feel the same way i wished i didnt lurk before i joined
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