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Everything posted by wallabymeisje

  1. i agree it is his choice i understand you dont want to start your new life together with issues but it is his call i would trust your FI and his ability to make this decision
  2. people booking is my issue too it is so stressful and if i have to hear one more time how my wedding is an inconvience i am going to scream
  3. you are not the only one although your pile is impressive my pile is taking over a whole corner of my basement i cannot wait till it is over so i can have my space back
  4. you can make it as fancy as you want i went to a brunch wedding that was very fancy and it seemed disjointed with the time of day just be aware that people are going to drink less and might dance less doesnt mean that they will not have a great time but i doubt a black tie even will go over very well at lunch so as long as an afternoon wedding matches your vision you will be fine
  5. how much money are you looking to spend and what type of vacation are you looking for (relaxing adventure etc)
  6. i love your second dress it is beautiful i would go try it on again i was having major dress doubt in the months waiting for my dress to come in but when it finally came in i knew she was the right one for me
  7. maybe grey with a pink tie so you still have that pop of color?
  8. wow what a great site i cant believe how stylish these suits are
  9. i think that constrasting colors look really sharp and best of all you photographs will really pop
  10. here is mine it is an alfred angelo dress my hardest issue now is finding a bra
  11. i love this shoe thanks for posting it i just wonder how it will work on the sand?
  12. you might also want to check your local rental suit shop that is how i am doing my kids suits since they grow so fast the expense is about equal
  13. i agree what a beautiful dress i think you do anything with it what have you tried so far?
  14. your pictures are amazing it looks like it was the perfect day
  15. definately pack a first aid kit when i was in hawaii i cut my foot while cliff jumping and the cost of bactrin was outrageous
  16. i love flower art on all of you paper goods the color is amazing
  17. congrats everyone cannot wait to read your recaps and see your pictures
  18. oh my that is terriable i am so sorry to hear that how is your fi handing it?
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