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  1. All I know is that I am eternally grateful one of my good friends did not ask me to be bridesmaid at her very recent wedding because I just had a devastating relationship breakdown a few weeks becore and we have absolutely opposite style tastes and I would have found it really stressful to agree to all her demands when I was barely able to get out of bed in the morning! Good luck!
  2. http://thekindlife.com/forum/topic/1808036/what-should-i-do-when-your-bridesmaid-thinks-the-wedding-is-about-her
  3. It's sad...she's probably just feeling bad about the fact she is single. Unfortunately we are conditioned as women to think the ultimate thing to achieve in life is to get married....try to have some empathy for her. When you are single and having to focus on someone else who has everything you don't...it can bring out the worst in otherwise good people. (assuming this selfish behavior is not normal!!) Just be firm and follow the above suggestions. Say how grateful you are that she is prepared to ignore how she would do things herself in the interests of giving you your dream wedding in the style that you prefer. And say how excited you are to one day to help her achieve the wedding that is her style.
  4. All I know is that I am eternally grateful one of my good friends did not ask me to be bridesmaid at her very recent wedding because I just had a devastating relationship breakdown a few weeks becore and we have absolutely opposite style tastes and I would have found it really stressful to agree to all her demands when I was barely able to get out of bed in the morning! Good luck!
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