Wow good stuff you found there ! *I* still haven't decide if am doing OOT bags and/or favors. To be honest, my planning is not going that well ! I feel like I'm the only one in the world who cares about this wedding and it's pissing me off lol so I just come on this forum every day and read a lot but nothing concrete is done on my side ! Being now 9 months away, I may have to stop my pity party soon and just do everything on my own and stop expecting that my sister (MOH) mother and FI will help.. Also, I have no idea how many people will actually come so I don't want to start buying stuff and ending up having too much or not enough etc... For the favors, I also find that the edible ones are the one I appreciate the most, everything else is cluttering the house and mostly useless ! I was thinking maybe giving something from the DR since people usually bring back 'souvenirs' from their trips.. maybe rum, coffee, vanilla ?!