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Everything posted by missroxy

  1. Oh unless they just give a card to congratulate us .. yeah I guess we need a box then But maybe not display it to visible !
  2. I did not think of that... I honestly didn't think my guest would give me cards (after paying $$ for the trip..)?! would they ?? I wouldn't want to insult them by putting a box, if they did not plan on giving cards...hmmm what do you all think ?
  3. Hi, would you mind telling me where you got the starfish charms ? I LOVE them, but I'm looking for silver ones... Thanks !
  4. Like the idea of old suitcase... gosh I don't know what I'd do without this forum ! lol it seems I can't think of that kind of stuff by myself thank you
  5. Thanks for that, now I'm 100% sure I won't do extensions ! falsies it is !
  6. Yay an other October bride We have a little thread going on for us if you want to join and chitchat !! ''Official October 2013 Brides''
  7. working hard on that one too ! taking foreverrrrrrrrrr
  8. I did got quoted for a couple of resorts back in August when we got engaged to give me an idea and help me chose the resort ! They quoted me 1300 ish per person for 7 nights (flight and all Inclusive) and for every 10 booked, I was getting 1 free. Now, I was planning on getting new quotes from 2-3 airlines in March-April and from there send my invites. I wish I could read in the future and know what would be the best time to ask again for quotes !!!! Anyways, I know it won't be under 1200 for sure, ever ! I looked at prices for this winter (Fi and I wanted to go visit the place) and they sell for 1900-2000$ per person per week... so let's just say that we won't get to visit the place !!! As for the dress, nope did not go shopping yet... I should start.. maybe in February.. I told you that nothing was done on my side lolol ! I would love to see your dress ! Did you knew in advance what style you wanted ?
  9. Yes I would contact personally those who RSVP yes, and then ask them details for flights and hotels.
  10. awesome ! can't wait to open the attachment once I reach 150 posts !
  11. Very nice ! People are so talented on here !! So many great ideas ! Thank you for sharing !
  12. I'm keeping my finger crossed for my October wedding in Dominican Republic lol I knew before hand that it was 'hurricane season' but we decided to take the risk anyways The worst that could happen would be an actual hurricane on my wedding week but hey, wouldn't that wedding remembered forever and give pretty unique pictures ? lol Thanks for the article
  13. Congrats I also suggest you take a travel agent ! Happy planning
  14. I really don't know how I spent my free time before Pinterest ... it's crazy ! Can you say addicted ?! lol
  15. Girl, you did an amazing job !!! How many hours did you spend doing that ? And are you able to tell me how much they came out to cost per invite ?
  16. missroxy


    Good luck with your planning Everything is going to be perfect last minute or not ! I'm sure you'll find everything that you need on this forum !
  17. I don't have any advice for Cancun, just wanted to say CONGRATS !!!!!! You'll find everything you need and much more on this forum ! It is amazing !!
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