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Everything posted by lauraruiz3

  1. I have a makeup question for past brides, what makeup did you use? I have oily skin and being at the beach with high humidy is screaming oil slick! I want it to look natural but with good coverage that will control the oil. Any tips or suggestions? Thanks!
  2. Wow that is a large group, that's going to be fun!! We're having a small gathering, so far we have 32 booked. We're getting married at the gazebo and not sure which banquet hall for the reception, my WC said it will depend on the final number of booked guests. What about you?
  3. Thank you Allie! Quote: Originally Posted by AllieH Hi Laura, I didn't make my own, but I did buy a fake (real touch/silk) bouquet. I put it in my carry on suitcase, cushioned with a little tissue paper. I didn't have any pins or picks (like the starfish) in it - I put those in my checked luggage, just in case. All made it through the trip just fine! My bouquet is now in a vase in our bedroom, and I love seeing it every day. I really think it'd be pretty easy to make your own. Good luck!!
  4. Hello! So i'm thinking about making my own bouquet with fake flowers, has anyone done this before? If so, how did it turn out and how were you able to take it on the plane? Did you have to check it? Did they make a big deal about the pins? Any feedback would be appreciated! Thanks!
  5. Hello ladies! I was wondering about the menu. We are going with the ceaser salad, beef tenderloin, onion soup and the milk caramel spring roll. Has anyone had any feedback on any of these food options? I was just wondering how everything tasted.
  6. Hello ladies! I am getting married on April 27, 2013! I was wondering about the menu. We are going with the ceaser salad, beef tenderloin, onion soup and the milk caramel spring roll. Has anyone had any feedback on any of these food options? I was just wondering how everything tasted.
  7. Thank you soo much! I feel better now lol. I think I am going with the koozies for the gift idea, I was going to also do cute maracas but I figured they would just get trashed when it was over so why waste the money. Everyone needs koozies Yay so I will see you there since you're getting married on the 29th, maybe we will run into eachother
  8. Thank you soo much! I feel better now lol. I think I am going with the koozies for the gift idea, I was going to also do cute maracas but I figured they would just get trashed when it was over so why waste the money. Everyone needs koozies Yay so I will see you there since you're getting married on the 29th, maybe we will run into eachother
  9. Thank you soo much! I feel better now lol. I think I am going with the koozies for the gift idea, I was going to also do cute maracas but I figured they would just get trashed when it was over so why waste the money. Everyone needs koozies Yay so I will see you there since you're getting married on the 29th, maybe we will run into eachother
  10. Hello ladies! Hope everyone is doing great!!! I'm getting married at Barcelo Maya Palce on April 27, 2013 and I can't wait! I have a few questions though, how can I take my dress on the plane?!? Will they let me put it in the closet? Thinking about it stresses me out :/ Also, I don't know what to do about party favors...what will I be able to take on the plane? I was thinking about beach bags filled with sunblock, chapstick, mini maracas, koozies..stuff like that. Will that be a pain and cause problems boarding the plane?
  11. Hello ladies! Hope everyone is doing great!!! I'm getting married at Barcelo Maya Palace on April 27, 2013 and I can't wait!!! I have a few questions though, how can I take my dress on the plane?!? Will they let me put it in the closet? Thinking about it stresses me out :/ Also, I don't know what to do about party favors...what will I be able to take on the plane? I was thinking about beach bags filled with sunblock, chapstick, mini maracas, koozies..stuff like that. Will that be a pain and cause problems boarding the plane?
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