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About scoyle90

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  1. I don't think we will be exchanging rings either. I don't want it to feel like my wedding. Thanks ladies =]
  2. My fiancé and I are legally getting married at the court house in the town we both grew up in the day before we leave for our DW. I feel like our parents that will be there will be expecting us to exchange rings even though our ceremony in Punta Cana is 4 days later. Did anyone exchange rings during their legal ceremont at home BEFORE the actual wedding?
  3. Thank you! You're a life save! Thanks for the advice, that's an awesome idea!!
  4. Engaged right after 3 years. Will be married 1 month to the day after our 5 year anniversary. Met at 17 & 19
  5. I was so afraid of doing this too. I told them I was not comfortable faxing copies of my license and cc to them. I sent them the numbers for my debit card through a fax with a cover letter and asked for a receipt. My wedding is about 3 weeks away and I've already made my final payment. Keep in mind any and allI "extras" you add on, which are all your flowers and updating colors and things, they require you send a bankers check. I sent mine certified. Hope everything works out!
  6. Has anyone had their hair/make up down at the paradisus punta cana?! My wedding is in about 3 weeks there and I planned on having them do my hair and make up. I have about 20 pictures of the way I want my hair to look. I had someone do a "trail run" for me and took pictures. My make up is whats freaking me out! Has anyone been married here or been to a wedding where they know the bride used the resort spa? HELPPPPP !!!!!!!
  7. My wedding is 4 months away at the PPC!!!! Can anyone give me any advice on traveling with my gown? It is my carry on but i'm not sure if US Airways will let me hang it or if i'm going to take to bring a hard suitcase with me to nicely put my gown in... Any help would be appreciated .... =)
  8. hello ladies!! i recently got the information on securing my date for 2013 and I'm a little worried about the payment... how did you guys do it? I need to fax a photo copy of front and back of both my license and the card i plan on using and it says that the card will automatically be charged again 6 months prior to the date for half of the balance.. i'm concerned about this... is there any other way of payment?! This is all new to me, i've never really planned a huge vacation out of the country so i'm totally lost!! Any advice/help from brides who have done this would be awesome!!!!!!! thank you ladies & happy planning =]]]
  9. scoyle90

    July 2013

    Hi!!! I have already started planning and we have deceided on the Paradisus Punta Cana! We are beyond excited with the decision we have made. I'm trying to figure out how to make this the most affordable for our families and friends. We are on the younger side, my fiancé will be 24 & I will be 22 so our friends are around the same age and beginning paying school loans back so I'm trying to keep everything under 1500$/person including airfare. Unfortunately we are located in Pittsburgh and direct flights from here are out the question.. Any advice on airfare and how to word the invites so that everyone can know where to get the most inexpensive airfare is appreciated!! We are only inviting 30 people and will have marriage announcements sent out when we return with invites to an informal outdoor BBQ for people not invited to the wedding. All of our families and friends not attending the actual wedding know and support our decision.These invites will be perfectly clear that this is NOT a reception and gifts are not expected. I have already found so many helpful ideas and tips on this website and hope to find many more! Thanks for all your help in advance and happy planning ladies!!!!!!
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