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Everything posted by jessaboo79

  1. Hello ladies, So I have an interesting thing I need to tie into my wedding, and I'm feeling stuck. Back when I was 6 or 7 years old I swore up and down that I was not going to get married. My older (and now attorney) brother bet me I would be married by the age 35. We bet $50, he wrote it down and had us sign and date it. My parents kept the paper all these years, and now i'm getting married in less than two weeks, and I owe him the money. It has been an ongoing conversation in our family, so it's probably expected that I will pay him on my wedding day. Any suggestions how to do this creatively?? Do i just hand over a crisp $50 bill after the vows? Does my fiance? I would really appreciate ideas! Thanks! Jess
  2. Thank you MissBubbles! I was on OT yesterday and they were sold out.... i'll check it out again.
  3. I'm actually willing to pay more than $5... I had to put something in, so let me know how much you want to sell them for! Thanks again.
  4. Hi ladies! I am getting married Sept 14, 2012 and am looking for raffia fans to bring with me. I already have some, however it's not enough for my guests. Anyone looking to sell fans? Email me, [email protected]. Thanks so much!
  5. Hey ladies! I'm new to this thread, though i've been browsing through for a while. I'm getting married on Sept 14, 2012 at the Paraiso Maya. I'm am super excited, although reading through everyone else's i feel like I don't have details down! I do have my dj (DJ Bob... he was from Jersey and retired in Cancun) and a photographer through the resort... i agree that the photos are incredibly important, and i couldn't spend the extra fee for bringing someone in. I saw his photos and they look really good, so i'm not that concerned about it. Everyone has been so quick to respond, which surprised me. For those of you who have already had your weddings there, how did they go?? It's kind of scary just handing it over for someone to put together without being there!
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