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Everything posted by mstigger

  1. Oooo, your wedding is sooo close and I just love, love, love your creativity!!! I wish I was crafty like this, but alas I must stick to purchasing my things. I love your OOT bags and your other goodie bags, such great ideas! Thanks so much for sharing, I know it will be beautiful!!
  2. Wow! Ok, so I just read this thread from start to finish!! Amazing, simply amazing - all of it!! You did a wonderful job on everything and I have to say that there should be a job for wedding mentors!! You could totally be a planner if you enjoyed that type of career, but you are so supportive and helpful to everyone you would be an incredible mentor to future brides as well!!! Just thought I had to tell you again how perfect everything was!!!
  3. So happy to hear that everything was perfect!!! I can't wait to see the other pics!! Congratulations!!
  4. We are also using our reservation for a welcome dinner rather than for a rehearsal dinner. We are having a very small wedding and wedding party, so no need for a rehearsal!! Will give out the OOT bags at that dinner.
  5. You are SOOO close!!! You should list each item you are putting in your OOT bags on a separate post That should do it!!!
  6. Congrats Miss Roxy!!! I'm right there with you pokeyholly......don't think I'll ever make 150 posts!!!
  7. This is SOO pretty! That's awesome how you were able to photoshop it together. I can't wait until your big day to see how it turns out. I can only imagine it will be even better than the picture!!
  8. Oh how I miss this place!!! I can't wait to return in April!! I know everything will turn out wonderful for you!! Enjoy every minute and let us all know how it goes!!!
  9. It is crazy after you tell people a year ahead of time, send out the information and they act like they have no idea!! This is a great idea, I might give it a try!
  10. Ok, I know I have been a bit obsessive and crazy here lately but I'm curious how much music I need for a symbolic ceremony? We are not doing a sand ceremony either. So far we only have 12 confirmed guests, so very small and won't need a lot of walking down the aisle music but I don't even know what to use for that. Thoughts, previous experiences, music used.....anything you have to offer I will take it!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
  11. Thanks so much Amanda, I love having first hand information. I only have chair hangers and possibly 2 parasols, so not a lot of decoration for me either. I'm not doing an aisle runner at all, I figured the sand would be good. My MOH suggested making "big a** bows" with 3" wired ribbon and having smaller ribbon tales with starfish on them and then using them on tables after the ceremony. Will probably save me some money and I do love me some bows!
  12. Do you only sign papers if you are doing the actual ceremony and not just a symbolic ceremony? Never thought about music for that.
  13. These are beautiful!!! I'm debating the large arrangements for the sides of the gazebo, I'm glad to see the flowers are good quality! My entire bouquet and the bouts, etc are all made out of shells and starfish and gems and ribbon. No pics to post yet, but if it turns out like I hope it should be something to see!!
  14. I too opted not to have a cake as I've heard nothing but negative reviews of them and the prices are just CRAZY!!! I'd rather spend money riding horses!
  15. BUY them!!! Allie gave us this website and they are SOOO cheap!!! http://www.tableclothsfactory.com The one thing they did say is to make sure you get enough to cover the chairs at the ceremony and the reception as they don't move the chairs. I can't WAIT to order mine, just waiting on confirmation from all my guests!!! Posted by riz157 I'd like to do sashes on the chairs for the ceremony but was wondering if it's cheaper to buy them on my own rather than rent from Lomas. Any thoughts on what's the most economical option?
  16. This is my latest project.......will post a better picture once they are all complete, but WOW what was I thinking!!???!?!?!?!? Good times for me and my MOH. Have I mentioned that I live in SC and my FI lives in WV? We only see each other every 5 to 6 weeks and my MOH also lives in WV. Trying to do craft projects long distance is difficult!! What do you think.....they will be nice and cooling in the Mexican breeze!!
  17. The fingerprint tree is awesome!! I'm going to have our initials done in wood and painted and have people sign that. Our wedding is really, really small.....so something small and simple!!
  18. I am totally going to use the charm in my bouquet idea!!!! He's my little pooch that I've had for 14 years, so not really a big deal to my FI but I love the charm idea!!!! Thanks ladies!!
  19. Can't wait to have 150 posts so I can use these too!!!! Look out, random posts here I come!!!
  20. Allie, I'm glad you clarified that because we did not spend much time on the beach in the evenings and I never thought about them being worse at night. I'm going to add some Off wipes to my OOT bags as well!! I feel so pressured and I still have over 3 months.....whew!! I do have plenty to keep me busy though. My oldest son joined the Army and ships out Jan 28, my youngest and I are visiting 6 colleges before national signing day and he's in a pageant of sorts at school. Talk about an emotional roller coaster and those things are just the beginning of my crazy year!! So, HAPPY NEW YEAR all you past and future EDR brides......let the fun begin!!! (I will need all this tequila to survive)! Gail
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