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Everything posted by mstigger

  1. Congratulations on your marriage and your new little one!! What a fabulous surprise. Thanks for sharing your experience, everything was beautiful!!
  2. I'm already feeling better, I guess sometimes we just need a moment. I'm glad yours worked out for you too!! You are SOOO close, are you excited? Have you got everything ready? Did you do a planning thread yet? I'm addicted to reading those now
  3. My FI refuses to wear flip flops of any kind and is adamant on wearing his Sperry "boat" type shoes. He's wearing linen pants and short sleeve linen shirt, so I'm ok with that. It's the only thing he really had an opinion on, so I said wear whatever your little heart desires!!!
  4. Oh Coco, I meant to say that was a fabulous wedding date!! I am getting married April 21, 2013 - it also happens to be my birthday!!! WOOOHOOOOO
  5. Oooo, we have a new hobby lobby. I think I will go see what I can find!! Thanks so much for sharing! This is a great thread!
  6. These are great!!! I too have not used VistaPrint for anything, guess I may have to give them a look! Thanks so much!!
  7. Thanks for all the support ladies. I guess I am just extra sensitive with so many life changing events happening to me this year. Oh and maybe a bit of an emotional disaster, but hey at least the planning and reading is keeping me busy and focused and not dwelling on what is to come. Have I mentioned my baby turns 18 on the 23rd and will graduate from high school in June. I will really have an empty nest come August. Happy, but sad too. Anyway I appreciate the support and glad to know I'm not alone. The point I made to my friend was exactly what you all said. This is about me and Chuck. If she attends we are happy she was able to be there. If she doesn't attend we understand but will continue with our good time. I do want to ask for another opinion. I'm sure most of you have seen my invitation. Since it has the starfish, do you think it is tacky to cover it with a piece of bubble wrap prior to mailing? I bought some but now I'm not sure. It may or may not work, but I thought that might save some of them. What do you think?
  8. Would anyone have their timeline template in publisher that they could email to me. I'm not sure I can create it from scratch, but pretty sure I can change colors, text, etc. I can't open any of the files on here yet.....but I'm getting there!!! Thank you!!
  9. I've never heard of a hand-fasting ceremony....what is it? We aren't religious either and aren't doing a sand ceremony.
  10. Wow, very impressive!! You've gotten a great start! Wish I could see your pics, but alas I do not have 150 posts yet and I just couldn't pay to join. Soon I hope!!! Can't wait to see your updates!
  11. Congratulations!! Everything looked beautiful and I love the jewelry you made! Thanks for sharing your experience with all of us. I think my head is so full of ideas it may explode!!!
  12. Thoughts on bubbles ladies? Found these really cute pink bubble bottles with hearts on them. 24 bottles for $2.89 and I love me some bubbles. I really am a big kid!! Thanks!!
  13. Hey Allie! Just curious if people used their lanyards and if you thought it was worth purchasing them. I know I have several small little bags I tote around on cruises, etc! Thanks!!
  14. Quick question(s) 1. Did NasvilleWraps personalize the bag for you, or is that something you did? 2. What did you put in the "Oh Sh*t" bags? Did you just print the tag on paper you had then cut?I love this idea!!! (Do you mind emailing the template to me....don't think I'll ever get to 150 posts!! [email protected]) I'm debating lanyards vs the wrist coils, but wondering if either will really be used. Did your guests use them much? Thanks so very much!!
  15. So, I feel a mini-melt down coming. I'm just really fed up with so called friends complaining about the cost of attending my wedding. REALLY?? It's my wedding, and while you are invited it in no way means you have to be there. How about someone who is supposedly one of my "best friends" saying her boyfriend wanted to know how we can "expect" them to pay that kind of money to go to our wedding. Have I mentioned this is my 3rd marriage? I know that's a lot, but first time was my baby daddy who was abusive.....took 10 years of that and had enough. Second time was a minor lapse in judgement....he stole some of my 401k and gave it to his ex-wife. As I told my family, my picker has been broke for years!!! So Chuck and I went to high school together and I feel like I finally got it right......it just took some trials and tribulations to get there. We both wanted to get married on the beach and we wanted it to be small. I still sent out numerous invitations knowing most would not attend. I just don't get this kind of friendship....it is unbelievable. My MOH is actually a girl we graduated with and her and I reconnected last year while I was debating rekindling things with Chuck. She was great then and has been great now. She is actually making my bouquet out of shells - took that project on all by herself!! So, my local friends have done nothing. Offered no help of any kind and the one friend who I really thought would help me out has been MIA. My mother is attending the wedding and we are close, but she's been no help either. No input, no suggestions, nothing. I'm a hot mess right now!! I think this is what I need!!! With my son leaving for basic in 20 days, I'm kind of stumped on the whole wedding thing. I have no motivation and just feel so frustrated and irritated!! Think all that's normal?? Sorry for the long dialogue, just needed to vent!!!
  16. What a fantastic planning thread!!! Everything was awesome and I loved your dress and of course the shoes....being a fellow shoe whore!!! I labored over finding the perfect shoe and found some I loved for a whopping $23, what are the odds of that?!?! Thanks so much for all the wonderful ideas and sharing all of your templates. Is it wrong of me to just want to toss everything in their tote bags and tell them to have at it hahahaha! I'm off to your review thread and to see your pics, can't wait!
  17. Congrats Goldielochs!!! 25 years is AMAZING! I am going with Caribe Photo because Sarani was booked. Sarani's photos are incredible, but I met with Caribe and I'm confident they will do an incredible job as well! I think I have seen some posts by Mexican Wedding Photography (I think that's the right name) and they were great as well. I am very confident that if you go with any of the Lomas vendors you will be in good hands!! I asked my WC for help and she was great. Hope that helps!
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