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Everything posted by mstigger

  1. YAY!!!!!!! Have a wonderful time and hope your wedding is FABULOUS!!!! Can't wait to see the pictures!!
  2. Sooooo excited for you!!!!! I can't wait to see pics with the sunglasses, those are really adorable!! I think it called for rain every day we were there in September and it never rained once, so take the forecast with a grain of salt so to speak The necklaces are gorgeous!! I got something similar for my MOH off Etsy too, you gotta love Etsy!!! Don't stress, you can do it. It will all come together and be absolutely fantastic!!!
  3. Thanks Allie! Well, my son left for Army basic training in Fort Benning yesterday. I've been quite the mess, it was MUCH harder than I even anticipated. We had a party for him Saturday evening......here we are, hard to believe he's 20 and a grown man now.....happy, but sad all at the same time!!!
  4. Here is a pic of the emperial set up that my WC sent me. We also saw one in person when we did our site visit and I really liked it. We will just have our seats up at the head of the table. Hope this helps!!
  5. The imperial table is just 1 big square table for you and your guests. I think it is for smaller weddings. There will only be about 16-20 of us, so it's perfect for us!!
  6. Oh yeah, great idea Shannon! I too am getting the hanging arrangements and using them as part of my decor.
  7. My colors are light pink, hot pink and royal blue. I picked these up at the dollar tree, got the battery operated tea lights from dollar tree (3 in a pack for $1) and the blue gems were $1 per bag. Not a bad price. We are having an imperial table set up because we only have 14 guests, so I got 6 of these totals and we will put starfish and seashells around them. Small, simple and inexpensive!!
  8. I know this debate has been had before.....videographer or no videographer? With my photographer it is $530 for 1 hour.....is it worth the money, that seems crazy expensive to me but I really have no idea. Pros and cons?
  9. I can't help with this at all, as my bouquet is strictly shells and starfish with some tulle and small peonies in it. The only flowers I'm having are the ones on the sides of the gazebo, but $680 is loco bananas!!!! Do they really think people will pay that crazy price??? Geez!! Wish I could help!
  10. Thank you Melanie!! I think I will stick with just using out dessert and spend $85 elsewhere!!
  11. Good point.....thank you!! I could spend that on whatever sound system I decide to book or buy!!!
  12. Ok, I'm having the cake debate....to have or not to have. I've gone with a set menu and we are having the mango cheesecake for dessert. I think I read the cake was not good, true? I asked about red velvet and they said no problem, but is it worth $85 for a cake for 6 people?? I am sure that would feed more than 6, but I'm just not sure it's worth it......especially if it's not good Thoughts from those of you who have been there and done that??
  13. OMG, I totally wanted this shoe but I could not find it anywhere in my size. Bummer. I love, love, love it!!!
  14. It is crazy how fast the time is going. I'm 3 months out and it seems like just yesterday it was 7 months away!!! Glad you found a place for your AHR, we decided against one since we would need 2. I live in Charleston, SC and he lives in Wheeling, WV....too much!!
  15. Oh yeah - I couldn't believe I forgot to even take one picture, but I was preoccupied.....the seamstress said these 2 things to me that had me perplexed in a funny way "We have to do something with the top of that dress, it looks like there's nothing there." I mean I know they aren't big, but OMG it was sooo funny!! Then she asked if I planned to lose weight......Uh, no I think I'm gonna stay this way but thanks for asking. I asked my mom, do I look fat in this dress???? Such a funny little lady!!
  16. The band was entertaining in a way.....not great music, but he was fun and funny and brought the crowd in.....so it was different certainly!! The shows are the same time every night - I think 9:30 and every night is different. They do post on a big board what show they are doing each night. I think we too only saw 1 and I think it was the Mayan one.....not so good, but it didn't matter we were just hanging out enjoying doing nothing!! I will let Allie comment on the beach bar - we were only there a few nights, but no DJ. Hope that helps some!
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