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Everything posted by mstigger

  1. BTW.....don't think I will ever make that 150 posts.....I need to start posting 1 or 2 word posts on random threads.....you know, congratulations on every one of them....think that will work???
  2. We did a site visit in September and there were no mosquitos or sand fleas that I noticed. We spent a good amount of time laying on the beach and didn't have any issues. Keep in mind that was September so I'm not sure what other times of the year will be like. Our wedding is in April so I'm hoping it's never an issue!!!
  3. OMG!!! This would totally be my mom.....she's an early riser and I like to sleep in!!!
  4. Allie, I'm pretty sure you listed it before, but what all was in your welcome bags? I've started acquiring a few things but kind of ran out of ideas. Thanks so much!!!!
  5. YaY Shannon!!!! So exciting!!! I hope you have a wonderful trip and I know the wedding will be everything you want!! Enjoy and I can't wait to hear all about it!!
  6. Awww, thanks! I wanted something unique and as you can see, I cut each pink paper by hand and each brown one by hand.......I must've been nuts!!! Then double sided tape for the pink on brown and hot glue the raffia and starfish......whew! I changed from message in a bottle invites to this because I thought it would be easier and I loved the starfish......not so sure it was easier, but hey it's done and I'm HAPPY!!!
  7. Allie, What a wonderful review and I am so glad to hear it all went really, really well. The ceremony and decorations were beautiful, you did a fantastic job. I can't believe I've only got 4 months, boy it sure snuck up on me but I CAN'T wait!!! Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful experience!!
  8. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year EDR brides!! Hope you have all had a wonderful holiday season. I've been busy, busy trying to get my invites done and ready to mail. Here they are......thoughts??? And here is what I've been doing....man it was a lot of work, but worth it I think!!! Whew.....on to the next thing
  9. Erin 1, I am doing the same as Lindsey. Keeping it very, very simple. We chose the D'Italia Casitas Gazebo because it is very close to the water and directly on the beach. I can't imagine we need much more than the beach I am doing chair hangers with starfish and buying the chair sashes from that website that Allie provided. We are doing the reception at the Health Bar and just the tables with colored runners from the same website and a few shells on the table. I'm not doing programs or menus. I am having a fan with a little card on it that has our names on it. I will post a pic once I am able to get one of them done. So I would say it's all about what you like and what you really, really want. When I first started planning I had wanted all kinds of things....sheers, chair covers, sashes, flowers, lots and lots of flowers.....but after some time and seeing other pictures I actually decided that for me less was more!!! Have fun with it and decide what's really important to you!!
  10. Ok, here's my fabulous wedding shoes.....I love, love, love them!!! The starfish didn't come on the shoes, but I added them.....don't you just love them?!?!
  11. YAY!!! Well, we will have it with us so it's not a big deal but I wanted to make sure. I can't believe time is flying by so fast......so much to do!! Got everything together to start my invites.........have I mentioned I'm totally NOT crafty?? Not sure why I took on DIY invites, but oh well......here we go!! Me and a glue gun...should make for some good entertainment for my kids!! Oh, I got my shoes......I will post a pic soon....OMG they rock!!!
  12. To all you brides who did the symbolic ceremony, did they make you show your marriage license? Here's why I ask...in SC you only need the signature and stamp of a notary public on your marriage license, then you file it and it's a done deal.....ceremony or not. A friend of ours is a notary and is coming with us. We were going to sign our license and have her stamp it that day......shhhhhhhhh don't tell the state of SC Soooooooooo......think they will care that our license isn't signed until that day??? Thanks so much!!
  13. Thank you SOOO much!!! Now I just need to figure out how many I should get.....no idea how many guests we are having at this point. 12 for sure......hmmmmmm I'm not doing any sheers because we are using the casitas gazebo and I don't like the way the sheers look on it, but since we are right on the water I don't think we need much else. Yay, yay, yay!!!! I'm going SHOPPING!!!
  14. Thanks so much Allie! No need to hunt those websites, it looks like you already found them for someone and she passed the info on to me I can't wait to see the shells you have available!!! Did you have to be pushy to get that $150 flat fee or were they reasonable about it? I'm not bringing much so I can't see paying $5 per person unless we don't have many people. Guess I will play that one by ear!! Thanks again! Gail
  15. Hey Allie! Congrats on everything, it looks like and sounds like everything went REALLY well. I'm so glad to hear that!! I have a couple of questions for you..... 1. Where did you get the chair sashes for cheap? I figure if I have to pay $5 per person for them to decorate I can bring what I want! 2. Is this what you paid $5 per person for them to set up for you? 3. Did you sell your starfish/shells/etc yet? I'm interested in seeing what shells you are selling. I'm so happy for you!!!!
  16. Hey Shannon! I am getting married in April and was lucky enough to get to visit the resort in September. Gazebo 55 is much more secluded and at the far end of the resort, but I honestly don't think you can pick a gazebo that is not incredibly beautiful!!! We are having less than 20 guests, so after visiting all of the wedding sites we decided to go with the Casitas Gazebo which is just like the Beach Chapel Terrace Gazebo, but is right on the water. Even having a small wedding we are going with the private reception because we want to have the donkey! Just know that you may change your mind 100 times and that's ok, have fun with it!!!
  17. Oh Allie, I'm so glad you love the resort!! We did too and I cannot wait to go back and get married. Luckily for us we are getting married on a Sunday. Still planning on it being small, I think we will have 14 or 16 guests mostly just family. Enjoy your day and have a fabulous time!! Eat some guacamole for me
  18. I'm so glad someone else mentioned glow sticks!!! I just stocked up on pink and blue ones and while I was at it I got myself a pink glow stick wand, after all I am the queen that day!! Hahahaha, at least that's my story!!
  19. Paid in full!!!! YAY!!! Let's all have a drink and celebrate that phrase!!! You are so close.....I bet you are beyond excited!! I can't wait to hear all about it and see the pictures!!
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