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Everything posted by LaurenCieply

  1. Hello all, I am a little less than a month away. My coordinator is Brenda. She has been great. I have been emailing and calling her and she is always informative and prompt. I ending up only having 25 people coming so I was unable to qualify for the free reception. So I am using the complimentary package and bringing my own decorations. I am having the reception at the Brazilan restaurant. This restaurant has a balcony that can be used and is semi private. It is the only restaurant that you can use with your free reservation that is kinda private. Just a thought:) I am also having a large reception back home and totally agree that I don't want to go crazy down there ether. I think the beach and the whole feel is enough
  2. I had a self united wedding . That means that you file for that then they send you then paperwork and get two people to sign it send it back and you are married. I do not know if they do that in every state. It is called a self uniting marriage license. That way we did not have a ceremony but are still legally married. This is perfect because we are having a destination wedding. Our wedding date to us will be the date of the symbolic wedding in Mexico.
  3. Hello everyone , Just wanted to update you on my plans so far. We were contacted 90 days before, her name is Brenda and she is great !we have booked our venue for the wedding ceremony and for the reception . We were unable to get the 75 nights so we have to settle for a reception. We chose the Brazilian restaurant because it is most private. I am going to use A few decorations that I will bring from home. I am also going to have an at home reception. My colors are champagne . The men will wear linen shirts and khaki from macys. I have less than 2 months and I am excited.
  4. I have a few questions .. 1). Is the 1500 credit per room or per person? Some people who are staying together are not a couple and would not be spending the credits as a couple. 2). IF I have to use a restaurant, are there any that have private patios that you dont have to pay extra for or private rooms? Basically which one would be best to have a reception at ? I want nice and as private as can be. 3) I will probably be able to get the 10 - 19 rooms for 3 nights or 30 room nights = 2 room nights + 1 hour cocktail reception. We paid seperately so wondering if we each get 2 room nights off of our stay? 4). What are the going rates for outside photographers? ladies which is my best bet? I would be so grateful if they would just allow me to buy a day passs. 5). If I am getting married at 2:00. What time should I do the cocktail hour? Then dinner? i hate that it is so damn early!!
  5. So my time is winding down and I am getting excited!! I get married July 20 th so I should be contacted soon by a wedding coordinator. I was planning on having a private reception but I dont think I will have enough nights/rooms. i thought they counted the rooms and nights by person (BOY WAS I WRONG!) That makes a hige difference. Anyways.... I have a few questions .. 1). Is the 1500 credit per room or per person? 2). IF I have to use a restaurant, are there any that have private patios that you dont have to pay extra for or private rooms? Basically which one would be best to have a reception at ? I want nice and as private as can be. 3) I will probably be able to get the 10 - 19 rooms for 3 nights or 30 room nights = 2 room nights + 1 hour cocktail reception. We paid seperately so wondering if we each get 2 room nights off of our stay? 4). What are the going rates for outside photographers? ladies which is my best bet? I would be so grateful if they would just allow me to buy a day passs. 5). If I am getting married at 2:00. What time should I do the cocktail hour? Then dinner?
  6. All 2013 brides there is a new forum ! Moon palace newbie 2013 ! Check it out and show it some love ! Lol
  7. Originally I thought I was going to make the unlimited events but I am not sure now . So can anyone recommend a restaurant for the reception that is really good and can be a little more private if needed . Thanks
  8. Hello, I am not sure if many of you may know but when you go to count the nights you do not count each individual person . That's what I thought. You count the room nights or couple. so if you have a couple staying for 5 nights you can comped 5 nights not 10 nights .. Also even though people come to your wedding and that's the only reason moon palace is getting their business they have to book through the resort under your group rates. I have a few people who used there own travel agent and I do not get comped for those s nights !
  9. As I have read through the Moon Palace Bride 2012 forum it seems that many people have used many outside vendors. What they have done to get around it is booking them a room for one night. The vendor then becomes one of your guests. Also the Flower guy is able to deliver the flowers at the lobby and he has seem to get away with it . I have no clue or I may be wrong but my suggestion would be is to not tell them anything. Get your photographer a room for the night and say they are a guest!! Flowers get them delivered the day of and have a bridesmaid meet him at the entrance/lobby. For the wedding decorations and the speaker system I would just go with MP chosen vendors. I agree their vendors are way overpriced !!! P.S I know that you are also have to use a few day passes. This may also be an option!! Not sure
  10. How does the resort tax work? Do you pay cash for the tax at time of use for the credits? Or do they add the tax up on your bill at the end of the trip for the total of credit you use?
  11. Thank you all for your responses. I am now working on a information brochure to send out to everyone. The only thing that I am unsure of is the actual directions on how to have my quests reserve rooms right through the site using my wedding number. I am waiting to hear from my TA.
  12. Hello , So far I have sent out save the dates. Which I sent out 14 months ahead of the day. I wanted to give people a lot of time to save. However a lot of the information other than the date has been changed (locations, date prices will be available) . I guess thats what I get for sending them out so early. I bought my dress from davids bridal this month, so one year in advance. I am in the works of booking my photographer and videographer. I am looking into what it will cost to use there ipod and speaker set. However, I may just buy a bose ipod dock and use an iphone or Ipod to save money. I am also having an at home recepetion so I think I am going to buy my own linens, centerpieces, and decorations!! My next step is to get formal invitations when I get the airfare prices.. I am patiently waiting
  13. This is such a great form/thread.. So informative and a special thanks to all who took the time to post pictures for us couples who cannot make a site vist!!
  14. Great VideoTarz..Thank you for sharing.... Did you choose a new Colin wedding package?
  15. Please let me know if you are able to confirm your locations .. I read that many people we noT able to until they got there. Thank u
  16. So happy to hear that your wedding well and the weather was great!! I can't wait to read all of your reviews!!! Congrats you two!!!!!!!!!
  17. I really like both, and I think that which ever one you choose will look great but I love the centerpiece in the first one. It is so stunning!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by mwells So I am having the hardest time trying to decide on what overlays, color chairs, etc to order from Zuniga...Anyone want to share their decor ideas and colors? My colors are passion pink (thats the name from the bridesmaid dresses, its like a pink mixed with coral color) and really light tan. I don't know if I should go with the brown or silver tiffany chairs with white linens or gold tiffany chairs with champagne linens for a warmer feel:
  18. I bought my dress!! I am so happy and I feel that I got it at a good price 450.00!! NOw that I have bought the dress this is starting to feel real!! lol
  19. Thank you for the heads up on Airfare prices!!
  20. Thank you Speckles, shan 0487, and Dsanz for the great advice and support. !!! I am happy to announce that I bought my dress (450.00)from Davids Bridal and the veil (150.00) for a total of 650.00 w/taxes. Not to bad in my book..lol
  21. Hello all, So I am sure many of you may have been or are in this situation. When I brought up having a destination wedding mostly everyone was in, however, now that it is a reality some of my very best friends may be unable to go. (one just found out she is pregnant, the other is not sure about affording it..etc). So I am having an informal reception back home. Can I still honor my girls who are unable to go? Or is this kinds weird since they technically will not be at my wedding. My thoughts were have everyone buy a certain color formal dress (not exact but matching) and then before the party/reception back here get some pictures taken professionally so I have some of my closest friends with my dress. We will not have a bridal table or anything, but maybe I can call them my VIP crew or something funny. Let me know your ideas:) Thanks for all your helps girls:) Lauren
  22. Is this the basic set up? I am wondering because I am using the complimentary package and do not want to go overboard. I see there is linens and a teal sash around cocktail table? Are the white chairs included? Thanks
  23. I am hoping that we will have unlimited functions, however, if I use the complimetary package, what is the decor like? Will MP send me pictures of the basic set up? So I know where to go from there or what is needed? I would want to know: Do they include linens? Do they included any type of complimentary centerpieces, vases..etc.. Are tables/chairs free? With the unlimited nights are there still set up/clean up fees? Also I really like the pearl shimmer decor. Has anyone recieved any pricing on using the pearl shimmer or the new Colin decor for the reception tables? Thank you for all the information, Lauren
  24. Congrats..Can't wait to hear all the details!!!. I hope everything goes to plan!
  25. Hello and Welcome, Most of your questions can be answered if you go to the Moon Palace Brides 2012 forum. It has so much information and you may be a little overwhelmed.. But is great. I choose the Moon because I wanted a larger resort that had a lot of restaurants and activites. I also liked that it was kid friendly just in case anyone wanted to bring their children. I think that the rooms are beautiful and I really liked their wedding collection packages. I also found out that if you book 75 rooms you can get a 7 night stay for free and unlimited private functions (max 3 hours per day) . I think that even though it is a little more expensive say (avg:250 per night ) compared to some that are more (200 per night) it is so worth it for the bride. I plan to get married then use the free private functions for 1 hour cocktail and 2 hour private reception. The only thing that I want to warn you about having a destination wedding. All of the details are very last minute with the wedding coordinators at the resort. You can confirm your date, however, the wedding coordintators have so many weddings that they do not contact you until 2 months before your wedding to start learning what you want. You can plan and find ot what you want but cannot lock it in until a few months before. Also pricing is not really available until 10 months before. That is beacuse the airlines do not release prices. Apple vacations is the only one who was able to give me an all inclusive price. So if you are anal and need to have everythign locked in , please think about it.
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