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Everything posted by agm04

  1. Love this thread! I think we will just go with something simple but I love looking at the pictures!
  2. I understand the dilemma, but you just have to do what is right for you. I mainly feel guilty when my mom talks about how she wants all these people to be there (mostly people I don't know very well if at all, mind you). They are helping financially so I feel a little bad that they can't have everyone they want there. BUT. It is our wedding, not theirs - they already got to have theirs - and I'm contributing about half of the cost too. Money aside, because I really think that's secondary, it's YOUR day. I understand the guilt but I think you have to try your best to let it roll off!
  3. If anyone is still looking for ideas, the knot has a sale today. I saw a few cute clutches and such that are reasonably priced. http://weddingshop.theknot.com/tote-bags.aspx?s=new&_view=80
  4. Totally agree - business is business! We're still spending a lot of money and deserve a response. Cannot wait to see your pictures!
  5. Our deadline is March 1st. So there is still time - I'm pretty impatient in case you can't tell. Haha. But thank you for the encouragement. I am actually really glad I based all my budget #s on 100 guests even when my mom was telling me that # wouldn't happen. Now the #s can only go down, which is a pretty nice relief at this point in the game. I specifically said I was looking for someone to do both and only needed simple styling so yeah that makes sense. I automatically get nervous and don't want to use vendors who aren't responsive from the get go. Just doesn't make you feel very reassured! You will post lots and lots of pictures after your wedding right???
  6. FI is SO PICKY about his clothing...we have some serious role reversal going on at our house. he'll come home with stuff and i'm like "you paid HOW MUCH for that?!" lol. so he can't really ask his best man (no other groomsmen) to buy whatever he buys since it is undoubtedly going to be in the multiple thousands of dollars range. so i think we will just ask him to wear a different color. if FI buys a dark blue suit, we'll ask the best man to wear gray or something like that, which he probably already has, and won't clash. or if FI ends up with slacks and a blazer, we may just have the best man do slacks and a nice shirt, no jacket. that's sort of what i'm pulling for but we'll see. i was no help on where to shop, i just realized. haha. sorry.
  7. Fun! Yeah the shells really are SO pretty. They are real! I just got some scallop shells in the mail (also an ebay find) yesterday that I'll be turning into our ring bearer "pillows" tonight. I'll post a pic when I'm done! I've also been working on escort cards, luggage tags, pretravel brochures, and need to finish barefoot jewelry for my sis and niece. Home stretch, kind of!
  8. Here was my timeline for our June 22nd 2013 wedding: save the dates: late july 2012 formal invitations: early january 2013 rsvp date: march 1st 2013 our room block is only held until march 22nd, and i wanted to give people time to book. it's early, but people have to make plans.
  9. I think people do it all kinds of different ways, but we're doing one per couple or per family. Some items (chapstick, koozies, rum cakes, key card holders) will be one per person, while others (schedule of events) are just one per bag. I'll probably put some extra snacks and medicines in the family bags. We're giving beach bags, and I figure most couples won't take more than 1 of those to the beach anyway.
  10. Very interesting. I have definitely been surprised on both sides - people booking and people declining. We still have a couple of weeks left, but so far I only have one friend who is disappointing me and not making the effort. And you know, that's part of having a destination wedding so I just have to suck it up and live with it! We invited 147, and so far have responses from 58 (41 coming, 17 not - some of those are the +1s of my single friends who are coming alone). There are 20 more we know are coming (either have already booked flight or hotel but not RSVPd or told me and I actually believe them). So still over half are unknown, which makes me crazy, but whatever. It makes me feel a little better to hear that most of yours came in the last week. At this point I'm guessing we'll have between 70 and 80. I originally thought around 100. You're using Stephanie Ford for makeup, right? I called her yesterday and asked if she did hair too - she said she can and sometimes does for smaller weddings, so maybe it's worth asking? It sounded to me like she doesn't do it for bigger weddings just bc all her time is spent on makeup, but if it's only a couple of people then maybe she could do it.
  11. So how did you end up with RSVPs? Also, I'm sorry if you said this somewhere already, but have you booked someone for hair?
  12. There's still some chatter going on in this thread! http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/t/70035/updated-grand-cayman-weddings-thread/270
  13. I definitely think people can find their seats without a seating chart if you only have 3 tables. First names, if you don't have any duplicates, seem ok - less formal but if that's what you're going for then sounds good to me!
  14. I don't think you have to tip on top of that. I'm no expert but I highly doubt they are expecting cash on top of that.
  15. i highly recommend this if you like it - sooo simple, probably the easiest DIY i've done. some ribbon some hot glue, maybe 10 mins, done!
  16. oh how annoying! i totally know what you mean - some days i don't even know my own name. haha. mine is between 6 and 7 inches and the opening is 4"x3.75", so plenty big for a little girl to get her hands in to grab some petals. i can easily get my fingers in there - i was actually pleasantly surprised by the size, i think it's perfect. if you had a really long aisle it might not hold enough petals but i think it's great! good luck. also, i think she sells on etsy with the same seller name. here's the one i bought http://www.ebay.com/itm/WHITE-PEARLIZED-CHAMBERED-NAUTILUS-SEA-SHELL-DECOR-6-7-7087-/160938357291?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2578ac722b#ht_2529wt_932 and she also has a 5-6 in one here http://www.ebay.com/itm/WHITE-PEARLIZED-CHAMBERED-NAUTILUS-SEA-SHELL-DECOR-5-6-7086-/160954762314?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2579a6c44a#ht_2529wt_932 and here on etsy! http://www.etsy.com/listing/118211828/white-pearl-pearlized-chambered-nautilus?
  17. Ahhh me too! And I guess if I were having a local wedding I probably would...especially at these prices. The CHEAPEST cake I can get is like $9 USD pp. Not even fancy. Yeah I'd bake my own for that if I could.
  18. Thanks! Can't wait to see yours. I'm a little worried about getting it there unscathed but I'll just bubble wrap it really well and cross my fingers.
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