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Everything posted by safety75

  1. Thanks! After herring everyone's responses I don't think its too early at all!
  2. Thanks Jordan! I had no idea they should be purchased that early. I'm almost to the point the taking the plunge! Lol
  3. These look great. I have been in contact with her about passport invitations for my wedding! Her prices seem very reasonable.
  4. My fiance would like to be included on decisions and kept informed. His only real request was that we get married at an adults-only resort and he not have to wear a suit, lol, so since we have both those covered he's pretty happy I think. He likes to be a part of it and help out, but he's letting me make the decisions and trusts my judgement.
  5. Thoughts and prayers coming your way. Wishing you a safe trip and a beautiful wedding!
  6. If you love it then it is the right dress!! That's awesome you haven't seen any others that capture your interest. I think that means it really is "The" dress for you!
  7. Thank you, good to know! I worry too I'll be buy it early and then find others I really like between now and then. But the one I found is exactly what I want and a great price so I feel like I should just take the plunge.
  8. Thanks!!! I hadn't thought of that but the dress I am looking at has a corset back as well so that would be nice to not have to take it in even if I did lose weight.
  9. I have found a dress I really want, but my wedding isn't for a little less than 11 months. Is it too early? Like all brides, I hope to lose a few pounds before the wedding. Just curious at what point everyone bought their dresses.
  10. I'm going to have to keep an eye open for these, this is a great idea for OOT bags!
  11. Thank you! I can't imagine planning a wedding before Pinterest was around, ha ha.
  12. I really don't have many dress shops in my area and was considering ordering online. Wondering what retailers and second hand sites other brides have found to be reliable and good quality.
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