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Everything posted by ChelseyB

  1. so if you did it again, would you have your reception on the beach then? instead of the patio
  2. ZahPeck, thanks so much for sharing your pictures. it looks amazing. where did you have your reception?
  3. Jacki emailed with tons of great information today. so many great options. has anyone signed up for the bonfire evening on the beach? jacki says she recommends it, but i was reading other reviews saying that having the wedding and reception on the beach is the way to go, so that means i would be doing all beach things. there is also a cocktail hour you can book at teh barrcuda bar which sounds fun. anyone do any of these options? chelsey
  4. once I have a wedding date reserved, does Jackie start the process of the planning, or am i suppose to just jump in and start asking her questions and such?
  5. fabulous. i'm reserved for May 4th, so we will be planning all of our details at the same time! we should share what we learn.
  6. HI Ladies, I"m joining your forum! My Fiancee and I have decided to put a deposit down for a wedding at the beginning of MArch at Dreams Aventuras. I'm excited to learn from all you guys! Chelsey
  7. HI Ladies, i decided over the weekend to put a deposit down on a wedding date at the beginning of March. I'm excited to learn from you guys what you are doing with your wedding planning. the question i have today is , if you have more than the 20 guests that ultimate wedding package includes, then you pay individually for each guest after that correct? what about if you get the basic package. how do you determine what the cost is for the reception for that? i'm guessing we will have 60 guests (we are inviting a ton of people:))
  8. hello brides to be. i was looking at the different wedding packages they have, silver, Gold, pure passion...etc. which package did yo uguys choose to go with? it seems like the gold one includes most everything you would need? do you guys agree with that? or there other things i'm not thinking of that aren't included
  9. thanks so much for the info. i am writing down things everyday that i had not even though of before getting engaged. The info you guys have passed on already just this morning is great, so thank you. I am a complete Foodie, so I am very drawn to the aspect that the resort is Gourmet. That is one of my biggest complaints with other all-inclusive resorts. Thanks for the information about the extra fees. That's something i would have not known either. Good luck on your up-coming wedding. so exciting!
  10. HI ladies, This is my first post, so I hope i'm doing it correctly and it will show up where i think its suppose to show up. I just got engaged (3 weeks ago) so i'm starting to jump into the wedding planning. Sensatori keeps popping back up as i'm reviewing and searching for destination wedding spots. Can you guys tell me what made you want to choose Sensatori? are you happy with the decision ? are there other resorts in the area that you wish you had looked into a bit more? If i go ahead and decide on Sensatori, how far out do I have to book the wedding? is a late February/ early March wedding do-able from right now do you think? Any advice you can offer will be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much. Chelsey
  11. hello brides, i am recently engaged and have started searching on where to get married. Sensatori keeps coming back to me as the best location even though i'm trying to branch out and look at other places to compare. I'm sure you guys all did that too. What made you choose Sensatori as your final decision? is everyone happy with this decision so far or were there other places in the area that you wish you would have looked at a bit more. I would appreciate any advice you can offer to someone who just got engaged 2 weeks ago but is ready to start making some wedding planning decisions. oh one more question, how far in advance did you book your wedding with sensatori? is a february/march wedding do-able if i start planning now? thanks so much you guys. Chelsey
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